X vs Y

Hows meep

me n froby should have fought u guys more damn remember when you came to ruin

I'm saying ha, no one talks to meep anymore he came outa the closet an just steady lives the gay life I guess haa. Man, ruin was some good times you and pk teaching me how to whoop up o.

Rogues 1v1
I'm saying ha, no one talks to meep anymore he came outa the closet an just steady lives the gay life I guess haa. Man, ruin was some good times you and pk teaching me how to whoop up o.

Rogues 1v1
id give anything to have those days back this games trash now
id give anything to have those days back this games trash now

Yeah 19s is no where near the same. Enjoyable for premades, but man the old days will forever be #1.

OG twinks in hurr
Hotbot #1 respectable tinker

Why am I the only one which everyone loves? I don't think I've had anyone ever bad mouth me

(insert hotbot abuse)

Is it because of my charisma? Is it because of my accent? (no homo) is it becaUse of my hot girlfriend? Is it because my body is proportion to that of micheal Angelo's David?

Whatever it is it doesn't matter

I love you all

(no homo once again)

NUmber one boomkin I'm out
Hotbot #1 respectable tinker

Why am I the only one which everyone loves? I don't think I've had anyone ever bad mouth me

(insert hotbot abuse)

Is it because of my charisma? Is it because of my accent? (no homo) is it becaUse of my hot girlfriend? Is it because my body is proportion to that of micheal Angelo's David?

Whatever it is it doesn't matter

I love you all

(no homo once again)

NUmber one boomkin I'm out
Hotbot #1

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