EU+US WW Stat stacking?


I have looked at the other WW's in the armory list and they all gem differently just wondering if anyone knows
When high stats are achievable and your already OP as it is, it's preference to be honost. If you like to see a lot of crits, stack crit. If you like to see big crits, stack Vers/mastery. And if you like quick attacks and low cooldown on abilities for some classes, stack haste. I'm sure there is a "mathematically correct" way to do it, but likely it won't change much in the end if you just gem to fit your play style.
Alrighty I'll give this a go (I do not personally have a 101 WW so using that Interwebz place for info). First thing I did is look up Stat weights as of 7.2.5:
  • Noxxic: Agi > Mast> Crit > Versa > Haste
  • Icy-Veins: Agi > Mast > Crit > Versa > Haste (ST) / Agi > Mast > Haste > Crit > Versa (AOE)
  • Wowhead: Same as Icy-Veins.
Ok, so how much is enough Agi, or Mast, etc. This is where I Sim'd some actual 101 WW Twinks to see how close they are to an ideal Stat layout (in their Equipped Gear) because as you Gear up, Stat priority will change dramatically. The value in () indicates how much ST DPS, on a "Raid Boss", you will increase by for 1 Rating.
  • Xiahouji [819 iLvL]: Agi (20.90) > Vers (19.84) > Mast (18.62) > Crit (18.47) > Hast (18.16) *367,734*
  • Aera [822 iLvL]: Hast (21.62) > Agi (20.85) > Vers (19.51) > Crit (18.51) > Mast (17.30) *359,580*
  • Jinzao [805 iLvL]: Agi (16.16) > Crit (14.35) > Vers (13.96) > Mast (13.07) > Hast (12.49) *269,720*
  • Crasmónk [824 iLvL]: Agi (20.02) > Vers (19.26) > Crit (19.24) > Mast (17.31) > Hast (12.85) *369,921*
Xiahouji has the closest spread in Stat Weights and therefore has the best setup (of the 4 listed) and is close to "BiS" Stat Weights for 819 iLvL. With the 3 that are closest in iLvL, Xiahouji could actually beat Crasmonk in DPS if they tweaked their Stats just a tad, at least on paper. However, this also points out that even being only a 5 iLvL disparity, the Stat Weights are wildly different. If I were Xiahouji, I'd start swapping out those Mastery Gems/Enchants for Versa 1 at a time and checking Raidbots each time until those 2 values were equal.

Take my response with a grain of salt, and as the "mathematically correct" way to do it, hehe @Veechard.
Im equipping my WW Monk now and i have a Question, i've got the legendary Wod RIng but only in 750 + Classtrinket (721) should i replace them with 840 rings/Trinkets or should i only buy one ring? Which one in that case?
Im equipping my WW Monk now and i have a Question, i've got the legendary Wod RIng but only in 750 + Classtrinket (721) should i replace them with 840 rings/Trinkets or should i only buy one ring? Which one in that case?
XD test it like we all do man :)
I guess Monk does insane Damage with some decent Gear, managed to do 860k dps with only ilvl 779 xD
Im equipping my WW Monk now and i have a Question, i've got the legendary Wod RIng but only in 750 + Classtrinket (721) should i replace them with 840 rings/Trinkets or should i only buy one ring? Which one in that case?

Legendary ring no freaking doubt. Now if you have the patience and attentiveness to swap out between use, go for 2 840+ rings. Otherwise, legendary ring all the way. That cd it has is godtier

Have it on my 101 hunter and it's a no brainer
There's a MW with 803%, unless it's an Armory bug.
Seems to be a bit high but i switched to mw to Check it out and had 351% mastery with literally no equip (ilvl 779 - no mastery Ring)
Na, they have a massive amount of passive mastery and an awesome ratings conversion. You can look it up yourself by hovering over your mastery as a mistweaver.
I have looked at the other WW's in the armory list and they all gem differently just wondering if anyone knows

I am stacking pure 150 mastery gems is my armory. Mastery is king for WW twinks. It's great for pve and pvp. I don't really need vers because my damage is so high as is and I barely take damage and my heals go for 120k anyways. I currently crit for over 1mil with Strike of the Windlord. Alternating Tiger Palm/Blackout Kick/Rising Sun kick results in high crits as well with straight mastery stacking. I am at 101.33% Mastery/52.62% crit/5% vers.


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I am stacking pure 150 mastery gems is my armory. Mastery is king for WW twinks. It's great for pve and pvp. I don't really need vers because my damage is so high as is and I barely take damage and my heals go for 120k anyways. I currently crit for over 1mil with Strike of the Windlord. Alternating Tiger Palm/Blackout Kick/Rising Sun kick results in high crits as well with straight mastery stacking. I am at 101.33% Mastery/52.62% crit/5% vers.

Nice twink. This is what I pictured a WWs stats to look. I'm with you on the Vers thing. Things blow up too fast for it to matter. That and my leech is 45-50% depending on what I equip.

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