WW Monk Guide WOD
Table of Contents
1. Talents/Glyphs/Spells
2. Gear
3. Race
4. Enchants
5. Tips and Tricks
6. Dueling
7. Touch of Karma / Fist of Fury Guide
8. Extra
Table of Contents
1. Talents/Glyphs/Spells
2. Gear
3. Race
4. Enchants
5. Tips and Tricks
6. Dueling
7. Touch of Karma / Fist of Fury Guide
8. Extra
To do list
Breakdown Glyphs
Breakdown Enchants
Dueling Section
Touch of Karma / Fist of Fury Guide
Extra Info + Videos
Breakdown Enchants
Dueling Section
Touch of Karma / Fist of Fury Guide
Extra Info + Videos

Celerity : Reduces the cooldown of Roll and Chi Torpedo by 5 sec and increases their maximum number of charges by 1.
Tiger's Lust : Increases movement speed by 70% for 6 sec and removes all roots and snares. 30 second cooldown.
Momentum : Roll and Chi Torpedo also increase movement speed by 25% for 10 sec, stacking up to 2 times.
Tiger's Lust is our preferred talent in this tier, due to the fact frees the player from roots and slows. It can also be casted on other players aka to help FCs escape.
Flying Serpent : Flying Serpent Kick now also slows all enemies you move through by 70% for 4 sec.
I find this glyph usefull when going against meele and you to kite. Check dueling section for more info.
Fortifying Brew : Your Fortifying Brew reduces damage taken by an additional 5%, but increases your health by 10% rather than 20%.
I've thought of using this against high burst meele classes (Rogue/Feral/BM/Ret) but have not tried it enough to give feedback.
Touch of Karma : Your Touch of Karma now has a 20 yard range.
Really great against range! Checking dueling section for more info.
OffensiveJab : Main generator for Chi, giving us 2 Chi per use, and has an 8% chance of our next Tiger Palm or Blackout Kick cost no Chi.
Tiger Palm : When used allows us to ignore 30% of our targers armor for the next 20 seconds. Cost 1 Chi.
Blackout Kick : Main source of damage outside Fist of Fury (FoF). When Blackout Kick is used behind the target it does 30% more damage as a dot for the next 4 seconds. If used in front of the target is heals us for 30% of the damage dealt.
Provoke : Taunts the target. Use on Rogues/Ferals to keep them in combat so they can't get a restealth.
Fist of Fury : Our hardest hiting spell and our stun. FoF is an AoE stun that also does damage (splits between targets). 30 Second Cooldown. Also check dueling section for more info.
Touch of Karma : Redircts incoming damage to the current target, the damage can not exceed 50% of your maxium health.
Disable : Slows and roots the target. Check tips and tricks section for more info.
Fortifying Brew : 20% more health and 20% damage reduction. 3 minutes cooldown.
Detox : Removes ALL Poison and Diseases.
Expel Harm : Heals yourself for a certain % of your HP, also generating 2 Chi and deal 33% of the amount healed as nature damage to an enemy within 10 yards.
Surging Mist : Our spamable heal that cost 30 energy.
Roll : Roll a short distance. With a 20 second recharge timer.
Flying Serpent Kick : Soar forward through the air at high speed for 2 sec. 25 second cooldown.
Basic BuildHelm : Stained Shadowcraft Cap
Neck : Scorched Scarlet Key
Shoulders : Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders
Back : Inherited Cape of the Black Baron
Chest : Stained Shadowcraft Tunic
Wrist : Lightblade Bracer
Gloves : Hound Trainer's Gloves
Belt : Highlander's Leather Girdle
Legs : Stained Shadowcraft Pants
Boots : Highlander's Lizardhide Boots
Ring 1 : Dread Pirate Ring
Ring 2 : Ring of Vigorous Interruption
Trinket 1 : Inherited Mark of Tyranny
Trinket 2 : Rune of Perfection
Optimal Trinket : Inherited Insignia of the Alliance
Main Hand : Venerable Mass of McGowan
Off Hand : Venerable Mass of McGowan
Scale Up
Various Scale Up Items
Deviate Scale Belt 7/9/4
Cobrahn's Boots 6/9/6
Best in Slot
Scaled for BGs/Arenas
Helm : Stained Shadowcraft Cap 9/13/6/6
Neck : Scorched Scarlet Key 5/8/4/4
Shoulders : Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders 9/6/5
Back : Inherited Cape of the Black Baron 5/8/4/4
Chest : Stained Shadowcraft Tunic 9/13/9
Wrist : Lightblade Bracer 5/8/4/3
Gloves : Hound Trainer's Gloves 7/10/4/5
Belt : Vigorous Belt of the Bandit 6/6/6
Legs : Stained Shadowcraft Pants 5/7/4
Boots : Cobrahn's Boots 6/9/6
Ring 1 : Dread Pirate Ring 5/7/4
Ring 2 : Ring of Vigorous Interruption 7/4/4
Trinket 1 : Inherited Mark of Tyranny 9
Trinket 2 : Rune of Perfection 5/13
Main Hand : Venerable Dalrends Sacred Charge 4/6/4
Off Hand : Venerable Dalrends Sacred Charge 4/6/4
Recommendation :
Alliance : Human,Dwarf,Night Elf
Horde : Orc,Blood Elf,Undead
Human : Every Man for Himself + The Human Spirit
Dwarf : Might of the Mountain + Stoneform
Gnome : Expansive Mind + Escape Artist + Nimble Fingers
Night Elf : Quickness + Shadowmeld + Touch of Elune
Draenei : Gift of the Naaru + Heroic Presence
Panda : Quaking Palm + Epicurean
Orc : Hardiness + Blood Fury
Tauren : Brawn + War Stomp
Blood Elf : Arcane Acuity + Arcane Torrent
Undead : Touch of the Grave + Will of the Forsaken
Troll : Berserking + Da Voodoo Shuffle
Panda : Quaking Palm + Epicurean
Neck : Gift of Critical StrikeShoulder : Greater Inscription of Vengeance
Back : Gift of Critical Strike
Chest : Greater Stamina
Bracers : Greater Assualt
Gloves : Crusher
Pants : Icescale Leg Armor
Boots : Blurred Speed
Ring(s) : Gift of Critical Strike
Weapon(s) : Elemental Force
Going to try Mark of the Thunderlord since it gives 33 Critical Strike, within the next few days or so.
Tips and Tricks
Flying Serpent Kick + DisableWhen you flying serpent kick a player it instantly puts a slow on that player, follow that up with a disable and it turns into a 4 second roots.
Pre Karma
When going against someone who has high burst potential it's key to try and land a pre karma. Example : Going against a priest who has the glyph for 3 orbs off mind blast, when you them begin to cast mind blast wait till about 75% of the cast to finish then karma, usually SPriest will tend to DP right away after. If you do this succesfully not only are u asboring most of the one shot you're also putting huge damage on your Karma target, if you can follow this with a FoF it usually leads to a kill.
When peeling for your healer or FC don't forget to use serpent kicks for slows and also disable for roots/slows.
Gaining Chi
During Arenas at the start you can Expel Harm to gain 2 Chi and either go in right away, or how I like to do it is wait another 15 seconds to go in so I can start the fight we 3 Chi. This allows me to open up with Tiger's Palm for 30% armor ignorance into Jab for 2 more Chi, followed with FoF etc.. etc..
Coming Soon
Touch of Karma / Fist of Fury Advanced
Coming Soon
Extra Info + Videos
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