Wtb premadez

Mongro said:
At this point, you're arguing that other classes are equally dangerous while you are consciously saying that the same classes you mention aren't currently an issue. If you don't see a problem with that, then there's no point in continuing this further. Many of my opinions that you are trying to attack just for the sake of arguing with someone are positions held by the majority here. You're going to have to do better than "que up and take notes" if you want me to take your posts seriously. I've been trying to be patient with you, but if you're going to keep up with these antics, then I'm going to move on without you.

Okay, try to remember what I originally posted here. Something along the lines of 'alliance is rolling 3-4 hunters deep all night, and needs to stop?' And like I said, if alliance were rolling 3-4 of the same class game after game, instead of hunters, I would be saying the same thing. No need to take that to extremes and imply that it means we need to discourage all hunters and have a hunter free bracket. Queue up Thursday and see if you agree.
I really don't get why you don't think hunters aren't OP and I doubt I ever will... I think we've beaten that to death enough. If you're interested in actively reducing their numbers, then great. I hope you can help.
Mongro said:
I really don't get why you don't think hunters aren't OP and I doubt I ever will... I think we've beaten that to death enough. If you're interested in actively reducing their numbers, then great. I hope you can help.

When will you get that nobody likes you, you're irrelevant, and that you're a nerd?
Mongro said:
I really don't get why you don't think hunters aren't OP and I doubt I ever will... I think we've beaten that to death enough. If you're interested in actively reducing their numbers, then great. I hope you can help.

Because as someone who's played this bracket recently and extensively, I have sat here and watched as every single class except warlocks (never seen anything but affliction, but I am sure destro can burst too) burst players down just as quickly and effortlessly as hunters. That's why they aren't 'exceptionally OP' unlike any other class. That's why I am telling you, that too many of any particular class will yield the exact same effects as too many hunters.

If there were 3-4 rogues consistently getting into games on alliance, I would be talking about them instead. If there were 3-4 warriors getting into games consistently, I would be talking about them instead. Mages? Yup. Ret paladins? Yep. Warlocks? Yep. Enhance shamans? Of course. The simple fact is that it's hunters at the moment, not any of those other classes. I have seen maybe a handful of games in the last few weeks where the alliance has one or zero hunters. Last night one of the games I got into only had Rubikz. Was he OP? Nope. Did he have an adverse or detrimental effect on the game? Nope.

Easily the most skilled hunter alliance has regularly queuing, and no, he wasn't breaking that game last night.

willy stop being so stubborn and just type in "hunters are op"

If hunters are OP, then all classes are OP, and we should all be discouraging people from playing all classes. I haven't seen anyone break 100k damage @ 29 in a long time, until just recently. That someone wasn't sitting @ 41 yards on a hunter, DPSing his face off in mid the whole game. No, he was on a frigging boomkin, out DPSing all the hunters.

Donteventrii said:
He's mentally handicapped. There is no other explanation.

Mongro said:
Yeah, I'm done. Total waste of time lol.

It's a total waste of time for you to be commenting on 29s anyway, you don't play. I could literally be giving you play by plays from fraps footage, and you would be arguing with me about them. 'No wai, I played 29s once upon a time, and enhance shamans can't 2 shot someone!' Things have drastically changed at low levels with the revamp of talent trees and class abilities. EVERY CLASS can burst the face off of other players. Arguing that hunters are OP cuz they can burst too, is like pissing in the ocean.

Oh, and please stop quoting Sam. I put him on ignore for a reason. The kid never has anything positive or constructive to say, can only ever insult people, and consistently ignores arguments he doesn't have witty insults to counter. Things like:

He's mentally handicapped. There is no other explanation.

aren't a legitimate response to any argument, and a complete waste of time unless you want to come across as an ignorant tool bag. I would appreciate it if you didn't quote him further.

Also, @ Sam: inb4 more ad hominem about how I am a bad player because I don't use focus frames. The conversation is about positive ways to reduce the number of hunters consistently queuing on each side. You might want to refrain from the ignorance if you don't have anything positive to say.

@ Oknob: Are you still upset because you got banned for posting trash talk on the forums? I think it's cute that you think I spam reported you, when I never once did. But wait, you won't believe that! I reported someone before, so it only stands to reason that I reported you too, right? It's too bad that there are thousands of other players using the forums that could have reported you too. It's also too bad that every time you got reported, it was when I wasn't even on the forums, and I got to have the privilege of seeing that other people didn't like what you were posting either.

Keep thinking it was me tho!
Willyshatner said:
@ Oknob: Are you still upset because you got banned for posting trash talk on the forums? I think it's cute that you think I spam reported you, when I never once did. But wait, you won't believe that! I reported someone before, so it only stands to reason that I reported you too, right? It's too bad that there are thousands of other players using the forums that could have reported you too. It's also too bad that every time you got reported, it was when I wasn't even on the forums, and I got to have the privilege of seeing that other people didn't like what you were posting either.

Keep thinking it was me tho!

actually, i think you're retarded for thinking hunters are not OP sub 60, which is entirely the reason i agreed with dont. i just think the shit that comes from you're fingers is some of the most ridiculous drivel i have ever had the opportunity to read.

it's funny you say you didn't report though, because every time it was brought up before, by myself or anyone else who you reported, you're response was "i reported people who violated the CoC". i'm sure thousands of people were insulted when i laughed at you for getting banned, i'm sure they were also extremely offended when i pointed out that you were posting on your son's account while claiming it was not you.

i feel sorry for you since you're obviously the type or person who would rather complain about whats on tv instead of change the channel. i hear ignore is difficult to figure out.

oh wait, no its not, and you're back on it.
I get out played so I have to come to a video game forum and bitch a out it. I play a squishy class so the hunter class must be banned. When things don't go my way I suggest irrational things to swing them back in my favor
actually, i think you're retarded for thinking hunters are not OP sub 60, which is entirely the reason i agreed with dont. i just think the shit that comes from you're fingers is some of the most ridiculous drivel i have ever had the opportunity to read.

No, you think I'm retarded because you also think that I spam reported you on the wow forums. Whether or not you agree with Dont or disagree with anything I say is irrelevant. You decided you didn't like me because you didn't get away with talking shit about me on the forums. It's funny because I didn't say anything about you to begin with. You just decided to take the less intelligent approach to a conversation that was taking place, and start attacking me personally, which incidentally is very much against the code of conduct, and which anyone who doesn't feel comfortable reading on a public forum, would have the right to report you for.

Ridicule the people who expect a little public decency all you want to. You ****ed up, and now you're banned. Who reported you is largely irrelevant to that fact. Accept the responsibility and move on. I just find it ridiculous how I am retarded for supposedly reporting you, but you're not retarded for acting like a caveman on the forums...

Go figure.

it's funny you say you didn't report though, because every time it was brought up before, by myself or anyone else who you reported, you're response was "i reported people who violated the CoC".

I actually only said I reported someone for bypassing the profanity filter that was directed at me, or posting towards me in a defamatory/harassing way. All of which are within my rights as a member of the forums. Do you want to know why I don't intentionally post things that can be taken as harassment or defamatory towards other people on the wow forums? Or intentionally bypass the profanity filter? BECAUSE I CAN BE REPORTED FOR IT AND BANNED FROM THE FORUMS.

As I stated before, why would I allow people to do things to me, when I highly doubt I would be able to respond in the appropriate context without getting reported myself? Are you really that dumb to think that no one's going to report you? Hell, the two posts you got perma banned for I never even got to see, let alone report. You did something completely stupid by discussing forum moderation, not once, but TWICE when the CoC says you can be banned for it.

Would I have reported you if I had seen those posts? Nope. I am not harboring any ill will or vendetta against you my friend. Just in complete awe about how you expect to get away with things and then get mad when you don't.

i hear ignore is difficult to figure out.

It's funny, cuz if you had just ignored me in the first place, you wouldn't be permanently banned from the wow forums.

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