Wow and health problems

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come on sanitarium.. Are you just trying to get a rise out of him?
swiming is a sport, and on global view, it's much more popular than american football.

look at the olympics ... swimers have also the perfect body

also there is polo - in case you think sport means 2 team trying to score, however sport is not that

even wow is a sport - a mind sport, same as chess... and it becomes as complex as chess

wow is created until level 100 since the begining and will survive after cata... 85 ... then 90...100 and after 100 will stand 1-2 more years and then it will become free
It wont become free, they will most likely just stop updating and when player stop playing and they're not making as much money as they want from it they will announce a closing, which should be around a release of a new game.

EDIT: And why i said the most athletic person in the world is the swimmer is because the olympics basically labeled him as that. And if noone has caught on yet i'm talking about Michael Phelps.
most medals doesnt necessarily mean most athletic person in the world. he's just the best at his sport.

would love to see stats swimming is more popular than football. HIGHLY doubt its even close.

nobody knows whats gonna happen with wow. if its anything like everquest they'll keep going and going. then release wow 2, then expansions again, etc. until people finally stop playing, or just enough where they start losing money. then they might condense servers or just pull the pulg.

i could honestly see it happening after this expac unless every time after this they totally redo the talent trees. b/c now these tress wont be good for lvl 90 or higher...i mean with 31 talents but levels getting higher eventually we'd all be hybrids (cept those pesky pure classes, but at least they could max dps from multiple trees!). but yea, wait till the blizzcon after the coming one, or the one after that. they'll start talking about the next xpac, game, closing etc.

i believe they might keep cap 85 but release content expansions. course they'd have to have a shit load of content to be worth money. if not they'll just do free updates for a long time introducing new raids, zones, quests, etc. but knowing bli- activision, i bet they'll be pay for content ones. in which case a lot of people would quit imo. but we'll have to wait how it pans out. totally off topic btw.

and even after wow lazy people will still be lazy and have a higher chance for health problems. xbox is still there, as is other computer games, ps3, n64, dreamcast, tv. hell anything. just practice moderation if you are concerned, dont go looking to sue everyone b/c your fat.

in conclusion: "Eat, Run, Stay Fit, and Die Anyway" from the late great george carlin. hell we're all gonna die someday, some factors you can control if you choose (i.e exercise) and some you cant (get hit by a bus, rare disease, etc). so just enjoy it. but dont bitch when you live in excess and get fat!
Agree with the last part Falkor, but keep in mind that "Football" is only popular in the US, and there are lot of countries in the world.
Ever since I started playing World of Warcraft I have been in the best shape of my life.
wow is designed until level 100

they wanted to release wow in 2005 with level 100 but they thought they will make a lot of money if they make it until level 60 and then resel the game until 100

they are specific zones that are designed for level 100 that are close now but do exist


look at the world map from wow - they are some island, elements that remain undiscovered. The vortex from the middle of the map existed since first wow and only now we find out that is cataclysm
It is cataclysm?... There's no mass of land or PLACE called cataclysm. And WoW came out in 2004 not 2005. What masses of land have yet to be discovered? On the map there wasn't even a northrend till the expansion. What are they going to do, add another outlands?
check google and you will see that wow was first created to ding level 100

but that s not important here

or if american football is a greater sport than swiming

greatest sport is football (soccer) and World Cup is the greatest sport event

but more kids play wow now, that they play football and i think in 2020, Wow World Cup will be a greater event than World Cup... and this is kinda sad because we turn ourself in some green aliens with big and black eyes with long fingers, so we can reach all macros in wow, and see every button on the big monitor... and because we stay in the house and we never see the sun except if we are in Westfall and it s morning
Alecs said:
check google and you will see that wow was first created to ding level 100

but that s not important here

or if american football is a greater sport than swiming

greatest sport is football (soccer) and World Cup is the greatest sport event

but more kids play wow now, that they play football and i think in 2020, Wow World Cup will be a greater event than World Cup... and this is kinda sad because we turn ourself in some green aliens with big and black eyes with long fingers, so we can reach all macros in wow, and see every button on the big monitor... and because we stay in the house and we never see the sun except if we are in Westfall and it s morning

youre an idiot. shut up and stop fail trolling rs-ct.

also: canada and europe has football, not just the US. even if it was just the us i guarantee itd be more popular than swimming. how many people in europe watch competitive swimming.....

if they were some competitive itd be more popular and an american would have competition and not 8 medals in one games
uuu... my clone was spoted

ye i am rc-st. so what?

i put some questions regarding health and some dudes blabled 7 pages about footbal vs swiming

i know american football is very important in america but outside we call it rugby and we don t wear protective gear

even so, swiming is very healthy

i wish i had practice swiming when i was little

i would have growth a lot taller and perhaps i would have had a straight back and muscles

put i was poor and i didn't affort it :(

and to be honest i would give one of my twinks to go and swim for 5 minutes in the sea right now!
football =/= rugby, i played both. also EU and canada play football too believe it or not. and swimming isnt more popular than either.

yes swimming is healthy.

no you would not have grown taller if you swam. yes you would have muscles. prolly would still have ur scholiosis.

didnt know swimming was expensive in transylvania. no community pools?

trust me, nobody wants your 29 twink. but feel free to go into the sea. just remember to swim right after eating, and go alone. bon voyage
eu don t play american footbal, they play football...

eu play basketball

i play basketball

it s much more intreasting than american football

got friends who watch nba regulary and i am currently training to succed a slam :p
Falkor, you don't think swimming is more popular because you don't like it.

WikiAnswers - Where is swimming popular

WikiAnswers - How popular is American football

See, the entire world has professional swimmers, even this guys country, even though he didn't have money for a pool either, he swam in the ocean, and had to borrow his swimsuit when he went to the olympics. He was just proud to represent his country.


And look, American Football is only popular in America, Canada, and a brand new European league.
yes the whole world has professional swimmers, b/c it is an olympic sport. that doesnt mean people tune in to watch it on tv each week. pls find that swimming is more popular (aka more viewers/fans).........thats what i thought
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