Wow and health problems

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anyways this is getting stupid.. was just saying that swimming is a hard sport where you train a shit lot to make a point about swimming being a sport so okay you know some football players that train even more idc
i had practice from 3-6 every day when i played football. running and lifting and practicing plays (so a dynamic workout). the swimmers i know who still do it on a competitive level have maybe 1-2 hours every couple days and thats only a mix of sprints and laps and only not as much of a dynamic work out
Turtlezyo said:
i dont know any football players that train that much even though most of them play at a very high level. but a swimmer that isnt even good still swims more then 8-10 times a week.. the bone thing was something my trainer said ones


In junior high we had Choice 2 adays, Meaning, We practiced in the morning. And the people that wanted to start, practiced with the high school, They practce for about 3 hours, we start at 6:30 in the morning. And end at 8:00. Then after lunch we go lift. Then most of us goes and practice with the high school, I can tell you this, I play 6 man football, That is a fuck load of more running that 11 man football. 6 man is just running, So, We averaged about 5-7 hours a day for football, Thats a lot of training.

EDIT: Our junior high team sucked dick too.

But we are a small school. We played a school with kids on the starting team 6 foot. 6 man football is like no other
Alecs said:
Is wow giving you any health problems?

I was at Starcraft 2 release and I saw only skiny / pale / with glasses dudes there and i think games, and wow , probably are not that healthy.

In my case I can say that i have some kind of "liver" problem because i am too stresed from pwning noobs in the bg with my twink and i eat fast so i return to game

also , i have a back problem... and my fingers are trembling

do you have any?

Atleast your wrists work properly, unlike many long time IIDX players

You can blame the redonkulaceness of the difficulty for that, as shown in one of the harder songs here

I'm not contributing to the flaming, i am simply summing up a lot of stuff that most of you said wrong, so you can all get a better idea as to how physical fitness works.

Your muscles are rubber bands, the bigger they are the more pressure they can withstand without snapping, meaning lifting heavier weight. But the quality of the rubber band also comes into play. Sports like swimming and cross country and long distance and endurance sports. So in the training, they are putting smaller pressure on their muscles than other athletes, but they put that pressure on for a lot more.

In a weight room, football players do like what, 5 reps of max weight, and swimmer will do 25 reps of 20% their max. They get leaner muscles, very tight. The football player, gets a lot bigger muscles, because in their sport they need a lot of mass because they rely on momentum of that mass to overpower another player.

Now in sports like baseball as Ump has said above, yes they need to train, but they train almost like football players, but try to keep the mass on the smaller end of the scale, so they can still run fast. If you look at a baseball player his arms are bigger than most athletes compared to their body size. They rely on their arms for the majority of this sport, along with their legs. The problem i have with baseball is overstressing my muscles. Pitchers arm, i don't want that.

Every athlete is different because they train to the requierments of their sport. It's like twinking, each class is the sport, and the player needs to gear and enchant that class to what works best for it.

~Tourguide out
my muskules are unlike a rubber band. also players dont necessarily rely on momentum from weight, they also use physics for smaller people to take over larger ones.

also, no football players dont just do 5 reps of max weight.....they have weight programs made by trainers to maximize their strength while adding dont add muscle by just going in, doing 5 reps of max, and leaving. plus they train their core and all lesser known muscles too, not just legs and arms. and they also condition heavily doing both long distance runs and short distance sprints and other variations.

football players get a healthy does of anerobic and aerobic working out & also practice nearly everyday for several hours. much more than any swimmer i know and much more than i ever did when i swam.

and why are people still bringing up "pressure on bones" and such as an argument

also that vid is a bot
What's a bot?

EDIT: Oh haha the video. Yeah that is, but this isn't.

Edit edit: It is getting insane at 3:00 if you wanted to skip the boring stuff.

Twinkzruz, Thats why they take a few days off and rest there arm. I hope to be a pitcher in the big leagues one day. Chances are slim, but a person can still hope.

They take around 3-6 days off to rest there arm. Steven Strausberg, Just got drafted from minors. The kid is a beast. about his 4 th game he is going to start, He is on the disable list because of an inflamed shoulder
Yeah, i would rather keep my body mass balanced. Sports like that are either you commit permanently, or you don't play at all. Because having one arm even slightly stronger than the other would suck for swimming.
Twinkzruz said:
What's a bot?

EDIT: Oh haha the video. Yeah that is, but this isn't.

Edit edit: It is getting insane at 3:00 if you wanted to skip the boring stuff.


Mostly looks like muscle memorization, the very last bit was entertaining tho ^.^
@ falkors edit.

The reason people are brining up joints is that they're saying it's healthier to work out by swimming because you're not forcing your body into positions it's not suppost to while still working out your muscles. It's just one of those things about not hurting your joints. I don't see how it relates to if it's a sport or not, that's just stupid.

And what i meant was, they do a lot less reps with more weight. And generally it's good to be heavier, even if it is possible to take someone down bigger than you by being lower. A friend of mine, and graduated senior of my high school, just went all american (Dillon Baxter), and he's pretty big but he's not as big as other football players. I know where you're coming from, and football is a shit load of skill aswell. But catagorizing swimming and football together is not ok. There is a team sport, and there are individuals. Yes there are relays in swimming but it's completely different.

Water Polo and Football on the other hand... Water Polo is pretty intense and very dangerous.
UmpteenthTwink said:

In junior high we had Choice 2 adays, Meaning, We practiced in the morning. And the people that wanted to start, practiced with the high school, They practce for about 3 hours, we start at 6:30 in the morning. And end at 8:00. Then after lunch we go lift. Then most of us goes and practice with the high school, I can tell you this, I play 6 man football, That is a fuck load of more running that 11 man football. 6 man is just running, So, We averaged about 5-7 hours a day for football, Thats a lot of training.

EDIT: Our junior high team sucked dick too.

But we are a small school. We played a school with kids on the starting team 6 foot. 6 man football is like no other

okay so you go to a school that focus on your sport or whatever but thats not what im refering to. if the sport isnt linked to the school they dont train as much as you probably do. Might aswell talk about japan where 5 year olds train just as much as you do on some activity their parents picked out for them at their special school.
Come on Turtles.. We were having a contructive conversation. Please don't bring back the flaming, i really don't want to see this conversation go to waste.

And the hours that you train do not make a difference on what the sport is. Every sports team trains and practices for different ammounts of time. Usually the teams that practice and work out the most end up on top, but it's not allways the case with swimming. It's all about how you do your laps and in what format your sets are in. The reason people are getting better and better at sports, and faster and faster at speed competitions, is not because they trained longer than the previous best at that sport, it was the training and practice style developed into something better.
Twinkzruz said:
@ falkors edit.

The reason people are brining up joints is that they're saying it's healthier to work out by swimming because you're not forcing your body into positions it's not suppost to while still working out your muscles. It's just one of those things about not hurting your joints. I don't see how it relates to if it's a sport or not, that's just stupid.

And what i meant was, they do a lot less reps with more weight. And generally it's good to be heavier, even if it is possible to take someone down bigger than you by being lower. A friend of mine, and graduated senior of my high school, just went all american (Dillon Baxter), and he's pretty big but he's not as big as other football players. I know where you're coming from, and football is a shit load of skill aswell. But catagorizing swimming and football together is not ok. There is a team sport, and there are individuals. Yes there are relays in swimming but it's completely different.

Water Polo and Football on the other hand... Water Polo is pretty intense and very dangerous.

people keep referring to pressure on bones, youre the 1st to mention joints. also lifting weights is not unnatural....people have been doing it nigh forever.

in that same vein, no; a good football player does not do few reps of high weight. if youre doing that your trainer/coach is an idiot. thats not how you build muscle mass and get stronger thats just how you show off to guidos and gf's. yea i can bench 300+ but i dont go in and do it a few times then call it. i usually start at 175 with 10 reps, then go 8 195, 6 215, 4 235, 2 255, then 275 till i cant go anymore. then every once in a while ill try for a new max and adjust my starting weight. i also have alternate reps/sets/weights for different days of the week or months when you switch it up to not get muscle memory.

you also work different muscles different days to not over stress your muscles and joints. as well as eating a healthy diet and in most cases taking protein supplements to help. football players probably have the most balanced work out imo. yes they need strong legs, but they also need an equally strong core and upper body. being a good player at any position is to have good muscle balance as well as cardio endurance not just to be some kind of meat head.

and yes, for most positions, bigger is better. be it height, weight, etc. but skill is still a lot more important overall. i're not going d1 if your 5'0 nothin 150lbs, but you could be all state or all area potentially. just like you might be all american 6'2 250, but you might not go to the nfl.
You are stating things that i didn't because they're obvious.

I am saying the difference between football and sports like water polo, are that you use more weight than we do, meaning you have to do less reps over time. I'm not trying to say you only do 5 and leave, i was making a simple example, the more weight, the less reps you can do with them. That is obvious.

And no, lifting weights is not unnatural, if you're doing it wil dunbells, so your arms can contour individually to lift the weight, because the stress on the way you're extended your reach could harm you.
then you're just saying football players are just stronger on average. if you are stronger you can do the same reps with higher weight. it all depends on what routine/program you are following really. some people do light weight and more reps, some less reps more weight, i go for a more middle of the road approach where i gradually approach near my max so i dont lose strength. but i also switch my workout up at least once a month to break up muscle memory and prevent plateauing

and obviously you should learn to life correctly before attempting so you dont train your muscles wrong, limit range of motion, or hurt the muscles/joints any other way
I don't know if that last part was an insult towards me... Or helpful advice.

And specific sports requier specific types of working out. In our case of football and swimming, if you put a football player in a pool, obviously he would swim a lot slower than a swimmer, and no not because he doesn't train for swimming, it's how his body is trained.
Twinkzruz said:
I don't know if that last part was an insult towards me... Or helpful advice.

And specific sports requier specific types of working out. In our case of football and swimming, if you put a football player in a pool, obviously he would swim a lot slower than a swimmer, and no not because he doesn't train for swimming, it's how his body is trained.

helpful advice

also the main reason the football player would swim slower is lack of training. also different mass depending on position. football players still have the required muscles; core, back, arms, legs, etc, and good endurance. i guarantee you could take a fit football player and teach him to swim, not so sure about doing the reverse
Yes but you couldn't teach him how to swim fast. Which i agree could work both ways. But take a water polo player, and throwing a football is basic udnerstanding anyways, but water polo players also have great accuracy and amazing leg strength, so running and throwing is no problem.
who cares? swimming still isnt a sport...

let's see if I can get turtle twice.
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