Wow and health problems

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Alecs said:
hm ... i don t know where you live but in my country you can sue anyone with 10 bucks :p

god you're fucking stupid. whatever third world country you're in doesn't matter. afaik you would have to come to the US court system to sue.

then refer to UnholyShamans post about costs
hm... dude... are you a lawer?

cause i'm not but i stayed a lot in courthouse in the last 3 years and i know some laws...

if i am a resident of pakistan for ex i can sue Bill Gates from pakistan

one side has to be resident of that country to open sue in a country

if i am a greek and i wana sue some dude from france i can sue him in france or in greece... but i can t sue him in bulgaria

and the company has a representant in all countries

so i can sue that representant and if i won they can make him pay

if the representant leaves the country , then, that company will not be allowed to sell anything in that country

or i can sue in US ... i bet i can find a good lawer who will take the case for free and the 10% of the money if i win :p
but you wont win due to the ToS and EULA. stop posting, idiot.
Well i do a lot of things along with playing wow. When i first started to play, it was an addiction, and i started to gain quite a bit of weight. But about a year or so after that, i learned to control it. It's like smoking or drugs, it's all about self control, which IS possible, don't let someone tell you that it is impossible to not be addicted to things, it's all about how strong you are. Don't get me wrong, it is very hard to control, but if you can, wow becomes a median. It's not something that you barely play, and it's not your life. I believe i am pretty good at WoW, but i still have a life outside of it. I am an active in sports, and go out with friends a lot. I am in the top 5% of the healthiest people in this country, and it makes me happy. I play water polo and swim competatively, which is a great way to relieve stress. Swimming itself is especially fun because when you're repetatively doing laps for practice, you have time to think about your wow techniques.

WoW does not cause health issues more than anything else can be. Too much of anything is a bad thing.
another question i want to ask you, because you said you swim and think of wow , is this :

how much you think about wow when you are not playing?

i haven't played for 3 months now but there is no day when i think about wow

about getting some item ... or anything

And when i play wow i think about wow even more... when i run in park, when i do anything.

Health is phisical and mental... do you have mental problems because of wow?
Not at all. I just use wow to keep myself interested when i am doing things that most people could not do for long periods of time. Because of what i do, there are a lot of reperative things that most people would find boring. What gives me such an edge is that i can force myself to continue to work on whatever i am doing because i am keeping myself entertained in my mind.

There are times when i need to shut wow out, like when i'm working or doing something for school, but like i said it's all about control.

Yes WoW is also mental, and at first i had trouble paying attention and my mind would drift off. I even went through the phase where you have dreams about yourself playing wow :( They all passed, and i'm settled in a very comfortable setting where i can be really good at a game, but it doesn't control my life.

But wow is goign to end soon, i'm guessing cata will be the last major update, including major patches, and will slowly die, while blizzard switches their development power to the next project.

I mean tell me that WoW hasn't started to chafe. It is great, but after a while it just becomes too much, and to predictable. It's been out for so long, that certain people are so good that it's just sickening, and theres really no chance you can just enter a scene and expect to be concidered great. I was lucky enough to have started playing in beta, but whenever i like took a week or two week break from wow, i would come back outdated and having to go to my guilds second string raids.

It's hard to play wow without having to play it a lot.

That's why i'm getting into LoL, it's a pickup and put down kind of game.
I'll make this short and painless.

1.) Swimming isn't a sport (I foresee great reactions from this comment)

2.) You're probably terrible at WoW and your vision is probably skewed.

3.) WoW doesn't cause the health problems, you do.

4.) A "week or two" doesn't outdate you by any means. At this point in time, shit is on Farm anyways and there is a good chance that you're already BiS for whatever content you're raiding (be it icc10 N/HM or icc25 N/HM)
You always seem to try and piss as many people off as you can.

Btw the most athletic person ever is a swimmer. I could flame you for a good hour and create three posts because of the character limit, but it would do no good for me.

Your third comment was not funny (if you were doing a parody of "Guns don't kill people, i do")

@4) And it did before, taking breaks from wow caused a lot of problems for you when your guild was still in progression of a new raid.
Most athletic person ever is a swimmer? Do you have any proof of that? Testing that shows this person is "the most athletic person ever"?

It wasn't trying to be funny, and no I wasn't parodying anything. It isn't WoWs fault that you have an addictive personality. Stop blaming Blizzard for your fuck ups in life.

I've been raiding since MC and I've taken up to 3 weeks at a time off without being "left behind." I guess it comes down to skill (which, apparently, you lack.) Gear can only do so much for you, knowing what you're supposed to do is what makes the difference and what makes breaks possible while progression raiding.
Swimmers are more buffed then most sport enthusiasts because they can train a lot more compared to other sports because swimming doesnt put pressure on the bones like for example soccer + you use your whole body. And it is a sport since you compete against others on how fast you swim a givin distance.. i dont know what you're thinking when you're saying it isnt a sport.

i was a swimmer ones and had to say it since you personally offend by being so stupid
Sanitarium said:
(I foresee great reactions from this comment)

Hook line and sinker.
swimmers are no more buffed than the next athlete.....other people train just as much. and how does no pressure on bone = a better athlete?

i swam competitively for 5 years and i wasnt offended. so stop being so stupid turtlez. stop taking personal offense to people opinions and you'll go far
theres running in every sport, There is running in every practice (A lot at that). Every athlete is physically fit, It may not look like it, But baseball, You need to be in good shape, Expecially for pictures, You get in shape to throw harder, The more leg power you have, The more harder you will throw, Thus, running a lot. Requires a lot of Arm Power, And also, Football, those bitches are in shape. You have to undergo a Fitness test, If your not in shape, You dont pass on, And you have to continue workouts until you pass that test, Every sport requires a lot of hard work, and you are required to be in shape.
Falkor said:
swimmers are no more buffed than the next athlete.....other people train just as much. and how does no pressure on bone = a better athlete?

i swam competitively for 5 years and i wasnt offended. so stop being so stupid turtlez. stop taking personal offense to people opinions and you'll go far

why are we talking proffesional athletes when its about nerds playing wow and not doing any exercise?

and no you dont see 13 year olds train football 8 times a week. Swimmers do train more then others. (because of the less pressure to the bones)

just making a point to that troll that seems to think swimming is something where you splash around in the water playing or something

u stop being stupid
Turtlezyo said:
that troll

"That troll" wanted just this type of response. Derp
Turtlezyo said:
why are we talking proffesional athletes when its about nerds playing wow and not doing any exercise?

and no you dont see 13 year olds train football 8 times a week. Swimmers do train more then others. (because of the less pressure to the bones)

just making a point to that troll that seems to think swimming is something where you splash around in the water playing or something

u stop being stupid

uh football players practice almost every day for several hours. and they do aerobic and anerobic exercises, running and lifting. at the same level of competition football is on par if not more practice than swimming. and how does less pressure on bones equate to more training.
I'm actually alt tabbing between trolling you and the SC2 forums... damn cut scenes are flickering, making the campaign suck :(
Falkor said:
uh football players practice almost every day for several hours. and they do aerobic and anerobic exercises, running and lifting. at the same level of competition football is on par if not more practice than swimming. and how does less pressure on bones equate to more training.

i dont know any football players that train that much even though most of them play at a very high level. but a swimmer that isnt even good still swims more then 8-10 times a week.. the bone thing was something my trainer said ones
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