We need more people.
Yeah, I thought about trying out a TBC server like Feenix or something. There's tradeoffs either way though. For example, hybrids like spellhance shamans weren't really viable until the spellpower changes introduced in 3.0. Personally, I preferred not having BOAs around, but I have to admit that they do fill a few gear gaps that had to be plugged with greens back in TBC.
Ultimately, Pre-Cata 39s was the best intersection of great balance between classes, burst and healing, and between too many and too few abilities along with an amazing community that had highly competitive arenas, premades, and pugs, and room for more casual play and socializing as well.
TL;DR There's no need to try to "market" pre-cata 39s, because they were awesome, and the only thing that was ever an issue was how much more we could organize, grow and improve.
Wait...Spellnhance WHAT?
Simply Enhancement spec combined with Resto/Elemental gear. Probably the best case of a hybrid build being actually effective without being OP.
Awesooooome, i wanna do it <3
Mind explaining me the talent points and gear? Or maybe directing me? c:
Weekly premades inc