Worth Writing this Guide?

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Dare to be Optimistic
Bouncing an Idea around about maybe writing a Guide that explains the basics of twinking to help Beginners make decisions and maybe guide the newer twinks in the right direction.

The guide will contain descriptions of each class in general, going into alittle detail for each spec, explaining how well the spec is at the moment. A short guide on gearing the twink (what stats they want and listing a few armories) then for each Class, if there is a up to date guide for it I will list it under the specified Class Description.

Race Selection
Lets be honest, There are really only a few actual viable races to play. But every race can play well considering how you play and what you are looking for. Going into depth of each Race, there Racials and how that racial could be beneficial.

I will list every profession explain what it could do and whether you want to use it as a twink. One mistake I see alot of new twinks doing is picking wrong professions.

My plan is for this guide to reference and point people in the direction needed to go when they decide what class they want to make. Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly apperciated.

you know what is worth doing though, it's not posting on ti anymore thanks i appreciate it
yes! but most of the ones that need won't bother to come look at it :(

you know what is worth doing though, it's not posting on ti anymore thanks i appreciate it

OMG!!!!! Such a positive post, I am going to take that to heart.....and do the exact not that.....Why do you even post Tcat if you have nothing constructive to say? and why arnt you banned yet....all you do is troll horribly and rather cruel
Khaos i guess it would be helpful but i dont see how you can make a full guide out of it ~ Class description: you can literally copy wows description of it, Race/pick this because of these racials,professions pick gathering because of these bonus's..

Tell ya what buddie If I write it and it seems helpful you gotta like the guide? deal lol
all i said was to stop posting and that it isnt worth writing it

i dont think anyone actually reads the guides in hopes of learning new information its all blatant

there's those retards in class who are too slow and need help, i don't help them
there are retards in wow who are too dumb and need to have their hand held, i don't hold them
there are also retards on internet forums that need to be force fed everything, and ur not their fucking dad
Not sure if you realize what the point of this forum really is......it is a social community but it is a place for twinks to come and learn how to better themselves, No you cant force them to improve....but any help out there will give a slightest chance that someone improves makes all the difference in the world.

There is a quote from the awesome show Califonication "Anyone can be cynical.....dare to be optimistic"
Whats the diff its ugly as hell

Doesnt look light brown looks dark as the night

The black and white contrast effect used makes darker colors pop.....I think its just a freckle I do agree it is pretty eye catching and really cant get past it

Back on subject I will wait to see a few other people's Opinions on this guide before I spend the hours of doing the research and typing it out....good thing I have a boring desk job or I would never get anything important done.
2 me that looks like a freckle moles r the massive 1s i thought but ok sure ur right
she is still adorable

sry 4 derail but it was important

also y am i elusive
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Back on topic.

Ima let them stay tho cause they are quite fun.
[MENTION=16445]Khaos[/MENTION] - good idea and good luck with it :)

you know what is worth doing though, it's not posting on ti anymore thanks i appreciate it

hahahhahahhaha i love u tcat

but khaos like i said, time to take a break from the 19 bracket just like u are with the 39 bracket bud
It was plural i doubt it was aimed at you directly if not even at you....

And that is meant to make it right? Still see the fault here, why post if your not going to post something constructive....Just because it wasn't directed towards me does not automatically make it worth not addressing as it is my thread and Im asking people's opinions if this guide is worth writing. On a side note I got a few PMs asking me if I would write this as there are a few people interested in twinking that wouldnt mind some guidance. So Im writing this and requesting this thread get closed. Thank you very much for your time.
virgin down
Oh no i thought you would take it to heart was posting that to assure you he wasnt because i know how fragile you can be at times khaos
Actually if you and DA taught me one thing....its to not take anything seriously the only reason why I even post back is to show that even tho you post your really not posting anything constructive. Not meaning you in particular Your a funny one.

Tcat is right in every aspect. Khaos is borderline Mocha annoying / end thread.
Awe.....Thats so nice, The same trolls doing the same thing over and over again. Better watch out of Aliens will get you.......
cute i already gave a like out prior to you so dont feel special, well you can but it has to be the special education required type of special

I got sqooshis first like I'm a god compared to the rest of u bow down maggots
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