LF Active F2P arena partners due to death of the mighty Fael
The main reason I am making this thread is to get players that perhaps are scared (for whatever reason) to do arenas to actually come and try them out, so please don't be afraid! This might be what you have been looking for.
Skype(Listen and Talk).
Decently geared twink on A.P Horde.
I play a Hunter,Elemental/resto and a priest(Alli and a secret horde one). ATM I am mainly playing my hunter.
I want: Well-geared healers or CC heavy dps classes(locks/mages).
I am a previously high-rated player that played on Outland and Stormscale EU with a couple of Stormscale lords(lord=have sex still be good in game).
I do not expect you to be good what so ever but I do expect you to have a desire to improve, the capability to listen as well as a great time span of the day that you are able to play during.
Something that you should be aware of is that I am not likely to be around for a great amount of time(2 months from now followed by a 2 week break and then 5 weeks of playtime) but since I feel partially responsible for the slow death of the A.P arena community, I do, however, wish to leave it at a better state than what it was at before I became a part of it.
You can reach me by PMs here at TI or ingame on Svinstia.
PS: No guarantees... whatsoever.
The main reason I am making this thread is to get players that perhaps are scared (for whatever reason) to do arenas to actually come and try them out, so please don't be afraid! This might be what you have been looking for.
Skype(Listen and Talk).
Decently geared twink on A.P Horde.
I play a Hunter,Elemental/resto and a priest(Alli and a secret horde one). ATM I am mainly playing my hunter.
I want: Well-geared healers or CC heavy dps classes(locks/mages).
I am a previously high-rated player that played on Outland and Stormscale EU with a couple of Stormscale lords(lord=have sex still be good in game).
I do not expect you to be good what so ever but I do expect you to have a desire to improve, the capability to listen as well as a great time span of the day that you are able to play during.
Something that you should be aware of is that I am not likely to be around for a great amount of time(2 months from now followed by a 2 week break and then 5 weeks of playtime) but since I feel partially responsible for the slow death of the A.P arena community, I do, however, wish to leave it at a better state than what it was at before I became a part of it.
You can reach me by PMs here at TI or ingame on Svinstia.
PS: No guarantees... whatsoever.