Yes and so is water shield from enhremoving earth shock from resto and enh was a punch in the stomach...
I think you're playing it wrong then..Why do so many ppl like Arms?
Basically they have only 1 damage ability - MS, not super strong, with 6sec CD! Rend is a DOT, Execute is <20% only, TC has minor damage.
No burst at all, bad mobility. The only good thing about Arms is MWounds debuff and 20% damage reduction most of the time.
It's like Arms is a Hunter with lower damage output, lower TOT, but higher survivability. For any 2v2 against a healer it will be an either endless fight or fight till OOM, because of low Arms damage.
Arms are gods. Spread rend keep mortal wounds debuff up and tc then wait till they're in execute range. They're pretty much melee affliction warlocks (unholy dk like?) with rend rotting their entire team.Why do so many ppl like Arms?
Basically they have only 1 damage ability - MS, not super strong, with 6sec CD! Rend is a DOT, Execute is <20% only, TC has minor damage.
No burst at all, bad mobility. The only good thing about Arms is MWounds debuff and 20% damage reduction most of the time.
It's like Arms is a Hunter with lower damage output, lower TOT, but higher survivability. For any 2v2 against a healer it will be an either endless fight or fight till OOM, because of low Arms damage.
Why do so many ppl like Arms?
Basically they have only 1 damage ability - MS, not super strong, with 6sec CD! Rend is a DOT, Execute is <20% only, TC has minor damage.
No burst at all, bad mobility. The only good thing about Arms is MWounds debuff and 20% damage reduction most of the time.
It's like Arms is a Hunter with lower damage output, lower TOT, but higher survivability. For any 2v2 against a healer it will be an either endless fight or fight till OOM, because of low Arms damage.
Why do so many ppl like Arms?
Basically they have only 1 damage ability - MS, not super strong, with 6sec CD! Rend is a DOT, Execute is <20% only, TC has minor damage.
No burst at all, bad mobility. The only good thing about Arms is MWounds debuff and 20% damage reduction most of the time.
It's like Arms is a Hunter with lower damage output, lower TOT, but higher survivability. For any 2v2 against a healer it will be an either endless fight or fight till OOM, because of low Arms damage.
For 19's Draenor is the place to be. Be aware that you can't use the /who function if you're below lvl 20, to see if anyone else is online below. Otherwise Aggramar H for 20's, Stormscale H for 29's and Ravencrest A for 29'sanyone can suggest a good twink realm please, I am 19 undead rogue on draenor, its pretty dead and i assume there must be more popular realms for twinking these days then just the odd one or two people online here and there... thanks
Why do so many ppl like Arms?
Basically they have only 1 damage ability - MS, not super strong, with 6sec CD! Rend is a DOT, Execute is <20% only, TC has minor damage.
No burst at all, bad mobility. The only good thing about Arms is MWounds debuff and 20% damage reduction most of the time.
It's like Arms is a Hunter with lower damage output, lower TOT, but higher survivability. For any 2v2 against a healer it will be an either endless fight or fight till OOM, because of low Arms damage.