Winter Veil Entries

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A: Squirtle. He's always been the cutest. Plus what's the point in choosing Charmander when i'll just pick up Vulpix along the way.

Q: Have you ever ridden a horse?
A: No
, When I was younger my little sister did... I was so jealous lol.

Q: I like riding in the snow, do you?
"Q: I like riding in the snow, do you?"

I don't care for snow.

What is your favorite day of the week?
A: Direct Perception is our real way of seeing and Consciousness is a term that refers to the relationship between the mind and the world with which it interacts with.

Q: What is the values of g(k) and G(k) in Waring's problem?

g(k) = "For every k, we denote by g(k) the minimum number s of k[sup]th[/sup] powers needed to represent all integers. Note we have g(1) = 1. Some simple computations show that 7 requires 4 squares, 23 requires 9 cubes, and 79 requires 19 fourth-powers; these examples show that g(2) &ge; 4, g(3) &ge; 9, and g(4) &ge; 19. Waring conjectured that these values were in fact the best possible."

G(k) = "From the work of Hardy and Littlewood, more fundamental than g(k) turned out to be G(k), which is defined to be the least positive integer s such that every sufficiently large integer (i.e. every integer greater than some constant) can be represented as a sum of at most s k[sup]th[/sup] powers of positive integers. Since squares are congruent to 0, 1, or 4 (mod 8), no integer congruent to 7 (mod 8) can be represented as a sum of three squares, implying that G(2) &ge; 4. Since G(k) &le; g(k) for all k, this shows that G(2) = 4. Davenport showed that G(4) = 16 in 1939, by demonstrating that any sufficiently large number congruent to 1 through 14 mod 16 could be written as a sum of 14 fourth powers (Vaughan in 1985 and 1989 reduced the 14 successively to 13 and 12). The exact value of G(k) is unknown for any other k, but there exist bounds."

Q: Why is battlefield 3 the titties, and why does back to karkand kick so much ass that it makes CoD look like poop?

bonus Q: why do so many losers keep asking so many obscure/technical questions...

g(k) = "For every k, we denote by g(k) the minimum number s of k[sup]th[/sup] powers needed to represent all integers. Note we have g(1) = 1. Some simple computations show that 7 requires 4 squares, 23 requires 9 cubes, and 79 requires 19 fourth-powers; these examples show that g(2) &ge; 4, g(3) &ge; 9, and g(4) &ge; 19. Waring conjectured that these values were in fact the best possible."

G(k) = "From the work of Hardy and Littlewood, more fundamental than g(k) turned out to be G(k), which is defined to be the least positive integer s such that every sufficiently large integer (i.e. every integer greater than some constant) can be represented as a sum of at most s k[sup]th[/sup] powers of positive integers. Since squares are congruent to 0, 1, or 4 (mod 8), no integer congruent to 7 (mod 8) can be represented as a sum of three squares, implying that G(2) &ge; 4. Since G(k) &le; g(k) for all k, this shows that G(2) = 4. Davenport showed that G(4) = 16 in 1939, by demonstrating that any sufficiently large number congruent to 1 through 14 mod 16 could be written as a sum of 14 fourth powers (Vaughan in 1985 and 1989 reduced the 14 successively to 13 and 12). The exact value of G(k) is unknown for any other k, but there exist bounds."

Q: Why is battlefield 3 the titties, and why does back to karkand kick so much ass that it makes CoD look like poop?

bonus Q: why do so many losers keep asking so many obscure/technical questions...

Wikipedia much?
A: Christmas OFC !!

Q: Linux or Windows 7/XP ?

Bonus Question: When first os was released for PC's ?

A: Windows 7/XP. I enjoy using my OS to actually run software.

Bonus Question: CP/M in 1974.

Q: What popular long form improvisational theatre duo is known for staging re-enactments of the famous duel between Vice President Aaron Burr and Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton?

Bonus Question: How do you pronounce the group's name?
A: Windows 7/XP. I enjoy using my OS to actually run software.

Bonus Question: CP/M in 1974.

Q: What popular long form improvisational theatre duo is known for staging re-enactments of the famous duel between Vice President Aaron Burr and Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton?

Bonus Question: How do you pronounce the group's name?


Why is so hot on the sun?
cuz all the He burnning makes it hot as heck

How can you fit 3 gay guys on a bar stooL?

If they decide to stand on a bar stool like the guys in the left picture:


What would you say is the most interesting journey / vacation you've been on?
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