Winter Veil Entries

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A: To be invisible on command of course.

Dont have a sister.

Q: What Year Did Twinkinfo become live?
A. 2010 . . . Maybe, sorta kinda, came alive on my computer 2011

Q. Is it Soda, Coke, or Pop to you?

Coke. Isn't everything?

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, do I still have to eat a nutritious diet to keep this girlish figure?
Q: Will extreme paintball become a Olympic sport?

A: doubtful, but would be awsom

Q: will they ever stop remaking movies?
A: (edited) Well, according to a docu-drama I saw on cable TV, we already have space-fold tech, so like ... twenty minutes if you beat rush hour.

Q: Arthas purging Stratholme: Correct Command Decision or Tyrant-to-Be Butchery?
A. imo Arthas was gone by this point. His seething rage tunneled his impulses to the simple dead was better than undead. Oh the irony.

Q. Vegemite, a condiment of death? Yes, no?
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