Why Premades are better without Screenshots

Actually its 1-0 you guys. One was a 0-0 tie. Last time i checked we weren't the ones who dodged the last 2 games. Scared of losing that much?
Phauren said:
Actually its 1-0 you guys. One was a 0-0 tie. Last time i checked we weren't the ones who dodged the last 2 games. Scared of losing that much?

no it was a 1-1 tie where we capped last, but you can consider that a tie if you want.

and as i said before it's not because we're "dodging" it's mainly because reckoning people hated the pugs which didn't have good competition in them so many people became inactive

again gj being king of 39s ;)
Druiddroid said:
0-2 vs wdwpft but gj u now reign supreme over crappy competition

The best 39 guild of all time is about to rejoin the 39 premade scene, so I think its safe to say that 'crappy competition' is a thing of the past.

Pro is incoming.
DD you really are an idiot. You guys won 1-0, we tied 0-0 the first game, i do have the SS's if you would like sir. Reckoning is full of scum anyways so its w/e
Phauren said:
DD you really are an idiot. You guys won 1-0, we tied 0-0 the first game, i do have the SS's if you would like sir. Reckoning is full of scum anyways so its w/e

Cant you just post all your screenshots and figure it out. If not whats the benefit. I thought it was to determine the pecking order, all you do is fight about which games counted and which didnt.
Phauren said:
DD you really are an idiot. You guys won 1-0, we tied 0-0 the first game, i do have the SS's if you would like sir. Generic insult cause i am gay.

IIRC we capt with 4 mins left to make it 1-1. i remember it was a dramatic and fun game. maybe you're referring to a different day or perhaps my memory is off (altho im pretty sure of this). but again you can consider that game a tie if you want.

edit: here is the screenshot

if that's not the game then idk which game you're talking about cause i prolly wasn't in it

Falaris said:
The best 39 guild of all time is about to rejoin the 39 premade scene, so I think its safe to say that 'crappy competition' is a thing of the past.

Pro is incoming.

crappy competition is what comprises nightfall pugs

gl finally getting Pro together tho cause i know i'll be eating tons of popcorn when you post a SS of you trashing someone like GO.
Ive already got an agreement with Ohso in place to not post SSs of our matches together, nor to talk about the games. Its common knowledge its not our preference, but hey, whatever gets games.
this thread sux
Falaris said:
Ive already got an agreement with Ohso in place to not post SSs of our matches together, nor to talk about the games. Its common knowledge its not our preference, but hey, whatever gets games.

o well then ur guild can diaf QQ
Falaris said:
Ive already got an agreement with Ohso in place to not post SSs of our matches together, nor to talk about the games. Its common knowledge its not our preference, but hey, whatever gets games.

Nightfall is seriously the fucking worst.

-Edit- We'll see how long that lasts.
Situation said:
Nightfall is seriously the fucking worst.

-Edit- We'll see how long that lasts.

I don't usually check these forums; I see this thread is already pretty big.

I don't understand what was incomprehensible about the idea that sportsmanship > being a cack.

There is no influx of twinks anymore. There is a finite number of players left who know what twinking is. Transfers will run out. New players do not learn about twinks because we have been sent to our own corner to die. Even our XP guy is neigh invisible. As soon as a person can log on and not get a pop in 15 mins, a fraction of people experiencing that will check less often. This grows on itself until games are gone.

You are not playing randoms anymore. You're playing a shrinking population of a few hundred people. If beating a group means endless excuses and losing to the same group means weeks of bragging, many won't give a shit about playing. I don't see what's so hard about that. This isn't about "I would still play," or "who is hardcore enough," it's about the fact that some will not continue playing, and the community desperately needs to figure out that each person who quits now puts a nail in our collective coffin.

Why do people think the internet is a fantasy social island where no regular social rules apply? Someone ruthlessly destroys you in tennis and mocks you for a week, do you go back? The answer for some people is "yes." Some of us want that competition so much, we'll look for someone who loves to excel as much as we do, or else go to the person who will most hate to lose to us, and in either case we want a drive to run our own against. Getting people to hate us is much easier than finding people who love the chase as much as we do. You just antagonize someone and see if they go away, flip out and shoot you in the face, or compete with you until you're both sharp. That strategy is also exceedingly stupid in a tiny social network, as anyone in a small community should recognize as common sense.

Competitive players within such a small playerbase are doomed if their strategy is to get everyone to hate them. That can work if your playerbase is infinite and there really is no skin off your back when someone is affected by how much of a cack you are - all you have to do is not care. You don't have to be a carebear, however, to recognize that whether I have tough skin, or you have tough skin, or 1/4 of the twinks left are hardcore pwnographers, there is no GAME without the playerbase. Didn't separating from the regular population teach anyone that?
Hargrove said:
I don't usually check these forums; I see this thread is already pretty big.

I don't understand what was incomprehensible about the idea that sportsmanship > being a cack.

There is no influx of twinks anymore. There is a finite number of players left who know what twinking is. Transfers will run out. New players do not learn about twinks because we have been sent to our own corner to die. Even our XP guy is neigh invisible. As soon as a person can log on and not get a pop in 15 mins, a fraction of people experiencing that will check less often. This grows on itself until games are gone.

You are not playing randoms anymore. You're playing a shrinking population of a few hundred people. If beating a group means endless excuses and losing to the same group means weeks of bragging, many won't give a shit about playing. I don't see what's so hard about that. This isn't about "I would still play," or "who is hardcore enough," it's about the fact that some will not continue playing, and the community desperately needs to figure out that each person who quits now puts a nail in our collective coffin.

Why do people think the internet is a fantasy social island where no regular social rules apply? Someone ruthlessly destroys you in tennis and mocks you for a week, do you go back? The answer for some people is "yes." Some of us want that competition so much, we'll look for someone who loves to excel as much as we do, or else go to the person who will most hate to lose to us, and in either case we want a drive to run our own against. Getting people to hate us is much easier than finding people who love the chase as much as we do. You just antagonize someone and see if they go away, flip out and shoot you in the face, or compete with you until you're both sharp. That strategy is also exceedingly stupid in a tiny social network, as anyone in a small community should recognize as common sense.

Competitive players within such a small playerbase are doomed if their strategy is to get everyone to hate them. That can work if your playerbase is infinite and there really is no skin off your back when someone is affected by how much of a cack you are - all you have to do is not care. You don't have to be a carebear, however, to recognize that whether I have tough skin, or you have tough skin, or 1/4 of the twinks left are hardcore pwnographers, there is no GAME without the playerbase. Didn't separating from the regular population teach anyone that?

Too, much, logic, head, is, about, to, asplode.
Hargrove said:
I don't usually check these forums; I see this thread is already pretty big.

I don't understand what was incomprehensible about the idea that sportsmanship > being a cack.

There is no influx of twinks anymore. There is a finite number of players left who know what twinking is. Transfers will run out. New players do not learn about twinks because we have been sent to our own corner to die. Even our XP guy is neigh invisible. As soon as a person can log on and not get a pop in 15 mins, a fraction of people experiencing that will check less often. This grows on itself until games are gone.

You are not playing randoms anymore. You're playing a shrinking population of a few hundred people. If beating a group means endless excuses and losing to the same group means weeks of bragging, many won't give a shit about playing. I don't see what's so hard about that. This isn't about "I would still play," or "who is hardcore enough," it's about the fact that some will not continue playing, and the community desperately needs to figure out that each person who quits now puts a nail in our collective coffin.

Why do people think the internet is a fantasy social island where no regular social rules apply? Someone ruthlessly destroys you in tennis and mocks you for a week, do you go back? The answer for some people is "yes." Some of us want that competition so much, we'll look for someone who loves to excel as much as we do, or else go to the person who will most hate to lose to us, and in either case we want a drive to run our own against. Getting people to hate us is much easier than finding people who love the chase as much as we do. You just antagonize someone and see if they go away, flip out and shoot you in the face, or compete with you until you're both sharp. That strategy is also exceedingly stupid in a tiny social network, as anyone in a small community should recognize as common sense.

Competitive players within such a small playerbase are doomed if their strategy is to get everyone to hate them. That can work if your playerbase is infinite and there really is no skin off your back when someone is affected by how much of a cack you are - all you have to do is not care. You don't have to be a carebear, however, to recognize that whether I have tough skin, or you have tough skin, or 1/4 of the twinks left are hardcore pwnographers, there is no GAME without the playerbase. Didn't separating from the regular population teach anyone that?

I dont really have a problem with you, but you really need to quit flat out lying in regards to why you set the premade rules you do. These have been in place for you since well before the patch that separated twinks from nontwinks. Its not like you implemented these rules as a last-ditch effort to save twinking.
Falaris said:
I dont really have a problem with you, but you really need to quit flat out lying in regards to why you set the premade rules you do. These have been in place for you since well before the patch that separated twinks from nontwinks. Its not like you implemented these rules as a last-ditch effort to save twinking.

Hmmm, what is he lying about? We have had the same premade rules for well over a year. It has never been a problem. Hargrove is simply pointing out that others that would prefer posting SS's and generally being a cack, as he put it, will inevitably harm the bracket. I don't see how you took his post as him stating the reason for our premade rules. Our rules haven't changed, the circumstances surrounding our bracket have.

ohsosinful said:
Hmmm, what is he lying about? We have had the same premade rules for well over a year. It has never been a problem. Hargrove is simply pointing out that others that would prefer posting SS's and generally being a cack, as he put it, will inevitably harm the bracket. I don't see how you took his post as him stating the reason for our premade rules. Our rules haven't changed, the circumstances surrounding our bracket have.


The fact that youve had the same rules for over a year MEANS that he was basically lying in his post. His post clearly implied the rules were set in place because of a dying twink bracket, which obviously wasnt the case when you actually set the rules.
Falaris said:
The fact that youve had the same rules for over a year MEANS that he was basically lying in his post. His post clearly implied the rules were set in place because of a dying twink bracket, which obviously wasnt the case when you actually set the rules.

Would you mind quoting his lies? I am really curious, I reread his post, and I still don't see how he says anything deceptive about the reason we have our rules.

Falaris said:
I dont really have a problem with you, but you really need to quit flat out lying in regards to why you set the premade rules you do. These have been in place for you since well before the patch that separated twinks from nontwinks. Its not like you implemented these rules as a last-ditch effort to save twinking.

So since you can't find a flaw in his logic, you try to undermine his comments by pretending that he's lying. I see.

Seriously, what is your argument here? That he was a carebear before twinks started dying out, so therefore his points aren't valid?
Falaris said:
I dont really have a problem with you, but you really need to quit flat out lying in regards to why you set the premade rules you do. These have been in place for you since well before the patch that separated twinks from nontwinks. Its not like you implemented these rules as a last-ditch effort to save twinking.

I don't understand your accusation.

For the record, we did not set up some sort of "save twinking consortium" where we invented these rules post 3.2. We have used these rules for over a year, because we believe the internet is not an excuse for poor sportsmanship. Pre-3.2, we argued the general merits of a sporting attitude towards twinking, and pointed out the benefits for guilds that practiced it. Red Text and WWD, for example, are some of the oldest guilds out there. In my post, I emphasized the even greater significance of that sportsmanship in the post-3.2 environment. There is no lie or insinuation that the situation is anything else, and if you really feel it can be interpreted as such, I hope this post fixes that for you.

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