Why Premades are better without Screenshots

This is a abosolute garbage thread, I'm actually shocked this made it from the NF forums to this site.
screenshots are posted for curiosity, drama, and fun. if there are trolls and whiners then just ignore their pansy/annoying asses
Any response to posting screenshots that includes "if they cant take it screw em" just has no validity. Screw em means your opportunity for having any games at all goes down. After following threads here and elsewhere, people moved to nightfall because of quantity, not quality. nightfall had activity, and people came for it. It seems counter productive to do anything at this point to diminish it.
im just bored reading random threads, but Im gonna throw my two cents into this...

Who cares if screenshots are posted? I for one am normally curious to see other guild's premade results, who was capping flags, the score/time left, etc. Its just interesting to me. I like to see where various guilds are on the pecking order etc. The flaming that occurs before/thereafter is just people getting competitive/trolling.

If someone calls you bad (PROTIP: I've been called bad), who the fuck cares? Honestly people allowing the trolls to "get to you" and quitting the game or some shit is an upsetting concept to me. Sure there are egos, sure there are trolls, but really at the end of the day is whether or not you are having fun. Hell, motivate yourself from the flaming to get better, always try to improve, learn new tricks, shit like that. Don't get emo and be a fgt...
Ohai has it down for the most part. What shocks me is the fact that people are so defensive when talking about premade results. Unlike a video, a screenshot can only show so much. You won't be able to see mistakes made by the other team and things of that nature. Looking at numbers really doesn't do much for me, because the circumstances behind them are all that matter really.

I know someone in <Out of the Storm> (the team that NNC played last) got feared into a wall shortly into the game. No one can SEE that through a screen shot, but they can see numbers that are WAY off of everyone else. Without knowing the exact details of the game, numbers are just that... numbers.
Sanitarium said:
Ohai has it down for the most part. What shocks me is the fact that people are so defensive when talking about premade results. Unlike a video, a screenshot can only show so much. You won't be able to see mistakes made by the other team and things of that nature. Looking at numbers really doesn't do much for me, because the circumstances behind them are all that matter really.

I know someone in <Out of the Storm> (the team that NNC played last) got feared into a wall shortly into the game. No one can SEE that through a screen shot, but they can see numbers that are WAY off of everyone else. Without knowing the exact details of the game, numbers are just that... numbers.

people are way too worried about their egos on a video game and cant handle people knowing that they lost a wsg game in a twink bracket
a little trash talking is good for health competition. Damn, i couldnt imagin what basketball would be like if I couldnt rub a victory in my opponents face...
I belive phauren that if you actually read what I wrote you would see that I agree with you guys about the screens, I think GO (and other guilds) not wanting screens posted is kinda silly.

As far as talking about your trolling, you have to admit that you troll a lot. Youre especially good at it in fact. Your track record speaks for itself. I dont have to "run my mouth? lol" about you for everybody to know that.

My statement about not believing you was obviously accurate as GO believed you then immediatly your guild broke the agreed upon rules. Maybe it is unfair of me to single you out, but I dont think im off the mark at all.

You can talk to drayner all you want about me, I find that rather amusing considering ive just been bumped up and allowed front page acess on this site.
Alteffour said:
I belive phauren that if you actually read what I wrote you would see that I agree with you guys about the screens, I think GO (and other guilds) not wanting screens posted is kinda silly.

As far as talking about your trolling, you have to admit that you troll a lot. Youre especially good at it in fact. Your track record speaks for itself. I dont have to "run my mouth? lol" about you for everybody to know that.

My statement about not believing you was obviously accurate as GO believed you then immediatly your guild broke the agreed upon rules. Maybe it is unfair of me to single you out, but I dont think im off the mark at all.

You can talk to drayner all you want about me, I find that rather amusing considering ive just been bumped up and allowed front page acess on this site.

telling on people is srs bsns, dont diss
If you really think i would tell on you, then you are infact an idiot. Obviously i am very good at my chosen hobby and managed to troll you yet again.

In all seriousness, we never broke the rules. Falarass did.
Phauren said:
If you really think i would tell on you, then you are infact an idiot. Obviously i am very good at my chosen hobby and managed to troll you yet again.

In all seriousness, we never broke the rules. Falarass did.

a real troll never admits hes trolling

you fail
Falarass did

Fal is a pretty solid troll too.

But no I never thought even youd have the nuts to try something that juvenille.

Also I am retiring from trolling so i no longer care.

Just like you have quit twinking/wow how many times?
I even said each and everytime I would be back. I even took 2 months off last time. Get fuked.

Also Phauren #1

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