Why I Twink

Pookums said:
I'd like to hear what other people have to say, why do you twink?

Your reasons sounds pretty familiar. I started twinking fall 2009.

Additional reasons are/were:

the way to compete with Heirloomers without becoming one of them is to twink your toons;

the community aspect (funny how this whole 'no more Battlegroups' thing panned out);

liking the Vanilla content more than all other Expansions put together (The Shattering being one of the reasons I stopped subscribing);

playing AV by 'Win by Reinforcements' , the summonings etc. (AV easily extended my own subscriptions by months);

testing how far you can push a toon in a game (a big reason why I'm very much of the 'everything you can do solo, you do solo' bent, and dislike boosting);

As for F2P twinking:

the 'year zero' aspect of it ('everybody' starting over);

having to be self-reliant/ no sugar-daddery;

paying Blizzard exactly the amount of money their game currently is worth paying for*

*('why play then'? besides the, to use a strong term, therapeutic effect of bouncing cute little Gnomes around, Blizz/WoW had and has a large impact on the gaming hobby, including most notably pen-and-paper RPG's, so you could call it taking a professional interest in the game and its effects on the potential gamer demographic)
When I first started, I don't think I knew what I wanted really. I had only played WoW on a free sever along time ago and I never did any instances cause I was terrified of fumbling. I maxed out Maylas (my night elf rogue) and played battlegrounds, my health was really low, and I kept getting killed over-and-over again. I saw someone with Rifle Commander's Eyepatch and I just had to have it. So, I queue'd for Stormwind Stockades. My first run and we ended up losing or tank and went on without 'em. Didn't wipe either, I ended up playing all the available dungeons like all day just loved 'em to death. Of course, I hate running them these days haha.

Then I got sick of dying cause we had no healers and my timing of kick and gouge had to be the worst in the bracket. I decide it was a time for a change and made Rhaellia on AP as I had heard about the community. I found myself more concerned with helping my team then honor points or killing blows. I just wanted to heal people and keep everyone alive. To this day, I must resist my knee-jerk reaction to heal GY farmers when I come out of the tunnel.

Overall, healing is more positive I think. For example:

Rogue: You see how many kills I got? Blood everywhere. Pure pwnage >D

Warrior: Hehe... look at 'em try to run.

Hunter: You see me two-shot that one? Awesome.

Mage: My crits are sweet.

Me: Yay, no one died.

Anyhow, then I ran into Kincaide while in Stormwind for a fishing daily and now I twink simply because of the AP community. It's just too much fun these days :D

Btw, I also share some of your philosophy. I've let under-geared Horde players walk by my rogue. It just didn't feel right, you know? Sometimes you forget that character is just another person, trying to have fun like you.
I twink so I don't have to drink alone. Just kiddin.

Despite all of our complaints it's still a pretty cool f'n game. I enjoy team work and good competition. (Longs walk on the beach too /yawn).

I like f2p because it's a project - you need to do that best with what you have from scratch with no starting BOAs and blue BoEs.

And it's like you are the underdog in the bracket so winning feels like more of an accomplishment.

I find this bracket to be more welcoming then any other I've encountered. The AP f2per's I've encountered seem like pretty decent folk. Frankly I don't care too much about other people's equipment in my bracket - I'd rather have people who try, observe their surroundings and will listen objectively. The 19s (and I am sure other brackets) are f'n brutal towards undergeared players. I think I just read the 29s will vote kick (report afk) any undergeared players - that sucks and you risk losing the next BG badass - or more importantly someone cool and fun to play with.
I've been twinking since mid-bc, played pretty much every class to some extent. At first I'll admit I twinked to pwn some newbs but MAINLY because I was a little kid with no patience to level. Later on, I decided that having lots of competition was more fun.

Then they answered my prayers and seperated xp-on and xp-off. I find that xp-off bracket with 2 competent teams can be more difficult and competitive then 85 battlegrounds, even RBGs.

And now I find myself in the 20-24 bracket, because I like the gear and enchant restrictions and feel they reduce burst ALOT.
In any game i've played I've always enjoyed twinking, because I've always been good at it. Namely Anarchy Online, the all-time twink game (imo). Love the planning that goes into twinking.. The spec/playstyle, the gear that benefits, farming the extra rares others don't have, etc. Stopping a toon at XX level and seeing how far you can push your toon is a blast. And as for the WoW F2p twinking, I think it's awesome. We're working with quite a few limitations and competing with those that can REALLY outgear us is.. fun. The gratification when you win is gold. :)
I recently quit my sub because myself only doing low level bg's because I've no interest in PVE and have done max level RBG's and arena's to death and have grown tired of it.

I can't see paying $15 a month for playing the game a couple times a week in this limited capacity. I ran across a F2P post in the BG forums from someone here and it peaked my interest so I researched it.

So I'm going to give it a try and see how it goes. I've got a lot of experience in low level bg's, RBG's and arena over 2500, etc so we'll see if you guys can satisfy my competitive needs.

I'll get my toon to 20, farm my gear and when min/maxed, I'll join the premades. I've already downloaded the addons and am in the f2p chat, etc.

We'll see how it goes but it looks promising so far.
i twink a f2p 20 cause $15 US dollars = way more than 15 NZ dollars :(
i twink to dominate people who think they are good, because if there's any group of people with the most bizarrely inflated gauge of their own ability, it's world of warcraft twinks
When I first played the game, I leveled very slowly, and was quite into the lore and having the best gear available to me. Some people called this twinking. I never liked the term myself. I always did far more BGs as X7-X9 than I did before that. I'd just get owned otherwise. I also made a few BG only X9 characters that didn't always have BiS gear. I liked having my gear match, and have an overall theme. Not look ridiculous.

As for F2P, this is no different. I still dislike the term twink, and when asked if I am or was a twink, I always say no. I do want the best gear etc. available to me, and I always set about acquiring it. Infact, gearing up is half the fun. Of course I also like my gear to match, as mentioned, and will take minor stat hits for aesthetic ones. TM will make that last part redundant. Now, why F2P? For something new. A challenge. Something that caught my interest, and something, that for now at least, I will continue with.

I still like this game, but have long since stopped reading the lore. I have long since stopped caring about max level. I have long since stopped being willing to pay one more cent to Blizz for a buggy game that crashes constantly, and whose lore makes no ****ing sense whatsoever to me. I still enjoy PvP, and this gives me the oppurtunity to get back into it, without the need to pay Blizz, something I will never again do. Ever.

Amen to that.

The lore is just stupid now imo. It lost it's warcraft feel and is now an everything mushed into anything game. f2p seems to have more of the original Warcraft atmosphere about it that I loved so much in Vanilla. So i'll play a bit of level 20 pvp for fun. Thing is that's all i ever did when i paid for the game, casual fooling around on multiple character, at level cap or levelling, doesn't matter. Far too many things in this game annoy me to justify having to insert coin every month to access characters I put so much time into.

Plus, I actually enjoy games where there is some form of balance.. And f2p offers more balance than levelling battlegrounds... which is just ridiculous considering how unbalanced this bracket actually is with enchanted 24 derps and infinite hunters rolling around. Level 85 probably has a similar balance to f2p to be honest, with newbies in greens and top geared Arena people always in the mix. Facerolling noobs isn't fun, neither is being facerolled. (Which is why I'll never pay to make a 24, and why I hate 24's so much.)

The main, number 1 reason for playing this playstyle is... I hate the constant gear grind at 'end game'... It ain't end game... It never frickin ends! There is always better gear to get, and it will always be the people with more free time than me who are constantly with the advantage in gear. I don't play often enough to remain competitive... or to sit down for allocated times for raids. I don't even enjoy raids. MC was fun-ish the first time. After that it was just tedious. Yes Blizzard, there is a whole group of WoW players who enjoy WoW's gameplay enough that they don't need a carrot on a stick to keep playing. I just want to be in equal gear, and be balanced. Balance, however, is never gonna happen, therefore I ain't paying. I will never ever pay for a subscription based game again. From now on I will be sticking to one off payment games such as Starcraft, Guild Wars 2, or this.

Also, I disagree with a game requiring outside addons to be competitive. Level 85 you must have multiple addons to be able to compete, whereas at lower levels, they aren't as necessary.

I enjoy the gameplay, and being able to enter a battleground and have some fun. I don't want to have to constantly be downloading addons, and organizing job like criteria for rated battlegrounds or raids. I see so much potential for this f2p bracket if a few tiny alterations were made.

Edit: One other thing that really grates my grinders is the exponential growth in character power as they level up. It is just stupid that a level 85 has 5 times as much HP as a level 80. The numbers at 'end game' are just way out of whack. I don't enjoy seeing '38974!!!' damage crit numbers flashing all over my screen thanks. Just want small normalized numbers that make sense. Level 20 has the perfect numbers imo, with an average health of just over 1000.
I've played almost every twink bracket but atm i play only my 85.

70s and 80s was fun but as warrior it was frustrating get owned by mages.
[font=times new roman,times,serif]Twinked for years at 39 on my horde rogue. Found mad honor on DK at 70-74. Hit 75, played the game from the GY.

Rerolled and started over at 19. Bracket was dead. 35, 45 minute queue's, even into unavailable. Moved up to 24 (unknowing of the trials converted to f2p) and found the fast queue times and hung around. I don't twink to be a jerk to 20's (at least that's not my one focus/primary goal) I just like the queue times on horde and found a good guild with EPIC. (And don't bash us without knowing us. Until you join and talk with us on vent, spend some time with us, you don't know us.)[/font]
Never began twinking before this. I used to play a dwarf hunter named longshot. I didnt like killing others but the feeling that i was somehow contributing to a team. Now i can do that with AP under diffrent colors.
i started twinking on a rogue back in late BC oh boy was i fail i was in the 29 bracket lets just say I was the keyboard turning s key all star clicker yep i gave up twinking after moving up into the 39 bracket just for the mongoose enchants and with the added addition of exp in bgs i just left deleted that rogue and finally made it to this site toward the end of wrath was just lurking and needless to say once cataclysm rolled out with merged bgs i decided to play a warlock after reading pizzas forum post on the wow forums about classes that aren't really played at 19 and then i got to 19 and well I did something idiotic rage quit and went to 24 which i dont really regret cause there are some cool peeps in the bracket but now im making a 19 balance druid on horde side
Vanilla & BC = me shitting on the poor lost bastards who somehow found their way to the battlemaster in 19s. Late BC I got my own account and focused on endgame arenas on my dreamstate druid. Found hostile on BF and decided to remake my 19 rogue, never ended up putting much effort into him and xfered my main to PvE. Once again made a 19 rogue and after experiencing the awesomeness of xp-off 19s spent most of the rest of the xpac playing 19s. Cata came and shit on everything so I cancelled my account once f2p went live and now I rarely play much. Go figure.

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