Why I Twink

I twink to win. My current goals being promoting lvl 24 Twink Play among other players. Tired of seeing these undergeared 20's in my bracket causing us to lose. More people need to roll 24's

ur sig says otherwise.

This thread reminds me of a guy I had the displeasure of being grouped with in WSG. He was a 24 rogue, like myself, but would not stop trolling everyone even our own team. Telling all f2p to /afk to do various things. He was an all around troll, and quite a fail twink. He wasn't BiS in basically any slot, and he killed the same ally 20 times in their gy. Of course he thought his shenanigans were awesome but I got the team to turn against his ways. So me and the level 20's all just started winning, and acting like a team, it was amazing synergy and when we had to we counter trolled him. He was such a jagaloon I had to post about him after seeing this thread.

I twink to be the best. To WIN games. Not to lulzzlolololol about killing a lvl 20, and I've seen some lvl 20's that are awesome so killing them isn't always an easy task. But I find being a 24 in this bracket makes you almost a leadership figure, if you don't act like a prick. The aforementioned scrub is the reason why 24's get such a hated rap from the f2pers, but to be honest without the f2p's this bracket would be bare.
I just got tired of grinding like crazy to get the best on mains only to have Bliz patch it all away, with new gear to get over and over and over, all that time and work down the drain... Twinking lets me do it once and then just enjoy playing the game and for free to boot!!!
Any level 24 that says they play this bracket to do anything other than kill lower level people and people with less gear is just lying. If you wanted an active bracket, youd be playing 19s. Its a bracket that is 90% level 20s, so obviously a level 24 is going to have a huge advantage. Basically, this bracket is like twinking before it was broke off to xp off bgs: a select group of players who actually twink to beat up on lowbies ruining for the skilled twinks who are looking for a challenge.
honestly i would say 20-24 is alot like 20-29 or 30-39 more than anything else. One because of arathi bason and two we get more abilities from the get go. We hav emor ethan jsut af ew basic abilites.

Youre ignoring the part about you being a level 24 in a bracket that has 90% level 20s
You're fighting a losing battle here.

You shouldve realized from our back and forth in chat just then that Im not particularly concerned about how my message is viewed if I feel Im right. Whatever disagreement you have with me, you should probably recognize that Im right in this case
Any level 24 that says they play this bracket to do anything other than kill lower level people and people with less gear is just lying. If you wanted an active bracket, youd be playing 19s. Its a bracket that is 90% level 20s, so obviously a level 24 is going to have a huge advantage. Basically, this bracket is like twinking before it was broke off to xp off bgs: a select group of players who actually twink to beat up on lowbies ruining for the skilled twinks who are looking for a challenge.


there is literally no reason to roll a 24 twink other than to grief

if you wanted real twink pvp, you'd roll a twink in a real bracket. any 24 twink is advertising themselves as a (would-be) lowbie farming griefer

the best part is that these people honestly think they are not at a comically enormous advantage; it's kind of hilarious

edit: i want to clarify that i have nothing against 24 twinks - i grief people all the time myself, and it's perfectly within their right to do so. i just find it absolutely absurd that these 24 twinks take themselves seriously and think that they're actually participating in some kind of halfway real pvp when 95% of the players in their battlegrounds have a fraction of their stats and are 4 levels below them
I twink to have fun and help noobz "learn" If I see a 24 I WILL attack even if I know I will get pwned, only to see that his 24 "friends" keep on running past, and not 1 but every player lvl20 thats in range comes to help me and the selfish pwner gets OWNED. It shows teamwork and beats "OP" 24s any day, and would rather play with them than any other when it comes down to it.
You shouldve realized from our back and forth in chat just then that Im not particularly concerned about how my message is viewed if I feel Im right. Whatever disagreement you have with me, you should probably recognize that Im right in this case

I don't disagree with you, but nothing is gonna stop most 24s from rolling 24. It's simply a losing battle trying to convince them otherwise.

Where's the hostility from?
I still don't completely understand what 24s want. 20s want 24s our because of the insane stat overload. What do 24s want? If 20s leave the bracket and only 24's are left would you all honestly play this bracket? I can't imagine so because at the end of the day if that were true you'd be doing 19s or 29s. At best, I think some asshole rolled a 24, then some P2P's decided that thy were tired of losing to that asshole so they rolled a 24 and now it's just a lot of escalation on both sides of the field.
I still don't completely understand what 24s want. 20s want 24s our because of the insane stat overload. What do 24s want? If 20s leave the bracket and only 24's are left would you all honestly play this bracket? I can't imagine so because at the end of the day if that were true you'd be doing 19s or 29s. At best, I think some asshole rolled a 24, then some P2P's decided that thy were tired of losing to that asshole so they rolled a 24 and now it's just a lot of escalation on both sides of the field.

Welcome to the 20-24 bracket. The first few weeks were pretty enjoyable puggable games. Then came horde 24s, then came an increase in alliance skillpatchers, then came horde AP 10 mans. Now the bracket is governed by who has the most 24s/hunters/ap premaders.

Escalation would be the proper term.
i started twinking for revenge, my second toon i leveled was a warrior and around 36-37 i decided to try pvp and got stomped buy people with a crapload more health then me and didnt understand it. so i started inspecting people and asking questions. my main was a hunter so i rolled one to lvl 39 and had decent gear. class was op so i had a blast killing undergeared people in ab(wasnt a fan of wsg). found twink info and the wow forums and became more active in fair play/playing with other twinks. quit wow mid wrath becuase i was burnt out on endgame and came back for cata... made a new 39 on the same account as my main and it died, so i rolled a 29 and that died....have a 19 and 70 i havnt finished.........

tdlr=revenge for people kicking my leveling ass....

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