Why dodge?

Wargames only work if you have some one on x realm. The same realm as the opposing team to initiate the wargame.
If you claim you're a twink, and do not want to play in a game in which will challenge your skill, coordination, and team synnergy. Then you disgrace everything being a twink stands for.

i disagree but i am from a different era of twinking. also not to mention that most 24's play on a casual basis and dont feel the need to premade to vs other premades, i.e having fun with your friends.
I say if you both want to Premade/Wargames that bad, put your money where mouth is & just bring toons to Alexstrasza. It pile allow both parties to fill in from Sanctuåry people (if needed). Wait a sec. Hmmmm...

Lith - Alamoo has a Druid on Ally side, Whoever wants to play horde - Duo or Tgød - Livingforce has a toon on horde Alex. Sync at Stv or Dalaran "Ding" Wargames :)

If you decide you to thru with this keep it fun and friendly - GG

this is your solution ^. Stop the Bs and plan it out along with rules. No more talking trash. I gave both parties a solution, Dodge that. At the end of the day it always pays to be on Alexstrasza. It's sad Premade talk happens 6 days before an Op patch. <SMH>

Arena is my main focus now along with Thursdays B.Y.O.G.

HoneyBadger #Bestlvl24facilitator
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Yeah living im all talk hahahahaha just keep queing dude. I'm not... I repeat not... Wasting my time syncing up against that shaman or hunter w.e his name is's premade. With their 30min ques to sync up their 2 and then sync up my 2 which sometimes takes 30mins. which would also mean we would have to 4x sync which would probably take like 2hrs+ yeah. Go fuck yourself, Don't waste my time!
Wsg is my Baby que up you will get your turn to get farmed.
Don't pretend like you guys got a list of people who wanna bg with all you complainers.
You complain and bitch most people rather just chill and bg.
Its a game play it and if you need more a challenge. As i always say "If i wanted a challenge I'd just go get a girlfriend, or kids!"
Till then keep Raging. Was fun farming you tho Living ;)

You wouldn't know if you didn't try. Name 1 time your premade has farmed a group of mine with 5 or more? It's never happened. You know it for a fact, and if you think otherwise, then how come you aren't willing to prove these false claims in a premade situation? Never in my WoW career have i seen people bitching about the queue time for an epic game.. I even say you guys don't have to commit to any rules at all, just show your faces. However we would be handicapped with class/comp. You still deny it?

Living did provide us with a very suitable alternative, however knowing the these idiot's they'd dodge a wargame challenge too.

Please duo, step up as a leader, and show your guild a good game. Otherwise, continue being the laughing stock of the bracket.

like i said, call me rage, call me egotistical. But until this bracket puts together 10 willing to be patient enough to sync FOR ONE GOOD GAME. then this will continue to just be all talk.

--Don't say now this bracket is only "casuals" when there's countless amount of threads with posts stating that we ALL wan't GOOD GAMES.
That's the point of HB's BYOP right? Well here's my version of it. Except this is more direct in calling out the bracket for not being able to show.
With how well behaved everyone was recently, I thought for sure I'd never be able to post my song again. But I'm feeling it ...soon™

On topic:

As for me, I can't be assed anymore to wait potentially hours for people to figure out how to premade/wargame. Been there, done that. I've paid my dues... I'm bound to wander off before things get moving now... And who knows what troubles I may get myself into! Recipe for disaster I tell you. I can barely stomach Horde 90, 20 Ally, and 19 queues as is.

I'm personally not against the idea, I just don't have (or want to have :cool:) the patience for delays these days. Streamline it for little 'ole me, will ya!

Good luck, have fun and all that jazz!

Why does no one respond to me i feel like i dont even exist

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Goodness gracious me. Now, would a Sua Sponte 10 man consist of >50% resto druids or is that just what you guys queue with to roll pugs? I'd dodge that.

The remaining percentage is probably disc priests. Haha jk
Hey Lith can you get 10 Guildies for Thursday night? It's win win for me. I'm not the one being challenged, but I feel I can field 10. Hell ill bring socials or f2ps lol.

id assume all pots are a go, except Faps, no MCP, all jumps allowed except glitches.

2 max to each class, 3 full spec heals, 2 stealhies allowed, Druids can't be of same spec( if you run 2 Druids)

Has to be synced que to get Alex f2p or p2p 20 from guild.

Thursday night only night, I don't schedule things for guild on fri-sun that's real life time for people. :)

I answered a challenge that wasn't mine, the balls on alliance court now. Lets keep it fun and friendly . 1 game
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I smell Premade for Thursday night? If something going to happen it has to happen ASAP before patch.

Yes it does.

Thursdays has become bad for me due to real life activities schedules every Thursday. I'll try my best however, I'm still looking for a Horde team that actually want's to put one of their 10 mans against mine. I have yet to be able to sync against anyone in BYOG because i'm not willing to put my team through the pain of NOT GETTING SYNCD WITH ANY HORDE TEAMS - BECAUSE YOU GUYS AREN'T PATIENT ENOUGH.

If you found that game vs my 5 man thrill seeking HB, why not making into an even more balanced mid fight, i tell ya man. You guys caught me off guard, it WAS a fun game, it just pisses me off that when asked to atleast TRY to sync. no one ever does..
In my book that is dodging. Give it a try atleast, if it goes for then an 45 minutes sure, people have better things to do. Like go farm level 20 bots for example.

Edit: @ HB I will gladly. However my night is shortened due to RL activities, The earlier you guys can start, the better for me and my team.
Thanks for stepping up man, Should be fun, for sure.
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Okay get someone else to que for u then, I just want to play. It will be fun and friendly. No epeen threads. After game only GG. That's alll that will be allowed from my Guildies. Thursdays I have guild get on at 8:30pm central.
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Okay get someone else to que for u then, I just want to play. It will be fun and friendly. No epeen threads. After game only GG. That's alll that will be allowed from my Guildies. Thursdays I have guild get on at 8:30pm central.

Okay sounds like a date.

Now are we going to sync up or are we going to just swing the bat in the dark? Because like i said, i'm not gonna waste mine or my guilds time trying to sync 2 groups for no guarantee. If we can atleast give it a shot, it would be appreciated.
We will give it an hour to try to get a sync que. best I can do. Don't want to bore Guildies. That's at least 30 tries on horde side.
do you guys refer to premades as queing into eachother in the vast sea of a brackejt this is? and a premade counts if more than 1person are in a game undersame tag vs another grp of more than 1 undersame tag.....


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