Honey Badger
This will be a 10 vs 10 guild Premade.
Lets keep it fun and friendly . 1 game
Your a firetrucking cheesle man, I said ealier I will tf to any realm to set up to vs 10 its instant pop, you don't know shit man, sit down!Yeah living im all talk hahahahaha just keep queing dude. I'm not... I repeat not... Wasting my time syncing up against that shaman or hunter w.e his name is's premade. With their 30min ques to sync up their 2 and then sync up my 2 which sometimes takes 30mins. which would also mean we would have to 4x sync which would probably take like 2hrs+ yeah. Go fuck yourself, Don't waste my time!
Wsg is my Baby que up you will get your turn to get farmed.
Don't pretend like you guys got a list of people who wanna bg with all you complainers.
You complain and bitch most people rather just chill and bg.
Its a game play it and if you need more a challenge. As i always say "If i wanted a challenge I'd just go get a girlfriend, or kids!"
Till then keep Raging. Was fun farming you tho Living
i feel like i should participate
Tell that to the people you call your "Leader's"
If you think a 10v10 would be more fun then farming level 20s, then why do you run with the trash of the bracket? Lol.
cause i enjoy getting a lot of kills and winning and having a 77-3 W/L
Im telling u Ochi. I gave them a solution. Screw Premades that will never happen. Go go Arena.
Ochi want to arena?
I would love to do arenas on my 24, as arms!, will cross realm grouping work in 5.4?
With how well behaved everyone was recently, I thought for sure I'd never be able to post my song again. But I'm feeling it ...soon™
On topic:
As for me, I can't be assed anymore to wait potentially hours for people to figure out how to premade/wargame. Been there, done that. I've paid my dues... I'm bound to wander off before things get moving now... And who knows what troubles I may get myself into! Recipe for disaster I tell you. I can barely stomach Horde 90, 20 Ally, and 19 queues as is.
I'm personally not against the idea, I just don't have (or want to have ) the patience for delays these days. Streamline it for little 'ole me, will ya!
Good luck, have fun and all that jazz!
You could already do cross realm arenas.... as long as the leaders are on the same realm.
Spew get your ass back to Sanc.
brooo your on kj too ?sorry, i ment if me on kil'jaeden can grp and que with someone on alex, as this is not possible at level 90 in current patch.
To bad there is still so much epeen that has to be protected these days.
I mean all I want is a competitive game.
When the little boys hiding behind their screens grow up and realize its not real life and life goes on win or lose, maybe then will there be competitive games in this bracket.