Why do you play this bracket or roll a 24?

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I found very interesting the 15yo kid vs the 10yo kid post. The question is "why a 15yo kid comes to beat a 10yo kid?" The answer is because if he tries to beat another 15yo kid, he'd found himself beaten in most cases. That's why I feel pity to all 24s.
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lilhunter, while you're on your crusade against 24s could i ask if you like everything to be fair and balanced why you played a hunter (imo as OP as any 24 in cata apart from 24hunters) the whole of cata?

for the record, if anyone wants to roll a toon on my sever i'll show you the reason i dont need four lvls or even BiS gear...

fyi, if 19s was as active as 20-24 you could keep it, its pretty shite.
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lilhunter, while you're on your crusade against 24s could i ask if you like everything to be fair and balanced why you played a hunter (imo as OP as any 24 in cata apart from 24hunters) the whole of cata?

To have any kind of chance vs 90% of the horrible 24s in this bracket. It's cute how you think I was as OP as every lv 24 class in cata except hunts but anymore questions I could answer?
To have any kind of chance vs 90% of the horrible 24s in this bracket. It's cute how you think I was as OP as every lv 24 class in cata except hunts but anymore questions I could answer?

ahh so you're allowed to be OP i c.
If I'm facing a 24 and they consider me to be OP to them then they are bad. I was OP compared to most 20s yes? If you feel like creating a thread named why I created a 20 hunt I'll say the exact samething. People make 24s to faceroll. I made my hunt to stop most of that facerolling.

lol pull the other one, you made a hunter to be Op, someone made a more oP twink you made a 24. plz, just plz
lol pull the other one, you made a hunter to be Op, someone made a more oP twink you made a 24. plz, just plz

So you know what went on or my creation of toons? My first toon in this bracket was a lv 20 rogue. When I started playing was in the days of day after day of EPIC premades or Holy Crit premades and I soon realized they were being carried by 24 hunts. I then made a 20 hunt to see how I could do vs these 24 hunts and soon realized that those hunts that were 2 shotting my rogue sucked. I thought they were like god or something they did made them that strong but they just played to their OPness.

In making my hunt i stopped being beat by lousy 24s and beating lousy 20s became even easier. I'm not going to apologize ever for making a hunt and being able to kill 20 after 20 after 20 all cata because if I wouldn't have I would have been killed by 24 after 24 after 24 in cata. I made a 24 because my friend gave me a RaF and she was a trial rogue before also so we decided to go with 24 rogue twins named ying/yang to be cute. I don't even have 10k hks on my rogue for a reason. Since I main a lv 20 hunt me saying something is to easy should really mean something and my 24 rogue was WAY to easy.

Why I just explained that to you idk because you obviously already knew all of that and your opinion is obviously already made up. If you have a 24 enjoy your facerolling like you want and if you play a 20 then enjoy beating up those bad 24s.
Was goign to stop reading here but I'm bored and idk you so kept reading

Mind reader :O
Smartest comment on this thread in pages
As long as you have the money to pay for the game this is only real reason to go F2p instead of P2P

Atleast you admit it. /respect
Atleast you play a F2P AND P2P /respect
You play a 24 /disrespect

Idk you but you're up 2-1 on my respect meter just from this post. This post basically sums it all up. Good post

Thanks, while I like the idea that I am already earning respect in other people's eyes I am not playing the game for that reason alone.

I play to have fun, and it's a rule I have stuck by for some time now. Hell, if I wasn't playing by this rule, I wouldn't be twinking on either of my accounts, and would probably still be grinding dailies across two or three toons.
20 F2P hunter taking the moral high ground = :LUL:ZY

Although I agree with you The Saint; I wouldn't fuck with woman logic.

Inb4 male chauvinism.
I was just pointing out that I find it humorous that you would label someone else as stubborn when you're both obviously not going to change anybody's mind
I too like to make sweeping generalizations. Birds of a feather and all...
I don't see why it's a huge debate.

No one side is going to give.

Everyone has an equal right to play, paying or not, because Blizzard deems both sides worthy.

We know why people play F2P.

We know why people play P2P.

No one is changing their mind.
Cata huntard crying about 24s being OP, while 24s with fotm chars accusing him of being a fotm reroller, lol.
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