Why do we /AFK, or why don't we /AFK?


i was making waves u was surfing in 'em
Title says it all; I'd like to hear some reasoning as to why you choose to /AFK out of battlegrounds, or why you choose not to.
If I ever /AFK out of a battleground, it will be due to either...

- I am not enjoying the Battleground and there is nobody in there I know depending on me.
- Legitimately have to go.
- Absolutely nobody on my team are trying to kill EFC; (No point me sitting there with the flag if they refuse to even try) note: This is after waiting a while to make sure they aren't just slow to get there.

My opinion on the subject is that, WoW is a game. Games are for entertainment, i.e. what we call 'fun'. If you are not having fun, then you shouldn't be in that situation.
I am not here to prove a point, if I'm not having fun I will sometimes not want to grind out the 20 minute shit-fest.
However, I believe that people who /AFK simply because they are losing, now that is stupid.

What do you think?
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I only AFK if i actually have to go or if im going to get camped for 10+ mins because the majority of my team is undergeared, or were facing a 24 premade, etc, ( note this is only after 2-5 mins of being camped all ready)
If I'm not having fun or am getting frustrated I leave.

Sometimes I'll stick out in a really frustrating, un-fun game to pull out a win to stick it to the other team. Hardly satisfying though.
I don't afk because the only thing more frustrating than being in a terrible game is taking a pop and entering someone else's frustrating game. I am new to 20-24 and it appears afking happens a lot... where as in 19s if you afk it's simply because you don't have the guts to handle a loss on your w/l ratio (since only one game goes at a time anyways)
I /afk if

-I have to leave
-I'm lagging so badly I'm hurting the team more than helping, from here it happens quite a bit : /

Same as Mocha I hate to leave a game and saddle someone else with a loss they didn't even start on. If we're losing whatever, if my team isn't trying then I just occupy myself with shouting at them and sometimes it works out. If the other team's farming and for some reason we can't get out of the gy then I can tab as a ghost as easily as I can tab waiting for my 15 min debuff, but most of the time when a game just really blows enough ppl afk out that there's a chance to roll people who will actually try to win. I've had a lot of 0-2 games become 3-2 games. Which is also why I never farm ;P

Won't say I've never ragequit o'course, but it's generally something I avoid. If I'm that ticked over a game I don't have any business playing anyways.
Atm I can only play when my baby sleeps so I have to leave when he wakes up or screams (or both) ;)
I afk out for:

1) real life issue require my attention more than 1min
2) BG drama chat;( I had enough irl, I don't want to hear more in game)
3) powerful premade(the 24s)
4) 3 or more losing streak in both WSG AB battleground just kill my will to keep fighting in a losing match
5) being gy farmed
6) my teammate/fc trying to use the glitch to win.
I only /AFK if i need to go or the team are morons.

I really don't mind loosing. Its when i am the only one trying in the team to play objectively. Personally i enjoy PvP when i am winning. I don't get how people can enjoy the game by sitting in Mid/GY and farming... Seems pointless to me... You may as well play COD.
because people in general annoy me... the bots normally have the right attitude.
I only afk for two reasons, if I actually have to go or if my router is acting up and I keep getting dc'd. Otherwise I always manage to have fun in bgs from carrying my bad team, joining a game late and claiming a win, preventing the 3 cap of gy farmers, helping 1k hpers get ironman, having duo chase me around the field trying to put me in the gy. Each situation you just have to find where the fun is c:
Title says it all; I'd like to hear some reasoning as to why you choose to /AFK out of battlegrounds, or why you choose not to.
If I ever /AFK out of a battleground, it will be due to either...

- I am not enjoying the Battleground and there is nobody in there I know depending on me.
- Legitimately have to go.
- Absolutely nobody on my team are trying to kill EFC; (No point me sitting there with the flag if they refuse to even try) note: This is after waiting a while to make sure they aren't just slow to get there.

My opinion on the subject is that, WoW is a game. Games are for entertainment, i.e. what we call 'fun'. If you are not having fun, then you shouldn't be in that situation.
I am not here to prove a point, if I'm not having fun I will sometimes not want to grind out the 20 minute shit-fest.
However, I believe that people who /AFK simply because they are losing, now that is stupid.

What do you think?

I think about this ins the same way , if u are having flag and everybody is playing middle and not trying to kill EFC u cant have fun and u would like to leave the battleground !!
I leave battlegrounds when i get farmed for example so they wont farm me . I cant have fun when my BG team is being farmed !!!

Thats what i think!!
I only AFK if I have to leave or if I'm very frustrated.

I don't AFK if we're losing unless it's a very cheap loss that's just unfair (A flyhacker was EFCing and taking the flag back in 15 seconds).

I only AFK under rare circumstances. If we're getting farmed I just stay dead unless I find a way to get around the farmers (Such as charging up top. Seriously though, why did Blizz lower the GY in Cata?)

Anyways, AFKing to avoid losses is just... ugh. AFKing if you have to leave or if you're not having fun/getting frustrated is alright though. If you're mad or not having fun, that means you should take a few minutes of break time.

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