Why do we /AFK, or why don't we /AFK?

I usually try and give a game 5 minutes before I make any AFk-related decisions. You never know if those guys from QT will actually turn out to be objective-based players (who am I kidding right). Reasons for actually AFK-ing can include:
- Knowing that your team comp doesn't have the capability to take the enemy team (especially if you don't have healers).
- Watching your team get shunted mid-field for the umpteenth time.
- Spawning to see guild names standing outside your GY.

The only time there'll be an exception to the above is if I see someone I know, in which case I'll try and make the most of it, try and have some fun at least. That's what the game is for in the end.
to keep statistics good. since if you leave a battleground, it does not count as win or loss. people leaving battleground as soon as they imagine they will lose it. some dudes are pro on it. they play till last 3 sec. and doing it just before battleground end.

I see alot of good players and 24s doing that.

Its just sad.
To keep the BG statistics high.... rofl. The irony is strong here. So AFK to preserve win ratio, then end up looking like a sore loser. Where's the benefit there then? Do people really care for win-ratios in this PuGtastic bracket? The amount of times I solo Q and get into a 2-0 loss game almost 3 capping just to lose 5 seconds later.... If I left those games I'd spend a lot of time as deserter! I afk from face-roll win games. If i'm getting GY camped nowadays, I stay as ghost and go play F2P on my other monitor :)
9 times out of 10 I won't afk. Even if there is a GY farm going on I'll manage to slip out (easier than you think) and just drop a picknic basket somewhere and chill.

The other 1 time it's because I have other F2Ps I could switch to and try another match.
...I afk when half my team is scrubs too lazy to at least get their dungeon blues, but queue pvp hoping to get carried to honor boa by geared players.

If I can inspect both teams and predict a loss on my end I save myself the trouble and afk...

If I do stay in a bg and it's not going well I won't afk if the debuff is longer than the remainder of the current game regardless of the conditions. Unless of course I must tend to rl issues.
I tend to afk out of games where our team is against some 24 premade and they are just gy farming us to the ground. Sometimes I do not leave a lost game and try to rp walk with the efc back to their base and throw down a lovely picnic basket for the lols. Its all good fun :)
typically I don't /afk because I forget you can actually just /afk to not get a loss recorded, and then on the odd occasion I do remember I usually can't really be bothered to type it in and instead wait for the end of the game

I seem to just sit at LM all the time on my ele shams now, so /afk is no longer ever (not that it ever was) needed for me because

I like to stand there and spam the thundershocks.
or whatever its called

-green(the colour)

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because the team

A)unworthy of my skill
B)usually jajas/middleschool and highschool kids
c)show bad gameplay in general
d)4-5 druid "paws" on the enemy team
LoL. How els thos "pro" gamers will have big win stats.
No faceroll - 60% leave after 1rs flag capped.
Hi there! To me... I don't rlly think theres a need to leave unless u have too or u just cant play for game issues. That being said I think that waiting for a queue (on ally) for 10 mins to then quit a bg and wait 15 mins before I can wait 10 mins again with no honor gain what so ever , and/or any combat is ridiculous. Pretty sure most ally think the same. As for horde. enjoy ur 3 min queues!

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