Why do buffs dissapear?

hasnt that been going on since MoP?

im sure its just blizzard mongoloids catering to the majority as usual because ''hurr we cant have outside buffs because its unfair to the retards'' so lets remove them arena style
I've experienced this since probably the last major patch that affected BG's. It's been a few months I think.
Food, elixir, scroll, spell and even novelty buffs (the beer helmet as well as the stamina toast, i.e.) are consistently removed when entering or exiting a BG.
I would guess that this is not a bug but an initial step in the coming leveling for PvP. I'm in the US.
I noticed it happens EVERYTIME I join a bg since patch 6.2. I'm on US
In my experience, buffs are only disappearing on my newer alts (elixirs and food buffs) with the exception of wizard oil.
All of my other twinks, which are at minimum 2+ years old, retain their buffs.
Even water/lightning shield is removed. It is even removed on my endgame vanilla toon. Nothing to do with age of toon.
I am sure it is a coding issue. All buffs are reset for rBGs and arenas. Probably something to do with putting everyone on "equal footing" since the merc mode. Or an easy/dirty fix for Blizzard. Just easier to get rid of ALL buffs instead of finding the problem ones. Lol...

I just told you. It has something to with the mercenary mode. It was probably easier for Blizzard to fix it with a sledge hammer than it was for them to fix it with a scalpel. So they grabbed the hammer and BAM!! No more buffs.

I just told you. It has something to with the mercenary mode. It was probably easier for Blizzard to fix it with a sledge hammer than it was for them to fix it with a scalpel. So they grabbed the hammer and BAM!! No more buffs.


yet, some ppl still keep their buffs :/
Potions/food buff disappear due to level change.
If you are level x9 and join/exit x0-x9BG, buffs would not disappear.
If you are level x0-x8 and join/exit x0-x9BG,buffs would disappear.

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