Who's still pure?

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Or that people keep bringing it up?

The only ones that keep bringing it up are starters. Pretty darn sure I have never seen " who is a subscriber" in the 20-29 forum. "Who is pure subscriber"....
Utter nonsense.
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Do i need to mention that i have been running lots of F2Ps threw dungeons to gear them up ? =)

You were running people on your vet account?? omg Lenny, you perverted those poor souls. How many more pure f2ps are you gonna steal, ffs :'(

---------------- On topic
I started "twinking" as a p2p and went f2p to make it easy for me to stop playing (still on it...), but I kept my account linked so I could still talk to my guildies and friends that had my btag and they often helped me with grouping and other things. Also, I like my account linked 'cause I can use the mounts I got as a p2p.

Even when I was p2p I always tried to help my f2p friends to get groups, try to get help for AGM, help for fishing contest, not with dungeons 'cause I hate them, but I still did a couple on my 90s, just to help them farm stuff for their f2p toons.

Having said that, I was never pure, nor I am trying to be so. Those who claim to be pure should embrace all f2p limitations and avoid grouping with p2ps, getting them to form groups, , having help from p2ps to run them through dungeons or help them with AGM, raids (RIP Precious Ribbon), even talk to those damn p2ps...

To me, the real "pure starters" are the ones who just found out about the game. Those that are still poorly geared and that are learning how to play and how to gear. The ones that don't even call themselves "pure" cause they don't know anything about twinking.
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Good on you for reaping the rewards of Veteran accounts that simply make life a bit easier, while leaving the parts that come at the cost of others.

Couldn't help but find this a tad bit ironic. At the cost of others? Don't you mean lack there of?
I'm still pure, but I'm thinking about making it vet, paying for one month and just getting all the BiS gear I need.
As long as you're having fun in the bracket then it doesn't matter. Vet/pure/f2p/p2p/29/etc it doesn't matter. Otherwise there are other f2p games out there to try out if you aren't enjoying the game. (Which I know that isn't what the thread is about)

This thread is one nasty poster away from a landmine. The bait is real.

No one is shaming people who aren't pure. The discussion here is about people who haven't upgraded.

If that is grounds for you to even mention the possibility of closing the thread, then I am extremely ashamed of what Twinkinfo has become.

I think he's concerned about why it's referred to as "pure". As if everything else is impure. It's a very elitist attitude that revolves around the idea that wanting more out of your account is the wrong way to go.
I went vet a months ago. It was mostly for the BAG spaces (now i freaking have 3 neatherwave(?) bags, nom nom, 30slot bag) and for grouping people.

I kind of feel bad for it sometimes, but in the other hand, doing things as a vet is quite easier than a purist, and it takes less time. (pshh, not golf farming ofc).

It was a hard decision for me to just "spit" on all the work i have done to get all those achievements as a purist. But either way, i did it.

The only i haven't done, is enchanting my toons(eleforce and crappy 105+ enchanting stuff).

Now i am linked and am respecting the Purism.

I don't think you should limit yourself. Of course don't go 29 for the reason of going vet. But one of the major points of twinking is getting the most out of a toon. Rejecting further features is like rejecting what wow has stood on for years and years. It was never made for limitation. And twinks are made to exceed past their average level potential.

Sure it's unfair if players can beat more skilled players just because they have better enchants. But let's say those more skilled players didn't limit themselves. Then what? Well then you have even ground with the perk of knowing how to dominate.

Sure at one point I believed in a bracket with only f2p. But seeing how that will never happen, a bracket with mostly p2p or vets is certainly possible. Then it's fair and fun.
Now that the token is here you can never pay for this game and still be 29. This is going to blur those lines even more.
Would u not need to pay $ for it, or ingame gold (only gained thru paying for the game). It could be given to u as a gift, but so could a battlechest, or sub. So all those pre-teens and teens playing this game without paying their own money are f2p? lol no I don't think so. That is why I have and still believe "f2p twinking" isn't about not paying for the game, its about the restrictions under a trial account. If u are gonna call veteran a trial account then three is that as well. But I don't see why ppl and many moderators take such an aggressive stance against ppl who want to remain under the trial restrictions of pre-wod. A community was based around it and of course the ppl active in that community want it to persist and feel differently against veterans.

Too many threads have been locked for shit reasons lately, if we were to follow some of the reasons then we should go thru all the threads ever created and lock nearly all of them for what occurred in them and because they were deemed "not-revelant" by a moderator. This may have been off on a tangent but I wanted to put my opinion out there when before I wasn't able to and the thread was already locked
I'm still pure too.

While I don't want to argue about the meaning of "pure", like people have been doing with the term "F2P", I do want to say that I think doing such as Lenny has done should not be looked downed upon (being Veteran but sticking to F2P restricted gear/enchants). I think being offered the benefits of enchants and turning them away is a great show of character and of what someone really stands for.

Don't you remember people like Mesikämmen, who commented above, and many others who have played alongside us during past times on F2P-restricted subscribed accounts? That is a very respected choice and should be so too for Veterans.
The only ones that keep bringing it up are starters. Pretty darn sure I have never seen " who is a subscriber" in the 20-29 forum. "Who is pure subscriber"....
Utter nonsense.

cuz yall dirty

one thing ive noticed in game and in this forum is that the only thing stopping some f2ps from playing p2p was the monthly sub.
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I think being offered the benefits of enchants and turning them away is a great show of character and of what someone really stands for.

That's like being a street fighter and refusing to work out and practice because you feel bad for the weaker fighters.

Sure it's ok to be full starter. But at least respect those above you (stat wise) and acknowledge their decision. And don't act like being an unlinked starter is the better thing to do. It's simply preference.
I would like to add that even if the thought of paying or grouping with p2p players crowses your mind, you are automatically unpure scum :3
In this context "Pure" does not mean superior etc.

Just players with the original starter accounts unlinked etc. Life is about choices.

Mother Earth Father Sky love all...
20s 24s 29s

I know that. But people seem to look at it the wrong way. They think it is wrong to not be "pure".

It's not about what it means, it's about the ideology that's created around it.

Just like religion and atheism. Just because a person believes in either one doesn't mean they need to be elitist about it. It's the "forcing" and "judgement upon others" that poisons the concept.

I would like to add that even if the thought of paying or grouping with p2p players crowses your mind, you are automatically unpure scum :3

That's like saying elephant and trying not to picture one in your mind. I sincerely hope you are being satirical.
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If u are gonna call veteran a trial account then three is that as well.

No one has ever called a Veteran account a Trial account. You're confusing terminology. People used to call a Veteran account an F2P account, but that's one of the reasons we don't use the term F2P anymore. It is possible to have a veteran account and not pay any money, but it's also possible to have a veteran account by paying money. So really, people need to keep the terms straight or all sorts of crazy accusations get thrown around.

But I don't see why ppl and many moderators take such an aggressive stance against ppl who want to remain under the trial restrictions of pre-wod.

Really? Who has been aggressive against Starter Account players? I think this thread is evidence that it is the Starter Account players who continue to be aggressive against people who chose to go Veteran. A perfect example:

A community was based around it and of course the ppl active in that community want it to persist and feel differently against veterans.

See? Why are you Starter Accounts so against Veterans? Live and let live. Don't start problems.

Too many threads have been locked for shit reasons lately, if we were to follow some of the reasons then we should go thru all the threads ever created and lock nearly all of them for what occurred in them and because they were deemed "not-revelant" by a moderator. This may have been off on a tangent but I wanted to put my opinion out there when before I wasn't able to and the thread was already locked

The thread that was recently locked was locked because the conversation had stopped and people were posting off-topic posts about completely random stuff. If you're going to be angry, please support your anger with legitimate concerns. If you want to go through all the old threads and find the ones that went off topic and report them, we'll be happy to look into it. But since they are old threads and the off-topic conversation has stopped, we won't do anything. I lock threads that have gone off topic to keep them from continuing to go off-topic. This is supposed to be Twink Info, after all.

I think doing such as Lenny has done should not be looked downed upon

I think that nobody should be looked down upon, because no one here has standing to lord their choices over another person as if deciding to play one way makes one person better than another person. The very fact that you would use the term "looked down upon" only proves what I've been saying all along; that despite the objections of the people making and supporting these threads, the true sentiment among Starter Account players (at least the ones who make and support these threads) is that they are morally superior to those who choose to play any other way. I'm not going to put up with that... we are all equal here, and if anyone has a problem with someone else's gameplay style, they need to keep it in check. Insults are insults, and we do have rules about such things.
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