I'm pure and hope to remain pure! PURITY!!
Or that people keep bringing it up?
Do i need to mention that i have been running lots of F2Ps threw dungeons to gear them up ? =)
Good on you for reaping the rewards of Veteran accounts that simply make life a bit easier, while leaving the parts that come at the cost of others.
and knowing is half the battle, Go Joe?
No one is shaming people who aren't pure. The discussion here is about people who haven't upgraded.
If that is grounds for you to even mention the possibility of closing the thread, then I am extremely ashamed of what Twinkinfo has become.
I went vet a months ago. It was mostly for the BAG spaces (now i freaking have 3 neatherwave(?) bags, nom nom, 30slot bag) and for grouping people.
I kind of feel bad for it sometimes, but in the other hand, doing things as a vet is quite easier than a purist, and it takes less time. (pshh, not golf farming ofc).
It was a hard decision for me to just "spit" on all the work i have done to get all those achievements as a purist. But either way, i did it.
The only i haven't done, is enchanting my toons(eleforce and crappy 105+ enchanting stuff).
Now i am linked and am respecting the Purism.
Would u not need to pay $ for it, or ingame gold (only gained thru paying for the game). It could be given to u as a gift, but so could a battlechest, or sub. So all those pre-teens and teens playing this game without paying their own money are f2p? lol no I don't think so. That is why I have and still believe "f2p twinking" isn't about not paying for the game, its about the restrictions under a trial account. If u are gonna call veteran a trial account then three is that as well. But I don't see why ppl and many moderators take such an aggressive stance against ppl who want to remain under the trial restrictions of pre-wod. A community was based around it and of course the ppl active in that community want it to persist and feel differently against veterans.Now that the token is here you can never pay for this game and still be 29. This is going to blur those lines even more.
The only ones that keep bringing it up are starters. Pretty darn sure I have never seen " who is a subscriber" in the 20-29 forum. "Who is pure subscriber"....
Utter nonsense.
I think being offered the benefits of enchants and turning them away is a great show of character and of what someone really stands for.
In this context "Pure" does not mean superior etc.
Just players with the original starter accounts unlinked etc. Life is about choices.
Mother Earth Father Sky love all...
20s 24s 29s
I would like to add that even if the thought of paying or grouping with p2p players crowses your mind, you are automatically unpure scum :3
If u are gonna call veteran a trial account then three is that as well.
But I don't see why ppl and many moderators take such an aggressive stance against ppl who want to remain under the trial restrictions of pre-wod.
A community was based around it and of course the ppl active in that community want it to persist and feel differently against veterans.
Too many threads have been locked for shit reasons lately, if we were to follow some of the reasons then we should go thru all the threads ever created and lock nearly all of them for what occurred in them and because they were deemed "not-revelant" by a moderator. This may have been off on a tangent but I wanted to put my opinion out there when before I wasn't able to and the thread was already locked
I think doing such as Lenny has done should not be looked downed upon