Who would be a good leader for the 19 tinks? *with descriptions*

best leader?

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Lot of hypocrisy across the board if you ask me in regards to gy farming.


I'm 95% sure he doesn't have the powers still and that's just a graphical glitch Shane will probably fix soon.

I'm not a Pizza hater but it's good to hear from you that this isn't some ploy to make Pizza look like he doesn't have powers but secretly he does. Daman tried that once with Sanitarium and it didn't go over too well.


P.S. It may be an error, but it's not graphical. That's not how vBulletin works. He's showing up because he (unintentionally) still has the rights of a bracket manager.
Someone said something about the lack of activity on the wow forums. It's a good thought. I used to do my own version of twinking a couple years ago. Where I would make a new character every couple of weeks and BG until 20 because XP off queues would always be unavailable. I knew nothing about the twinking community or this website. Randomly one day on the wow forums I saw a post about twinks moving to Ruin and twinking not being dead and queues popping all day. It was that post that made me investigate more and find this website.

It would require a little more work and it might take away from our time calling each other trash and replying to Dori troll polls on this site, but it would be worth it.
Someone said something about the lack of activity on the wow forums. It's a good thought. I used to do my own version of twinking a couple years ago. Where I would make a new character every couple of weeks and BG until 20 because XP off queues would always be unavailable. I knew nothing about the twinking community or this website. Randomly one day on the wow forums I saw a post about twinks moving to Ruin and twinking not being dead and queues popping all day. It was that post that made me investigate more and find this website.

It would require a little more work and it might take away from our time calling each other trash and replying to Dori troll polls on this site, but it would be worth it.

Yeah we would need to make sure we kept it on the front page and all that but I think it would increase our numbers.
@Inkobah (sorry, my phone doesn't like to quote long posts on TI)

We are actually in deeper agreement on this issue than you probably realize. The purpose of this poll, as of all my polls, was to generate activity in the 15-19 forum. That is why I include an EU option always - I don't know any of them more than on an acquaintance level, but my desired end result is an increased level of activity. Now, I know many of these options I included are not suitable in the least, but for the sake of activity it was my prerogative to include polarizing figures. That is why I forgot to include HB, for instance - he is not controversial in any way.That said. I feel that there are a couple of basic prerequisites for any potential bracket manager.

To begin with, the potential BM must have a desire to play an active role in the 15-19 forum and willingly embrace the responsibilities involved. I for instance, would never want to be a BM - as a member of the TI staff, it would severely hamper my ability to create inflammatory posts when I feel it necessary. Second, I come here for fun, not for responsibility - I have more than enough of that in my life already. Any prospective BM must be sure that they would still enjoy coming to TI when placed under the mantle of duty.

Second, a potential BM should be someone that is intimately familiar with the community. Each bracket and it's corresponding forum has a particular 'flavor', so to speak. If someone who primarily posts/plays in another bracket, or does not have a general knowledge base of the bracket community were to become BM, there could potentially be a very trying adjustment period, both for the staff and the posters.

Last, I feel that a bracket manager should not be a polarizing figure. In terms of actual role, a BM is really just a single-forum moderator with diminished moderation powers, but the yellow name and title constitute a badge of respect. Any potential BM needs to be a widely-respected member of the community. He or she, in return, needs to show respect for others in the community and be an active force in preserving and nurturing the bracket.

As an aside, I am a bit troubled by the TI staff's taking on the role of deciding what is proper and improper in-game behavior. TI is a place for us to gather to communicate, a place to join in the 'court of public opinion', but I am troubled by my recent perception of persons here trying to be bracket policemen. To punish someone on a community website for in-game conduct opens us up to a most slippery and steep slope. As I said earlier, I come to TI for enjoyment, as do hopefully most others. WoW is a social game, and with the somewhat-recent demise of 19s threads on the official forums, TI is our only practical outlet for gathering and communicating as an entire community. I only hope that we may continue to have the ability to continue freely communicating without the risk of in-game conduct hampering this privilege. I have seen ventrilo servers run poorly, with power-hungry admins kicking and banning community members as suits their whim, and do not relish the prospect of TI falling to the same fate, however likely or unrealistic it may be. In cases like these, it is important to be proactive rather than reactive.

Now, I went off on a tangent there, but a potential bracket master should moderate actively and fairly so that everyone can feel comfortable participating in this niche community that we love so much.
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I'm not a Pizza hater but it's good to hear from you that this isn't some ploy to make Pizza look like he doesn't have powers but secretly he does. Daman tried that once with Sanitarium and it didn't go over too well.


P.S. It may be an error, but it's not graphical. That's not how vBulletin works. He's showing up because he (unintentionally) still has the rights of a bracket manager.

I can clearly see in the admincp that he is just a regular user, unless it's hidden somewhere else. :eek:

I generally agree with post of Dory's post and hope that some good canidates for bracket manager come forward soon.
As an aside, I am a bit troubled by the TI staff's taking on the role of deciding what is proper and improper in-game behavior.

I would like to point out, that the alternative is worse, having an Admin, once so passionate about whatever subject he or she enjoyed, now reduced to a Shrivel, a husk, the fragments of a soul, handing out bans without aknowledging, nay encouraging relevant gameplay. I feel like its more important that it works the other way around, that now when we have such a wonderful forum, we establish a healthy dialogue WITH the graveyard farmers, and attempt to reason them into a way of gameplay thats more healthy for the bracket. And this is not my point of view because i think GY farming is bad, but the fewest people on this, our beautiful planet can walk up to me and tell me "Chíll, i know fuc*ing everything." and actually mean it. Perhaps it is time then, that we try to convince the gy farmers to change their pace, because they might not know, or at least comprehend what they're missing?

Mocha, no competition :p

Sad that this has pretty much been converted into a popularity contest, though. Many good leaders just aren't well known enough to be on this list... not that this is by any means official, I'm just pointing that out :p
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jesus you ti admins are little babies.....like any of this shit is important or needed..only thing an admin is good for is deleting spam....what you do here is meaningless........you have created your own little world of self importance that is unneeded.........anyway fuck this...resto for "bracket manager"!!! yay

[h=2]Re: Woah what happened?![/h]

Originally Posted by 19 warrior adeus

these are not my words but i was told to post them
"He gy farmed Eliot and that made Eliot quite butthurt. He recorded it, threw a fit, and got it removed.
The real irony is that Eliot has farmed with Pizza before, but did nothing about it until he was on the receiving end. What an amazing admin to ignore the plight of the people for so long until it affected him negatively."
again not my words i cant stress this enough!

While those words are quite untrue may I ask whose they are?

To answer the OP's question Pizza was removed from the bracket manager position because Shane and I felt he was a role model we no longer wished to endorse.
Lot of hypocrisy across the board if you ask me in regards to gy farming.



I think there's probably a weight limit to be considered for CL, sorry hun :(
WoW this website has really gone to shit. What was once a website meant for the purpose of information and gathering outside of the Blizzard forums has gone to something completely different. Drayner would shake his head if he would see the garb that has become of this place. Donations that are not transparent, adverising worse than Blizzard Official Forums, amongst getting in trouble for ingame behavior..... Honestly this has become worse than the Blizzard forums. . I'm not naming names, or calling anybody out. My opinions have a right to be heard. I have conformed to the CoC. Just stating I would rather post on the official forums because the draw here at TI has officially lost it's luster

think about it im a member here if a mod saw me doing something in game that could poorly reflect on the site could, does he have the power to suspend me. where does this stop and where are said rules posted about in game behavior as well as onsite behavior. id like some transparancy and would like to see as many others would. it impacts every member of this site.

Also if I plan on donating to this site as many others do I would like a little information on the company where I am donating to. Such as company name, full name of said owner, break down of where said donations are going etc etc
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I've been on the last 5 nights in a row and I haven't seen you Daphane.

I've seen discover all 5 nights.

And I've been farmed 3 of the 5 nights in the GY.

And Resto, no offense.....but you stay in the game just long enough to where no one can zone in (in-time) to replace your afk. That might be a good reason why you are sick of hearing it from people. I guess you can't observe first hand unless you have been there yourself.
what i dont understand? does this mean i afk before i get farmed?
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