I came back onto the website because my friends wanted to play retail and I wanted to check out how the community was going. And the first post I saw was yours. I spent an hour just looking at your profile, its hilarious that people like you actually exist and are not just fake green text.
You've BEEN saying "Personally if I get banned for this" for years, but brother, no one is going to ban you. You know why? It's because you're cringe and its funny. We're not laughing with you, we're laughing at you. You talk like you peaked in 2005, and that fact that you still talk like this is crazy, you need to socialize, seriously, go outside big boy.
I genuinely hope this is just your alter ego, I cannot fathom why an adult could not understand that Blizzard does not care about f2p vs p2p. It really is just you bitching about how life in the world of warcraft twink BGs is so unfair because you have to play against people who pay to play the game. OR your posting about how sick you are at the game.
When I was stalking your profile it was actually cool seeing all the names I used to see in BGs back in the day, I quit like ten years ago. And I'm sure we played together, and I'm sure you destroyed little ol 12 year old me, but hey a wins a win, even if its in a fake world.
Here's my characters armory, I haven't touched them since 2012-2013, real blast from the past for you. Also rogue has GLOOMSHROUD on a pure F2P, shit my pants when I saw it drop. They called her vet because she had elemental force but I got it during an exploit

only real gamers understand.
I'm excited to see your response the next time I check back on this community, maybe in 2028?
In all seriousness, you should show an adult how you speak in your posts. You need a reality check, you're almost 40, maybe even older, and your username is human trafficker.lol