"Who is the most iconic twink in a positive way

re: "Who is the most iconic twink in a positive way

Way to get my thread lock you bozos lol. Positive twink. Hmmmm. In a bracket like this, that is really hard to find.


She is a genuinely kind human being. Very cautious, and rightfully so, she doesn't make friends with everyone like I do. But she treats everyone with respect and treats them in a kind manner. She doesn't flip out at people in a BG for losing (like I would lol). When you think about her, you realise shes been around for a while. You all know who she is, even though she never specifically does anything to bring attention to herself.

Her playstyle has improve quite a bit since cata, and I find that she is one of the few healers I feel that I can count on in a BG. There are not very many, and the names would surprise you.

Beyond that she constantly queues solo into pugs. I am not sure that she faction swaps to the losing side like I do, but I see her playing for both horde and alliance. This is something that I respect.

Honestly, another thing that I respect most about her is the fact that she handles the bracket so well. At times I find myself regretting I didn't act more similarly to her. She gets to play games relatively unharassed. I get a lot of positive comments, but not all of them are.

She is not the most iconic of all twinks, but to think that there is a highly iconic twink today without a single mar on their record... Good luck to you on finding them.
re: "Who is the most iconic twink in a positive way

Laurasia does in fact swap to the losing side. She is -- hands down -- the nicest twinker and person in this bracket. Even if she's not a Gladiator priest, you can count on her to be in the right place at the right times.
re: "Who is the most iconic twink in a positive way

How does being a quote un quote kind person make you iconic? I say give her a few weeks to a month and a half to prove that she can be iconic *then* put her in a thread. Right now it's just a premature *shoutout* for some face time.
re: "Who is the most iconic twink in a positive way

How does being a quote un quote kind person make you iconic? I say give her a few weeks to a month and a half to prove that she can be iconic *then* put her in a thread. Right now it's just a premature *shoutout* for some face time.
Nah, we're just saying a lot of people know her, and if you want to consider a "nice" iconic twinker, shes a contender.
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re: "Who is the most iconic twink in a positive way

1. Of, relating to, or having the character of an icon.

Having a conventional formulaic style. Used of certain memorial statues and busts.
re: "Who is the most iconic twink in a positive way

Nah, we're just saying a lot of people know her, and if you want to consider a "nice" iconic twinker, shes a contender.

Fair enough.
re: "Who is the most iconic twink in a positive way

1. Of, relating to, or having the character of an icon.

Having a conventional formulaic style. Used of certain memorial statues and busts.


worst dictionary definitions ever D: even if its trolling jesus christ lmao.
re: "Who is the most iconic twink in a positive way

This is my understanding of Iconic,

1. To look up to, or to admire a certain behavior/skill or talent that is outstanding to most/all other people.

Lol that didn't fully make sense but you get the jist

P.S: Don't give a damn if its wrong or right. All i know is that is what i believe it means to be.
re: "Who is the most iconic twink in a positive way

This is my understanding of Iconic,

1. To look up to, or to admire a certain behavior/skill or talent that is outstanding to most/all other people.

Lol that didn't fully make sense but you get the jist

P.S: Don't give a damn if its wrong or right. All i know is that is what i believe it means to be.

Ah what the hell, we'll just fly with that.
re: "Who is the most iconic twink in a positive way

The most positive iconic twink award goes to blinka of made in china
re: "Who is the most iconic twink in a positive way

The most positive iconic twink award goes to blinka of made in china

Blinka as a leader of an "all bracket" pvp guild has done quite an amazing job with the tier of players at his disposal.
re: "Who is the most iconic twink in a positive way

Who's more iconic, dirtyauction or kancer?
re: "Who is the most iconic twink in a positive way

who's more iconic, dirtyauction or kancer?

hass cause he's number one
re: "Who is the most iconic twink in a positive way

re: "Who is the most iconic twink in a positive way

During my time in the Nightfall bracket back in 2007ish I spent a fair bit of time with 4 people that were iconic to me.

1. Mastur -- A walking, talking TCG loot lover. Adored by most despite others hating on him. He had every thing you could imagine at the time TCG related. Murloc costume that I am yet to see within the past year. Could stop an entire WSG and drop all his neat items and get both factions to /dance and goof around. Very polite, funded a public vent that was a great hub for all sorts of 2's and 3's. Rogue vs Rogue tourneys, class vs class tourneys, premades you name it. At the time, not many were willing to do such things. We would constantly sync ques so we could wait our turn to 1v1 each other rather then just running in and zerging down the other team.

2. Lannee -- When you seen Master, Lannee was in tow, ALWAYS. I rolled a Druid for them just to cover the other form of healing. She was the most polite person I have ever vented with. Soft spoken voice, very polite and generous with her time and knowledge of Priest ways. Pretty sure there isn't a individual who didn't like her. How could you not like a slightly elder woman who was so kind and considerate. She would always log to her Pally and kill the mobs that would agro while we saught after endless nodes in STV. Yojamba isle was infested during that time so we would always offer to kill the mobs for us. I obtained multiple boots and hats due to her kindess. Again, iconic person for me exercising Empathy -- a trait very few twinks know the definition let alone using it on a daily basis.

3. Dodgedurface -- Very skilled rogue back during that time period. Iconic to me because he spearhead Anti-GY farming threads and black lists. To say he frowned upon it would be an understatement. Started dozens of threads in the BG Forums stating people who were guilty of such actions. Always had something to say altho negative emotions tended to spew out his mouth more then helpful. Iconic to me because he at the time not only defeated a Rogue who went by the name Shin, he became friends with him and they worked together to try and invent different builds for Rogues. In our BG at that tme not many compitent Rogues existed.

4. Bebetta -- Out of the 4 I knew her the least. Yet spent a large amount of time in vent organizing 2's and 3's. In the gulch she commanded a fleet of twinkers that were above par to say the least. To me she stook out for ensuring her twinks ran a Tabard of Frost and Hat or else you weren't taken serious. A very polite leader who would and could direct her team to a successful tactic while demonstrating empathy and exceptional leadership qualities. A very polite well mannored female who at a time 99% of twinks were male, she was female and not only held her own but made the Mage class appear cool when it was on a downward spiral. Im yet to see other Mages demonstrate her caliber of skills, but im pretty sure she goes by different alias as well so I could very well be playing along side her now and have no clue. She not only gave me a Tabard of frost but acted like it was "par". Again, iconic to me because she was a leader and a wolf in sheeps clothing. Kind, and considerate yet backed up her words with actions.

*This was the bracket I chose due to those 4 names popping in my head instantly when I decided to type a wall of text. I can think of a baker's dozen more of names but for now those 4 were great friends of mine that I lost touch with and left an impression on me that still lasts to this day. They influenced others in a time when knowledge wasn't that high and self proclaimed people ran a muck with the community. I stepped away from wow due to irl issues and since my multiple returns I have yet to see them, talk to them or touch base with them..Makes me a bit sad because Ive gone under multiple names and calsses yet those 4 were the only 4 that knew me for me. The rest of people I have influenced along my travels have no idea who my old twinks were or my current ones now. And it shall remain that way unless one of those 4 PM this account and ask who I am..

** Since those 4 I enjoy healing Pizza and Hass. If there were Hollywood squares those two would for certain be some of the first stars cem,ented in the ground. Those 2 always have something to say and have a sense of humor that is along mine yet I chose to not mention them in the above wall of text. Again, im recalling on old memories rather then the current state of 19s cuz it just doesnt seem to be the same anymore..People come and go daily but those above mentioned seem to still remain their true personalities while others I have seen do not.

Happy New Years everyone <3
re: "Who is the most iconic twink in a positive way

** Since those 4 I enjoy healing Pizza and Hass. If there were Hollywood squares those two would for certain be some of the first stars cemented in the ground. Those 2 always have something to say and have a sense of humor that is along mine yet I chose to not mention them in the above wall of text.

Justin Bieber will have a Hollywood square soon enough.

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