*Who is the #1 Priest? (EU included)*

top priest ?

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Lmfao auggie just took a dookie on all of ti member's chests.
While I did vote Auggi as number one priest, I must disagree with you on this subject. The poll asks people to vote for who they believe is the best priest. The key component of these polls is no explicit mentioning of what defines "best". Best in warsong gulch? Best in arenas? Best in attitude? With no explicit definition, people have to vote for who they think is the all around, best player. It is for this reason you see people voting for players based on attitude; apparently the attitude of that player is so memorable, the voter felt moved enough to vote them best in class. I think this is a pretty simple concept, but I do understand where you're coming from with the skill argument. Fact of the matter is: some members of TI value attitude over skill... simple as that.

Oh and for the record, I certainly value attitude over skill... that's just the kind of person I am. However, I do feel Auggi deserves this win because of his skill margin... and sometimes I've seen a good attitude peak through his stubborn heart.
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Yeah I agree with Drugsy, auggie is a big d bag, believe you me lol, but he's so much better than every other priest it's not even a debate,
This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skillFifteen percent concentrated power of willFive percent pleasure, fifty percent painAnd a hundred percent reason to remember the name

I found this poll suprisingly difficult...

I voted for Laurasia mainly because no matter how bad games or rl is going she never seems to be in a bad mood. In addition she obviously has some skill if she is worthy enough for one of dory's polls. But overall over my time in the 19 bracket I've seen a number of priests that have impressed me for a number of reasons... whether it be their incredible ability to never die, their impressive defensive or offensive abilities or their general ability to adapt to whatever situation/role, there have been a number of priests (a number of them on this poll, and some that aren't) over time and I feel that we should applaud for their abilities and their perseverance over the years.

Edit: I will openly admit I haven't read every single post since I checked this thread this morning for a variety of reasons: a. I've been drinking all day... and b. I'm still somewhat drunk... but in a sudden moment of clarity I realized that, with all personal bias aside, that we should be greatful for the fact that we have enough skilled players and members of this 19s community (both EU and US) to allow dory to even generate these polls? (regardless of class/race/guild afffiliation?) Let us be thankful that through adversity we are still here to argue over who is the best, and be thankful that blizz hasn't completely screwed the bracket over (*knock on wood*). While overall I feel through cata and early MoP I feel 19s have endured some rough times, I feel that we as a community we will press on and survive, and eventually come to enjoy games, other players, and the bracket in general once again! :D /end rant
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The poll is #1 priest, not best priest. Voters are free to interpret the poll as they will.

I havnt removed shit bro. lol

Then how come I'm not seeing the second recorded stream of the other best of series on your channel that used to be there before?
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It is actually really interesting to see who people will appreciate more as a player, a non-elitist with a "good" attitude or an elitist with a "bad" attitude.

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