who do you think the best pallies in this bracket is?

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what do you define best?Everyones defintion is different. Is it your flag capper who pops speed pots and caps endless flags or someone whos got your back? Then flag cappers ill throw that out to any AP/vasji paladins gj you guys can get some amazing flag caps. But as for healing and watching my back ill leave that to Friar@daggerspine/aka Legendary@aerie peak
Dodge is useless imo compared to 1str and 1stam. I have yet to get do the leather working stuff and the cloak enchant is completely useless. I tried casting lightning bolts at Izac with and without the enchant. As for the spell hit cap, I completely forgot about that.

As for my Shaman, I haven't seen a single pally fakecast so I bit for it. I was sometimes late because you were out of range.

Also what do you mean by seriously lacking thunderpunts?

Jsu8 you just got owned verbally but you don't seem to understand it. Why don't you go quit and uninstall wow because this bracket would be better off without scrubs like you.
what do you define best?
Personally (meaning in my opinion), I define "best" as their proficiency in fake casting, positioning in arenas, mana management (doesnt really apply to holy cuz jk healers never oom anymore lolololol), knowing when to use cooldowns, predicting burst damage on teammates, knowing when to swap kill targets, and of course if they have a lovable personality that always helps them in popularity contests. My vote goes to Veinters @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
what do you define best?Everyones defintion is different. Is it your flag capper who pops speed pots and caps endless flags or someone whos got your back? Then flag cappers ill throw that out to any AP/vasji paladins gj you guys can get some amazing flag caps. But as for healing and watching my back ill leave that to Friar@daggerspine/aka Legendary@aerie peak
Worst pallies in this bracket who should get farmed and reported afk until they quit wow
any undergeared scrub
Can you even read you scrub?
I haven't been on Ap in a while, but I'd have to say Earl. Didn't really get to know you that well brother, but i watched your playstyle. Plus, you seemed very helpful to everyone, regardless of level. That's a true player.
Worst pallies in this bracket who should get farmed and reported afk until they quit wow
any undergeared scrub

Im flattered you even remember my pally, Sleepy lol. I havent even played her in 6 months so whatever i did to hurt your lil feelers must have been good! :) Hate to get lumped in with duo though, that guy was a BIG douche.
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