Rubikz has spoken. I will shut up. Wtb Zuladin and his cute narratives.
Like Yin and Yang Willy and nastay continue their eternal struggle
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This should help with building your hunter, I completely forgot about this guy but he's almost certainly BiS for all his gear (he's very tryhard and actually helped me gear up my warrior).
As for the 80-84 bracket, I cant tell you how many times I thought "heh I'm gonna buttfuck this noob, he only has 30k hp and I have 90k and I hit for 25k critz I cant lose!" only to have my ass HANDED to me by that player. I've been murdered by an 80 mage, an 81 enh shaman, a lvl 84 prot warrior and everything in between. What makes this bracket so ironically balanced is the fact that EVERYTHING rapes. Certain classes are certainly better than others, but I cant think of a single class that cant have fun in this bracket.
This should help with building your hunter, I completely forgot about this guy but he's almost certainly BiS for all his gear (he's very tryhard and actually helped me gear up my warrior).
As for the 80-84 bracket, I cant tell you how many times I thought "heh I'm gonna buttfuck this noob, he only has 30k hp and I have 90k and I hit for 25k critz I cant lose!" only to have my ass HANDED to me by that player. I've been murdered by an 80 mage, an 81 enh shaman, a lvl 84 prot warrior and everything in between. What makes this bracket so ironically balanced is the fact that EVERYTHING rapes. Certain classes are certainly better than others, but I cant think of a single class that cant have fun in this bracket.
I dunno about you, but saying that 'everything rapes' isn't an indicator of balance.
Then what would be? Nothing raping? Everyone running around just dps'ing each other and never killing anything? Enlighten me please, I'd love to know what your idea of "fun" is. If you enjoy big numbers, a non serious environment, and no 29 drama? Then come play the bracket. Otherwise? Keep your uninformed opinions away from the discussion, as you have nothing meaningful to contribute.
How did you concoct that idea? This thread wasn't meant for you whatsoever. I would never fund you. This thread was meant for 29s I enjoy to have the option of trying out the 80-84 bracket with me. That's it. Kindly stop posting in my threads. They are NEVER, EVER meant for you.