Which was more annoying...

Which was more Annoying...

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SOOOO much people saying wars aren't OP and hunts are/were... Maybe read the OP? Lokah never used the word OP once so idk why everyone else is. I voted for wars simply cause dmg migitation and cause healers can't heal you through a 1 shot but they could through focus dumps plus cata hunts didn't really do much to me besides the disarming ones.

Read the poll before you vote.. This isn't a which is more OP poll
Hunters can shoot through stumps and hit you from 40 yards away, now and in Cata. I don't really see Warriors doing that. Aside they of Shield Slam how OP is a Prot Warrior? They aren't, and Evis can reach insane numbers aswell and that's from a stealth class.

but no rogue will make 500-1.5k evisce every 6sec
Prots have 1 button which does insane damage, and take VERY VERY little damage.
Hunters in Cata atleast took a lot of damage.
Also, Holy paladins when they were Op. That was the most annoying thing. I probably saw about 16 holy paladins in each BG at the worst of times... So frustrating to play anything else.
On the other hand, hunters had such a huge range... from my memories of playing my own hunter in Cata. I have to say Hunters were worse.

Playing a hunter now against a warrior is painful though, When he crits you for 1300-2k depending on gear setup, (0 resilience hunter vs strength stacked prot)
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Isn't it though, Lil? Isn't it?


Any good players can make any class annoying.. Biz makes his lock annoying to face. Spike makes his war annoying to face. Dead makes his mage annoying to face (when he hits), sally/swoops make their monk annoying to face with quick caps but I wouldn't consider any of their classes OP. Annoying doesn't mean OP necessarily.

Wars in groups of 3+ can 1 shot anything if they sync up however groups of cata hunts couldn't unless they were MM.. It's possible to heal through the hunts focus dumps but it's impossible to heal through a 1 shot which imo makes wars more annoying.. My opinion is biased though since I made lil to counter all the bad cata hunts so they weren't normally a problem lol
SOOOO much people saying wars aren't OP and hunts are/were... Maybe read the OP? Lokah never used the word OP once so idk why everyone else is. I voted for wars simply cause dmg migitation and cause healers can't heal you through a 1 shot but they could through focus dumps plus cata hunts didn't really do much to me besides the disarming ones.

Read the poll before you vote.. This isn't a which is more OP poll

What makes them annoying to you if it has nothing to do with being op? Hunters in cata were annoying because they were op as hell, and I guess because the skill floor was the lowest of all classes, but that's just a different way to be op.

People seem to find prot wars annoying for the same reasons. So this thread is about which are more or less op, as that is what's annoying about them. (Although you could make a case for the people behind the cata hunts as well ;) )
Prots have 1 button which does insane damage, and take VERY VERY little damage.
Hunters in Cata atleast took a lot of damage.
Also, Holy paladins when they were Op. That was the most annoying thing. I probably saw about 16 holy paladins in each BG at the worst of times... So frustrating to play anything else.
On the other hand, hunters had such a huge range... from my memories of playing my own hunter in Cata. I have to say Hunters were worse.

Playing a hunter now against a warrior is painful though, When he crits you for 1300-2k depending on gear setup, (0 resilience hunter vs strength stacked prot)

lol, warriors shouldn't even touch a hunter.
Wars in groups of 3+ can 1 shot anything if they sync up however groups of cata hunts couldn't unless they were MM.. It's possible to heal through the hunts focus dumps but it's impossible to heal through a 1 shot which imo makes wars more annoying.. My opinion is biased though since I made lil to counter all the bad cata hunts so they weren't normally a problem lol

See you say that your answer, and this poll, are not about which class is OP, but this whole quote of yours sure sounds like you're pointing to the opinion that warriors are more OP than hunters.

What's -annoying- is going after a druid FC with either my hunter or my warrior, and not being able to lay a scratch on them, slow them down, or even dent their mana pool. It so happens that I'm honest enough to also say out loud that I think they are ridiculously OP, for all the reasons I just mentioned.

It's okay Lil, own your OP-inions (I made a pun there) about warriors, no one's going to judge you just because you're, you know, a hunter or anything. <3
lol, warriors shouldn't even touch a hunter.

I hope you're joking. I play a very bad warrior and I kill the best of the best... very good warriors if they crit can kill my hunter also.
I crit hunters for upwards of 1500 on my warrior, and my hunter dps stacked has only about 1500. Do the math.
Added MOP Shockadin for you, lokah. :)

Voted for it, too, since the others have an unfair head-start. Probably better to just create a new poll.

I think I'd consider hunter the most annoying, but shockadin managed to sour my favourite class for me, so 5.1 Hpal mechanics deserve a very special place in Yde-supervised hell.
Added MOP Shockadin for you, lokah. :)

Voted for it, too, since the others have an unfair head-start. Probably better to just create a new poll.

I think I'd consider hunter the most annoying, but shockadin managed to sour my favourite class for me, so 5.1 Hpal mechanics deserve a very special place in Yde-supervised hell.

Yde-supervised hell couldn't be THAT bad :)
I'd have to say cata hunters just because it seemed like EVERYONE played one. I'd have BGs that were anywhere from 5-7 hunters on the opposing team. Nowadays there are a lot of prot warrs and pallies, but generally only 2-3 each tops. Not as many full teams of a single class. Oh, and their ability to kite really got under my skin, since I generally play melee classes.
For those of you who still think Prot warriors are more annoying or OP, remember this:
A cata hunter could backpeddle and win.

I can't believe this is even thread worthy. I don't consider holy paladins to be in the same category as either of these, because that lasted for like.... 2 weeks I think? As far as we know, warriors aren't getting changed any time soon, whereas holy paladins were broken at max level during the Holy-Shockacaust. Had they stayed that way for the duration of an entire Xpac, they might be worth a vote, imho. But anyone voting for warriors is either new to MoP, played a cata hunter, or is just plain ignorant of the power that hunters really held.
I can't believe this is even thread worthy. I don't consider holy paladins to be in the same category as either of these, because that lasted for like.... 2 weeks I think? As far as we know, warriors aren't getting changed any time soon, whereas holy paladins were broken at max level during the Holy-Shockacaust. Had they stayed that way for the duration of an entire Xpac, they might be worth a vote, imho. But anyone voting for warriors is either new to MoP, played a cata hunter, or is just plain ignorant of the power that hunters really held.

Yes, even though it didn't last long, It was still annoying and pointless trying to fight one, they would chase you around the map spamming shock and healing themselves.

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