Which was more annoying...

Which was more Annoying...

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Hunters were, and still are, the most powerful class in this bracket.

But it's not the classes that are annoying, it's the players.

druids are the most annoying right now
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By my understanding mop shockadins means the period where bgs had 18 pallies per bg with holy shock 1 shotting people. I know alot of people already voted and can't change it but EVERYONE should vote for pallies.. There hasn't ever been anything that bad or annoying in this bracket although it only lasted for a week or two.
No, it's referring to the 2 week period after the MoP prepatch when an offensive Holy Shock hit for 700+.

Let's be honest though, hpal damage is still op. Did this on my Hpal just a few days ago.

This thread is insanely stupid. Its just a check for people to see if they can stay 25 yards away from a Warrior, and they can´t fire on the move 300 crits like Hunters do now / in Cata. If we are going to make Broken Hpals an option, we might aswell make Disc priests of 5.0.4 an option. They did hit for 300 penance ticks and made 1.2 bubbles. I'd rather ban Vote polls and Best Player Threads from this website because its just pointless.

Range damage, has CC, kites melee, ranged slow that's always applied.

Basically, everything a protection warrior doesn't have a hunter had and then some.

They're still by far one of the strongest classes in this "bracket" right now, cause they have all the tools a class needs to thrive.
I find it annoying, That I get stunned then snared then get hit by a fricken train, that annoys me. It annoys me when I'm trying to escape from the hunter he/she spams con shot on me or when I try to attack them the S key is having a field day. That's the purpose of this thread, not which was the most op it's about which annoyed you the most.
If you can't beat a prot warrior there is something wrong. When I play my prot warrior (not a reroll here, I played prot before the veng nerf and fury after that), I can honestly say target my heals first and then pray for the best.

As for cata hunters...it was the numbers of them. If you think about it, any class stacked x5 is incredibly annoying.
5.0 Holy Paladins. Nothing like getting 1 shot by an instant spell on a 6 second CD. Even if you got away from them, they'd just pop their 70% movement speed buff and chase you down while you're on your mount. And they could heal to full with a single flash of light and had infinite mana like we do today. The whole situation made me actually roll a rogue because it was the only way to solo them.

Still ashamed to this day for having rolled a rogue in a low level bracket. It's the only class that's always been as OP as it is, while also convincing the player they have to play safe and stat pad, that's why in games today we have killing machines sitting around in stealth watching flags get capped and their team mates die.
MOP Shockadin.....As in the period where holy shock was so incredibly broken a ret could switch to holy, keep his str gear and still crit for 800? That was the most annoying. You were dead before comprehending what occurred. With hs's range, sometimes you couldn't even figured out who killed you. Just constantly clicking "release spirit", wondering why you even bothered to logged on.

That said, it still doesn't take away from the fact cata hunters were annoying af. At least the period with hpallies didn't last too long.

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