When does it get fun?


Got my druid all geared out until BoAs and AGM, but this morning im getting nothing but frustrated with the 24s or the farming sessions in general.

Is primetime a better time to be playing this bracket and ill go on my mains until then? Because if I deal with anymore of this horseshit I might just level lol.

Once I get a few bucks I'm probably going to migrate to AE where arenas are happening. Or should I just make a character there and grind out to 20?
The 24 problem has definately gotten worse. I chose to finish my shaman on AP instead of play my finished rogue on nazgrel just to have the opportunity to do some group queueing and arenas. Solo pugging seems to be out of the question now.
Rivfader said:
The 24 problem has definately gotten worse. I chose to finish my shaman on AP instead of play my finished rogue on nazgrel just to have the opportunity to do some group queueing and arenas. Solo pugging seems to be out of the question now.

see you on AE :)

characters name is Trendency if your up for some chat.
I wouldn't queue solo either. Not sure about other realms, but on Aerie Peak we have a pretty consistent flow of PVP and PVE groups, with enough P2P players on to make the groups for us. With a solid group of 4-5, it doesn't make a difference how many PUG 24s the other team has. We had a group this morning (only 3 of us though) that put up a good fight against a full 19 twink priest, 2 24 hunters and a 24 rogue. We lost 2-1, but it was a great game, and lots of fun.
People are on APchat at all hours. I played alot yesterday gearing up my new bull-pally and there were alot of friendly folk online all day. I just recently DL'd the add on and it's alot more fun now.
Your spec is wrong for feral. and i didnt kno trial accounts can use worgens...was it a hotfix?
Learn to handle losses?

All I do is pug and yes, losses occur, but guess what so do wins.

I dont understand people they seem to be basically dissatisfied with gameplay unless they win.

Yeah lets make premades and roll over pugs LOL!
KainUFC said:
Yeah lets make premades and roll over pugs LOL!

Hey that was my idea...

Drayner said:
I don't farm 20s, I normally only go after hunters. If they are 20, ok... I farm 20s. I have an unhealthy desire to get back at lolhunters somehow. I am also considering taking my 3 patches behind 19 hunter to 24, but I don't know. I would feel bad playing a hunter.

and noone will flame you because you are the ex-webmaster


24s suck.
So this issue has been bothering me as well. In general I am a pugger, it is tough to resist <2min q to go kill some peeps. However, Horde pugs will get their faces rolled because most ally teams are 5-6hunters 3-4rogues and maybe a healer or two. I have found that it is just a fly by the seat of you pants type of thing. If you get in a WSG and horde is organized and there are few alliance hunters you stand a chance, generally if that happens i make sure to Q up quickly when i get out of the BG so i hopefully get put with most of the same people. If my team stunk then i will wait a little while before Qing up again.

AP premades are tuns of fun!! this past weekend full 15man AB premade was a blast

Best thing i can say is if you get mad at multiple loosing games, make an alliance character because the 15+ min Qs will make you appreciate horde more :)
Mrcer said:
Your spec is wrong for feral. and i didnt kno trial accounts can use worgens...was it a hotfix?

im p2p twinking f2p. and how is my feral spec wrong? infected wounds is pro.
Kahr said:
im p2p twinking f2p. and how is my feral spec wrong? infected wounds is pro.

dont ask me why...but I swear I thought u were a 24. I was thinking(why the hell would a 24 druid not use predatory strikes) lol :p
Mrcer said:
dont ask me why...but I swear I thought u were a 24. I was thinking(why the hell would a 24 druid not use predatory strikes) lol :p

nonono i play by our invisible rules :)
Roll a lv 19,having weak enchants is a lot better than fighting against 4 level higher characters(and you still have the option to level up to 20 if you dont like it)...the lv 20 bracket will just get worse(more 24s) but lv 19 bracket can get just better(more F2Ps)
iaccidentallytwink said:
No you aren't.

Hmm. I think I have to disagree with you here IAT. It's true that he's playing a race that we can't use, but it's also true that he could just as easily have locked at 24, used greater enchants, etc. Worgen aside, the player behind the character obviously intends to follow the spirit of what we do and I think that should be applauded at any degree. If I knew nothing else, other than that he said "play by OUR invisible rules", that alone would make me think that this is someone who identifies with the community and should be part of it. My 2c.

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