When does it get fun?

Rogues might not have a ton of abilities endgame but considering the original thread title is "when does it get fun"

If shadowstep > ambush > run away

rinse repeat

sounds fun to you than go ahead. personally as somebody who played high lvl rogue, not having blind, garrote/rupture, vanish or cheapshot made me feel extremely gimped on my 20. its just a personal choice but i feel that is one of the least fun classes gameplay wise at f2p20.

Couple that with the fact that rogues are the 2nd most populated class, and i would say dont roll it.

However if u are playing arena I guess it doesnt matter. I just play wsg at 20 so I sometimes forget other perspectives.
Kahr said:
Got my druid all geared out until BoAs and AGM, but this morning im getting nothing but frustrated with the 24s or the farming sessions in general.

Is primetime a better time to be playing this bracket and ill go on my mains until then? Because if I deal with anymore of this horseshit I might just level lol.

Once I get a few bucks I'm probably going to migrate to AE where arenas are happening. Or should I just make a character there and grind out to 20?

you need to not queue by yourself if you are not a class that is a strong solo class. or if you are not a very good player. (sorry, i know it's negative, but if you're not very good, you really shouldn't queue by yourself because it won't be very much fun. you gotta be honest with yourself). it's just not fun to queue by yourself as a class that depends on others and then get let down by everybody else. i've been there many times.

like other posters suggested, a solution to this would be to roll a character on aerie peak, because you will be able to find lots of other players to play with there.
lloydganks1 said:
you need to not queue by yourself if you are not a class that is a strong solo class. or if you are not a very good player. (sorry, i know it's negative, but if you're not very good, you really shouldn't queue by yourself because it won't be very much fun. you gotta be honest with yourself). it's just not fun to queue by yourself as a class that depends on others and then get let down by everybody else. i've been there many times.

like other posters suggested, a solution to this would be to roll a character on aerie peak, because you will be able to find lots of other players to play with there.

ive figured out my druids issues, i need some LoS. so i usually play D.

and i have a 19 rogue on AP in progress to 20 but need a break.
KainUFC said:
Rogues might not have a ton of abilities endgame but considering the original thread title is "when does it get fun"

If shadowstep > ambush > run away

rinse repeat

sounds fun to you than go ahead. personally as somebody who played high lvl rogue, not having blind, garrote/rupture, vanish or cheapshot made me feel extremely gimped on my 20. its just a personal choice but i feel that is one of the least fun classes gameplay wise at f2p20.

Couple that with the fact that rogues are the 2nd most populated class, and i would say dont roll it.

However if u are playing arena I guess it doesnt matter. I just play wsg at 20 so I sometimes forget other perspectives.

completely understand where your coming from. most classes lack abilities in this bracket(except hunters, who would of thought)

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