What's wrong with resto druids?

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Bwappo said:
That's a great example, actually. Your quote from post #18 puts forth a lucid opinion, and implies an invitation to elaborate. But the rest of post #18 (and the rest of the majority of your posts) you wrote in such an inflammatory and condescending manner, that you've muddied what you had to say.

I respect your opinion, and clearly you've played a lot. But when you cannot disagree respectfully with the rest of us or discuss what worked and didn't work for you in regards to playing with druid healers in the 29 bracket, your contempt reduces your posts to trolling. Your experience certainly deserves better treatment, but you need to give it a chance. Save the well-practiced trash talk for competition, and leave your baggage at the door. Otherwise, the best you can do here is entertain yourself with your acerbic postings, and that never ends well.

Good luck!


Ok fine, I'll bring cupcakes and rainbows to the next party.

I'm generally pretty civil on the forums (post 13 aka my first post). However, if someone starts an argument with me, I'm going to argue back. When they're arguing things that are blatantly wrong (posts 14 and 15) I'm going to call them out on it. I didnt say anything out of line in post 18 unless you think that naughty sarcasm hurt his wittle feewings. I could maybe see me getting out of line in post 22, but come on, the guy just admitted to being a bg stat humper right before that. You know thats hysterical. Anything after that is fair game from both sides.

Man, if I had just thrown glitter and butterflies around druids would be the terrible heals they are, but since I used that nefarious sarcasm and rhetoric, druids are pure pwnage.
Bwappo said:
I can only speak for PuG BGs in the 29 brackets, but with so few healers in BGs, yes -- a good healer can (and often does) turn an entire team around. Precisely because high dps players like hunters and rogues depend on burning down opponents so quickly. Once that goes out the window, dps players get in trouble.

I would imagine (and hope) that premades, with their superior organization, work differently since they have at least one healer and are much better about focus fire.


do you realize that it's literally impossible to solo heal through aimed shot at 29 with even 1 other random dps class attacking the target along with the hunter? this post is just 100% bullshit. hunters don't "depend on burning down opponents quickly", rofl. do you even play in the 29 bracket?

pretending like hunters don't completely dominate 29 battlegrounds in every conceivable way just makes you look silly. when my friends and i occasionally pug at 29, we will count the hunters on both teams before the battleground starts. if we have less hunters than the opposing faction, we will take the first arena/other bg queue out of there.
Fundingtwinks said:
Ok fine, I'll bring cupcakes and rainbows to the next party.

I'm generally pretty civil on the forums (post 13 aka my first post). However, if someone starts an argument with me, I'm going to argue back. When they're arguing things that are blatantly wrong (posts 14 and 15) I'm going to call them out on it. I didnt say anything out of line in post 18 unless you think that naughty sarcasm hurt his wittle feewings. I could maybe see me getting out of line in post 22, but come on, the guy just admitted to being a bg stat humper right before that. You know thats hysterical. Anything after that is fair game from both sides.

Man, if I had just thrown glitter and butterflies around druids would be the terrible heals they are, but since I used that nefarious sarcasm and rhetoric, druids are pure pwnage.

So flaming me and others who are HELPING me for things they say that ARE THEIR OPINIONS gives you the right to be not a "stat humper" but a "thread asshole?" Give me a break, go fund yourself some more people who will cow tow to your every need, and get out of my thread. If needed I can gladly come meet you in real life and we can see how sarcastic your feeling like being to my 6 foot 3 inch 215lb. frame. If your still sarcastic, I can promise you we can fix that in about 5 seconds.
Ugarak said:

My god. The guy is an incessant little kid just begging for someone to beat the crap out of him. BTW, I think I know why Fundingtwinks has had a lot of problems with twinks who come to his server to be funded. They want to spec say, a resto druid one way, and he lol's and says I am paying so roll a priest NOW! And they take the money, roll a druid, and gquit so they don't have to deal with his attitude. Can an officer or moderator PLEASE delete fundingtwinks posts or if at all possible just lock him out of my thread since I am trying to get feedback for something I want to do?

Much appreciated if you read the whole thing.

Lloyd and I are the only ones who actually gave you what your op asked for. Unfortunately, you didnt really want to know why you were

receiving a lot of negative feedback or general flaming of what a bad idea it is for this bracket

All you wanted was someone to hold your hand and cuddle while they told you how good resto was at 29.

If you dont want the truth, dont ask.

Regardless, thanks for the fantastic quote. One of my favs in a long time =)

Oh fyi, purge and dispel are the exact same thing at 29 noob.

hahaha funny every time.
Fundingtwinks said:
Lloyd and I are the only ones who actually gave you what your op asked for. Unfortunately, you didnt really want to know why you were

All you wanted was someone to hold your hand and cuddle while they told you how good resto was at 29.

If you dont want the truth, dont ask.

Regardless, thanks for the fantastic quote. One of my favs in a long time =)

hahaha funny every time.

My quote was being applied to the fact that a shaman and priest purge and dispel magic respectively do the EXACT SAME thing to a druid's HoT's. I was not applying them from a defensive stand point but rather a shutting down a druids HoT's standpoint which THIS ENTIRE THREAD WAS CREATED ON....DRUIDS AND HEALING WITH HoT's.
Funding, while you had points - the quality of your posts are lost to your general attitude and epeen stroking in your posts.

What few points you had, were minor and generally a nonissue when playing a resto druid.
Ugarak said:
So flaming me and others who are HELPING me for things they say that ARE THEIR OPINIONS gives you the right to be not a "stat humper" but a "thread asshole?" Give me a break, go fund yourself some more people who will cow tow to your every need, and get out of my thread. If needed I can gladly come meet you in real life and we can see how sarcastic your feeling like being to my 6 foot 3 inch 215lb. frame. If your still sarcastic, I can promise you we can fix that in about 5 seconds.

Oh noes! Not irl threats! Im sooooo afraid of you. I live in orlando right near UCF. If you're buying plane tickets to beat up ppl who hurt your wittle feewings on the internet you have some much bigger probs than not knowing what dispel and purge do.
Ugarak said:
I have been recently researching doing a resto druid in the 29 bracket, and have been receiving a lot of negative feedback or general flaming of what a bad idea it is for this bracket. Can I ask why? Are the other healers just tremendously better then a resto druid? If thats the case then which brackets should i look into taking my resto druid? (19,39,49,etc.) I am currently level 10 and just wanting to know which bracket will allow me to shine as a healer. This question is posed based upon 3.1.3 and responses based upon 3.2 are also helpful in judging for future things.

Thanks for any input you may have!

P.S. I made a chardev planner for 29 twink resto druid. It is a mixture of balanced regen, stam, mana, and SP. If i could maybe get a few suggestions or critiques on it that would be great!

chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

lol this is the original post for all those that were too lazy to actually check what the guy was asking (probably including the OP himself). you've pretty much gotten the exact answers you were looking for thus far.....pretty succesful thread imo. you should be squared away for making a resto druid twink.
Fundingtwinks said:
Oh noes! Not irl threats! Im sooooo afraid of you. I live in orlando right near UCF. If you're buying plane tickets to beat up ppl who hurt your wittle feewings on the internet you have some much bigger probs than not knowing what dispel and purge do.

Won't have to buy a plane ticket since I'll be in orlando next week at my new condominium. Can I get your address, and can you please tell your parents to be expecting me around 3:30 next Tuesday? I am sure you will be in your parents basement trolling other threads stroking your epeen when I see you.
vinod said:
What few points you had, were minor and generally a nonissue when playing a resto druid.

...are you for srs? Do you really intend to infer that remove curse and abolish poison are even REMOTELY CLOSE to dispel or purge? Do you really think that roots are as good as psychic scream? or the combo of FS/earthbind?

Do you not understand that the most powerful class in the bracket has a ranged MS, and the only thing in the bracket that counters it is PWS?

Druids have 1 instant cast hot. Priests have 1 instant cast hot, and 1 instant cast shield.

Oh, and the most important thing that distinguishes priests from every other healer (besides maybe dispel) is mana burn. Imp manaburn with an 18/2/0 spec flat out wins wsg/arena. If you win the mana war with their heals you win the game. If you cant figure that out, I dont know what to tell you
I am still waiting on your address Funding....
i leveled one druid up to 80 and the second one is a 39 now.

i played 19, 29 and 39.

the talent trees benefit a viable resto build starting at lvl 29.

29 is not a good bracket to PuG in when not playin a hunter (you know what i mean).

i played the druid in 29 and simultaneously played my hunter in it. as long as there are other hunter (almost ever 2-5 in your team) an additional hunter is not needed.

with the coming patch the 29 druid will get a powerful tool from the 39 bracket -> travel form.

tranquilty, frenzied regeneration and natures swiftness remain in the 39 bracket.

the 39 bracket is more balanced throughout all classes and talentbuilds which makes the gameplay more interesting.

the 39 bracket adds some very good gearing choices for druids which makes them more a "druid".

other talent options like feral and balance are more viable in 39.

rogues are mostly hemo and do not ambush/backstab you to death in seconds in 39.

the possible support you get from teammates increases in 39, as more CC and Oh shit buttons enter the game.

if you are not short on gold and have time to equip your char twice -> try 29 and then wisely decide to lvl into 39.
Ugarak said:
Won't have to buy a plane ticket since I'll be in orlando next week at my new condominium. Can I get your address, and can you please tell your parents to be expecting me around 3:30 next Tuesday? I am sure you will be in your parents basement trolling other threads stroking your epeen when I see you.

Yeah, my parents basement, aka my appt. I'll be sure to let my attractive gf know I'll be out. Meet me out by UCF, this could be fun =)

I also must have missed my epeen stroking in this thread. When did I say I was the best, or amazing, or anything similar to that? I've just pointed out all the stupid things you guys have been saying. Sorry, next time I'll just blindly agree with everything you say.
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