What's wrong with resto druids?

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in 39 restos are everything but OP. they are needed in every good BG team, cause of the huge tools they offer, but for everything else other healing classes are the better choice.

i play a 39 druid and atm im resto. im doin a great job in BGs imo, but in arena i have no chance to be competitive to a priest.

aiming for BGs in 39 -> a druid will be more fun in the long run. thats it.
so basically for arena druids are inferior at resto twinking but for BG's their decent or on line with others? and they can FC really well, esp. come 3.2
Ugarak said:
Oh fyi, purge and dispel are the exact same thing at 29 noob.

hahahahahah classic. Twinkinfo always seems to get all the best quotes.

Ok, fine, I guess you guys are right. Having a healer whose main heals are dispel/purgeable, as well as having little to no utility is WAY better than the other options.

Aoe instant cast cc is WAY worse than single target cc right?

Oh, and abolish poison and remove curse work on WAY more stuff than dispel and purge right? Have you ever even heard about consumables? I hear they're pretty good.

I forget who it was, but some random was inferring that the bg charts for sure show who the best healer is. The reason that is so humorous, is because you basically pointed yourself out as one of the bg chart humping mouth breathers.

See the "good" players dont care about how they come up on the charts. They're too busy tryign to do silly things like win the game. What? The FC has an aimed shot on it? I better spam flash heal to pad my healing stats rather than bubble him since bubble is immune to MS effects. I also hear every time you dispel, fear, manaburn, purge, etc, it adds about 10k healing to your stats every time.

Those silly things like dispel and purge are really bad though. Anything that doesnt show up on the bg charts should just be ignored like the ancillary spells they are.

So strange that lloyd aka one of the most experienced 29 players feels that resto druids are gimp. Must be coincidence.
ok, you really want to play a druid. fine, good choice!

and you are flexible in chosing the bracket. thats good.

up to 39 (that is my experience) every bracket makes a druid more powerful AND makes it more fun to play.

39 is more balanced than 19 and 29.

49 is the first bracket you can really dps as balance. (39 is spam dots -> support the team)

59 -> DKs -> nogo

ok, 19 is boring, 29 is flooded by rogues/huntards/lolrets...go 39.

balance is powerful dps + very good support.

feral is good dps + very good FC + heal + support.

resto lacks dps, but is still a good FC and can turn the tides for every team.

playin a priest is a completely different thing. if you want a druid, do it!

btw, a druid is a HUGE fun to play and a very long lasting toy^^

on no other char i have ever tried that much different builds and playstyles.
For all the rantin and raving about hot heals being dispelled, it is fairly uncommon. Sure it can happen, but in all my play time it is not such a massive issue that it cripples me as a healer in 29s.
funding, are you just talking about arena?

as long as we are mainly talk about BGs, priest may have some good tools too, but having a priest + a druid is even better. and someone has to play the druid then...maybe ugarak just wants to be that guy.

the fact that priests are the better choice when they are on their own, or in small arena teams doesnt make druids pointless.

what you dont understand is, that ugarak doesnt want to be talked into a priest role...he wants to get some input on playin a druid. if a druid is mainly a supporter and can shine in many ways in this role he wants to know that. after reading some experiences of people that ectually play druids he will have a better understanding of what a druid can do and what not.

if he thinks that it can be fun, he will give it a try. thats it. if everybody chooses his char because it is superior in one or two spells we will start play in ret/hunter/rog/priest teams...oh no, we already do that.

there is nothing really wrong in your statement, but druids have their function in a team and i want to be in the team with a druid rather then in the team without one.
vinod said:
For all the rantin and raving about hot heals being dispelled, it is fairly uncommon.

Lol see what I mean with all the fantastic quotables?

@ Bansil: The title of the thread is "whats wrong with resto druids" I would continue, but I've been around twinkinfo long enough to know you're not one of the learning disabled that appear to be so common around here.

For everyone who thinks I'm calling resto druids completely useless, I'll refer you back to post #18, where I say "Druids are the worst heals right now, but not by much...Druids are good, they just arent as good as the other options. In the next patch they will be."

I dont know how to be more clear about that, so I'm not even going to try.
if you want to help the OP, it needs to read and understand his posts.

the title just shows that the OP is not sure about what to expect and why there are so few resto druids. reading this thread with open eyes and filtering out the information that is in it (besides some other things) will hopefully clear some things up.

and there is no need to offend users that describe their experiences when playing pugs. a good 3v3 arena team with a priest/shaman will remove HoTs most of the time, but thats just not true for pugs. i pug with my 39 druid and not even 5% of my spells getting removed. espacially not instantly.

a well played druid has more influence on the outcome of a BG then every rogue/hunter/lolret.

list healing classes in order of POWER they bring into a team is not easy and depends on too much things. fact is, that priests are very strong in 19-39. all other classes can either shine or not...depending on the player and the opponents.
I think there are so few resto druids, due in part as to how radically different they are from other healing classes. That they are not simple 1 button healers, verses cycling hot healers who's strength lies in raid wide healing, not extremely strong single target. It's just a different, if not quirky style that most discredit.

For all the listed "drawbacks", I have never experainced "being an inferior" healer on my 29 resto. I say play one, and judge for yourself.
a well played druid has more influence on the outcome of a BG then every rogue/hunter/lolret.

lol this is the most ridiculous quote i've ever seen...

if you think any class even comes close to "influencing bgs" as much as a hunter, you must be accidentally posting in the wrong level bracket's forum.
I simply just wanted input on the 29 bracket for a resto druid, because I do not want to play a priest. I play a priest at endgame and raid on him consistently along with my warlock, and I do not feel like playing him as a twink. I enjoy DoT's so i figured HoT would be fun and the 10 levels I have played so far have been really fun. Funding please leave my thread before it gets closed because your being an ass to everyone, and completely off topic. I titled the thread, "Whats wrong with resto druid?" Because I wanted people who play resto druids to tell me what their problems are. I also wanted to know which bracket for resto druids was better out of the following; 19, 29, 39. I recieved one post explaining strength and weaknesses of all three but not very in-depth on the resto druid side, but rather on the feral and balance side. Can someone please address the 19,29,39 bracket for resto druids SPECIFICALLY because I am at a delimma as to which bracket to take my druid on. (And by person I mean everyone except FundingTwinks.)

Thanks everyone aside from Funding for your help so far and keep the posts coming!

P.S. I decided on resto druid a long time ago funding so stfu, get out of the thread, and just stop being a forum geek who exclaims, "You just don't get it! Priests are the Best there Is!"
Lloydganks said:
lol this is the most ridiculous quote i've ever seen...

if you think any class even comes close to "influencing bgs" as much as a hunter, you must be accidentally posting in the wrong level bracket's forum.

I disagree. A single healer (no matter pallie, priest, or druid) easily swings the favor of a game more than a single dps.
Fundingtwinks said:
For everyone who thinks I'm calling resto druids completely useless, I'll refer you back to post #18, where I say "Druids are the worst heals right now, but not by much...Druids are good, they just arent as good as the other options. In the next patch they will be."

I dont know how to be more clear about that, so I'm not even going to try.

That's a great example, actually. Your quote from post #18 puts forth a lucid opinion, and implies an invitation to elaborate. But the rest of post #18 (and the rest of the majority of your posts) you wrote in such an inflammatory and condescending manner, that you've muddied what you had to say.

I respect your opinion, and clearly you've played a lot. But when you cannot disagree respectfully with the rest of us or discuss what worked and didn't work for you in regards to playing with druid healers in the 29 bracket, your contempt reduces your posts to trolling. Your experience certainly deserves better treatment, but you need to give it a chance. Save the well-practiced trash talk for competition, and leave your baggage at the door. Otherwise, the best you can do here is entertain yourself with your acerbic postings, and that never ends well.

Good luck!

Ugarak said:
I also wanted to know which bracket for resto druids was better out of the following; 19, 29, 39. I recieved one post explaining strength and weaknesses of all three but not very in-depth on the resto druid side, but rather on the feral and balance side. Can someone please address the 19,29,39 bracket for resto druids SPECIFICALLY because I am at a delimma as to which bracket to take my druid on. (And by person I mean everyone except FundingTwinks.)

IMO try 29, or 39.

19 for healing seem just out of the question, due to talent tree issues that I can see.

At 19 you can not spec for improved rejuv, and at 19 healing touch spamming would just be a train wreck. I've only ever seen ferals in 19s: prolly for a good reason.

39s and 29s seem to be equally good places to experaince a resto druid. Play 29s for a while, if you dont like them level up to 39 :)
Bansil said:
a well played druid has more influence on the outcome of a BG then every rogue/hunter/lolret.

Wow, 3 in one thread? I think we set a new world record! Its indeed a historic day here on the twinkinfo forums.

Since the OP somewhere along the way forgot what his thread was about, I'll give him a little refresher. How about the first line of the post!?!?!?!?!?1/1/1oneslash

I have been recently researching doing a resto druid in the 29 bracket, and have been receiving a lot of negative feedback or general flaming of what a bad idea it is for this bracket. Can I ask why? Are the other healers just tremendously better then a resto druid?

Oh, man, how could I have been so foolish and thought the OP wanted to know "why resto druids are such a bad idea for this bracket" After rereading that, I can obviously see how I'm totally off base here. I should have been telling you how gosh golly darn keen resto druids are at lvl 29. They're so much better than every other healer I just pooped myself!

Want some for srs advice? Go 39 for a resto druid. Your welcome.
Still waiting on that in depth resto druid of 19,29,39. if it is possible at all. I just want to know where to take my druid and know exactly what I will be getting my self into strength and weakness wise.
Lloydganks said:
lol this is the most ridiculous quote i've ever seen...

if you think any class even comes close to "influencing bgs" as much as a hunter, you must be accidentally posting in the wrong level bracket's forum.

I can only speak for PuG BGs in the 29 brackets, but with so few healers in BGs, yes -- a good healer can (and often does) turn an entire team around. Precisely because high dps players like hunters and rogues depend on burning down opponents so quickly. Once that goes out the window, dps players get in trouble.

I would imagine (and hope) that premades, with their superior organization, work differently since they have at least one healer and are much better about focus fire.

Ugarak said:
Still waiting on that in depth resto druid of 19,29,39. if it is possible at all. I just want to know where to take my druid and know exactly what I will be getting my self into strength and weakness wise.

I wrote an entire guide to lvl 29 resto twinking, go read it.
Fundingtwinks said:
Wow, 3 in one thread? I think we set a new world record! Its indeed a historic day here on the twinkinfo forums.

Since the OP somewhere along the way forgot what his thread was about, I'll give him a little refresher. How about the first line of the post!?!?!?!?!?1/1/1oneslash

Oh, man, how could I have been so foolish and thought the OP wanted to know "why resto druids are such a bad idea for this bracket" After rereading that, I can obviously see how I'm totally off base here. I should have been telling you how gosh golly darn keen resto druids are at lvl 29. They're so much better than every other healer I just pooped myself!

Want some for srs advice? Go 39 for a resto druid. Your welcome.


My god. The guy is an incessant little kid just begging for someone to beat the crap out of him. BTW, I think I know why Fundingtwinks has had a lot of problems with twinks who come to his server to be funded. They want to spec say, a resto druid one way, and he lol's and says I am paying so roll a priest NOW! And they take the money, roll a druid, and gquit so they don't have to deal with his attitude. Can an officer or moderator PLEASE delete fundingtwinks posts or if at all possible just lock him out of my thread since I am trying to get feedback for something I want to do?

Much appreciated if you read the whole thing.
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