What's the best AH deal you've gotten, ever...

I got my Assasin's Blade for 40g a few months ago.

It was first posted for 50g and I was broke so I went out to do some farming. Came back to buy it and it was gone. Then it was reposted the next day for 40g. Score!
3/3 Wrangler's of the Monkey - 4g

3/3 Wrangler's of the Eagle - 3g

Vendetta - 65g

TCS - 5g

Feet of the Lynx - 15g

Darkweave Breeches - 8g

Redbeard's Crest x2 - 1g, and 50s

Thorbia's Gauntlets - 5g
Sweet! Just got [ITEM]Hammer of the Northern Wind[/ITEM] for 1.2k!!!

My friend found a shadowfang for 55s the other day.
treebark jacket last week for 20 silver ;o)

A year ago I spent 225g and thought that was a good deal.
anyone notice how not many twink items follow the economy. IE butchers and zealots have always been 100gish since BC
I just got a Staff of Jordan for 20g and resold for 999g this weekend.

I have also picked up 2 3/3 eagles and 1 3/3 monkey in the past 2 weeks for an average of 5g.

Great things can be found on a server that's not in a twinking battleground. :)
in vanilla i got thorbia's and silver linked footguards and some other 19 warrior gear for like 5g total. good ole days when kargath was a carebear server with almost no 19s, wayyy before xserver bgs.
Formal Dangui for 30g. the seller ment to put it to ah for 30k, like a joke. :p i refused to sell it back to him, surprisingly :) miracles happen.
Ruby shades for 5g.

Was also an acciddent, but... oh well :p
This is a tad OT. But.

Theres this little bitch that runs around Garona Server (US) Named Tinybaby.

All he does is FARM FARM FARM.

What he does.

Let me just give an example.

Lets say he farms for shadowfang it gets it.

He puts it up on Auction House for MAX price. Like 90000g.

Then he takes it down. And for 5 minutes, he puts it on AH for 1k gold, then he puts it back up.

Then for 1 minutes he puts it up for 100g.

I have actaully been lucky enough to get it at a lower price, And he said "You lucky bastard, =P" And we were like best friends.

true story :D

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