Whats going on?

1#. Clearly "Cirran" has a old reputation and I won't argue that, but its a new twinking age and you need to show your skill again. It's not like it use to be. I'm looking foward to BGing with you.

2#. @ Mocha everyone has bad games, I died to you yesterday because I was acting suicidal. Does that make me bad? Just because you lose one 1v1 doesn't make you trash.
1#. Clearly "Cirran" has a old reputation and I won't argue that, but its a new twinking age and you need to show your skill again. It's not like it use to be. I'm looking foward to BGing with you.

2#. @ Mocha everyone has bad games, I died to you yesterday because I was acting suicidal. Does that make me bad? Just because you lose one 1v1 doesn't make you trash.

good players don't have bad games... sorry
Was testing shit. I didn't even know he was making the video.

"I don't have bad games.. Ever. I play flawless at all times." -Cirran
Cirran your the fucking past. GET OVER IT. YOU ARE OLD GOD DAMN NEWS. Tonks #1 rogue get the fuck on his level.

Btw Tonks xfer ur 70 to thrall and make him hordee
afking makes you tough.


Honestly though, why waste the 10 minutes it would have taken for the partial pre-made we were vsing to 3-0 us when I could be using that time for something more constructive?

PS I've afked about 5 times since I started twinking in mid-2007.
Everyone calm down, no need to fight like this... Im the best you are all trash

thank you for understanding
It's so confusing when people say how good they were in the past. This obviously isn't the past and twinking has changed now. So stop talking about the past because it really doesn't matter. That's all.

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