What would you like to see next patch?

Account wide tabards.
More shirts @ vendor, want the lumberjack versions :(
65% base resilliance.

maybe something more but thats what I can come up with right now.
Peace and love to this bracket. 20's and 24's holding hands while singing by the campfire.

Also like the aimshot on the move idea.
MM Buffed, Chimera shot and Deterrance at lvl 20.

Fuck it lets just make hunters the only class alliance can roll!

eye of kilrogg- spy on them enemies
waterwalking- awesome ab transportation, also fun to cast on friendlies when they jump from high heights into bodies of water
slow fall- fun utility, would totally reroll my mage to goblin
distract- mildly inconvenience enemies with a turnaround
leap of faith- tell friends to jump off lm and you will lifegrip them back.... nope!

on a more serious note, i think glyphs would make a fun addition to this bracket
(i just wanna get rid of this ugly ass stag form)

Some more utility spells like this would be boss! hella fun too..
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This would be the shizz... Horde players with eyepatch XD
Horde with Eyepatch is a good idea. Due to alliance getting eyepatches, they don't need to attend every Sunday fishing events. (For agility needers) .
eye of kilrogg- spy on them enemies
waterwalking- awesome ab transportation, also fun to cast on friendlies when they jump from high heights into bodies of water
slow fall- fun utility, would totally reroll my mage to goblin
distract- mildly inconvenience enemies with a turnaround
leap of faith- tell friends to jump off lm and you will lifegrip them back.... nope!

on a more serious note, i think glyphs would make a fun addition to this bracket
(i just wanna get rid of this ugly ass stag form)
Waterwalking will HELP ALOT on getting Lucky Fishing Hat :D
Level cap increase to 80 (on par with what is included in the battlechest) , Most restrictions lifted (can join guilds, can accept trades, gold limit removed, can buy from AH), A server where we have no restrictions at all and CR dungeon raid / battleground with other servers from there.
That or I see us all band together as F2P's and in protest we all queue as tank/heals just to leave the instance and screw over the P2P levelers. Or we just cause shenanigans inside the instances, pull trains on P2P's / etc, use your imagination just not going overboard and being banned for something stupid like cussing some P2P out.
Monks in F2P.
Gold cap increased and ability to use AH.
Priests getting Renew again.
Glyph level requirement lowered from 25 to 20.
Profession level restriction removed.
All BGs and Arenas enabled to F2P and level requirements on them removed (variety for all levels).
Updated gear at the BG vendors preferably sets like the level 60 Field Marshal set.
1-Base resilence increased to 60% to balance healing-DPS
2-A system for BoAs to become account wide --but only for 1 realm--
3-Allowing players inside Battlegrounds to use abilities of levels 24 and below.
4-Allowing F2P's to use the portal in Blasted Lands so we can go outland!!

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