What were the best players in pvp, you have ever seen?

Aggramar have a lot of people that have premaded so long that they play very well together. If I'd have to say someone in particular who has shown skill above anyone else in bgs... Probably Notsureifsrs (and a lot of his other toons), Azolftp, and Lullabyu at least. Spiriel also plays nice offensive hpala.
you can say what you want about these threads but i always quite enjoy them and feel like a special snowflake afterwards <3
you know though i think what this bracket really needs is a cutest couple award/pole

who does it go to bop and old . lil and izac , bend and <3zara<3 , feet and smoke , bison and phron maybe, ploy and swelly?

better yet what celebrity couple to they best resemble ?

lil and izac = miley cyrus and liam hemsworth
but who is everyone else ?
I like to think I'm the next Dave Chappelle.
Can't remember his name, but a rogue from Ursin definitely impressed me with a play awhile back. Managed to trinket charge stun and turn towards me with evasion up to dodge a SS KB while FCing.

Huntassasin/Huntessasin siblings are great on a few classes, some of my funnest times in F2P have been running 5m's with those two.

Always impressed with Ploy's FCing abilities.

Support - AP has the fastest/most precise jumps I've seen in this bracket.

There was also a rogue named Woundman (I think it's a copy of some e-famous 90 rogue?) that always impressed me in arenas on Korgath.
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I have several f2ps at the moment.

I don't know why people are getting defensive. I didn't call anyone bad or shit. I'm just saying no one has impressed me to that ''holy shit this guy is amazing level''

Yes, I afk when I see 5 hunters and 3 rogues on the opposing team. 24 or not I don't want to vs that as a mage.

Your mage is Support? Or who?
There's a lot of love going around in this thread...

Does "pain in the ass to play against" count? If so, Bop+Oldpike, Strikesix, Albino and Phron of the top of my head.

You're that rogue with the prickly daggers :( I know you.
Sly / Worstified, not sure what the rest of his alts are named.

Generally out rangeing people to avoid damage isn't hard but doing it at perfection is.. This guy read the games so well I've almost bitten off my lip multible times while playing my mage fu and ur shadowmelds..

Kudos to you sir.
Sly / Worstified, not sure what the rest of his alts are named.

Generally out rangeing people to avoid damage isn't hard but doing it at perfection is.. This guy read the games so well I've almost bitten off my lip multible times while playing my mage fu and ur shadowmelds..

Kudos to you sir.

I haven't played the game in ages but I still remember looking up to him. Plus, a pretty awesome guy on top of that.

And the same stuff about Kraud too. Both a great player and person.

EU f2p's finest, imho.
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thanks for the mentions guys, Pooh and Tay and Rev

lot of good players out there. some I never get to see close up or dont play with enough to see them do great things. here's a few that i've played with several times and who I dont see on these lists often

Rushour - ridiculous rogue. always where he needs to be. plus troll

Duckyboy - prot war fc. amazing what he can do as a goblin with speed pots. always finds his heals

Albinocow - one of the best. not much that he cant do. he does prot pal FCing like nobody's business and he masters every monk spec. always on pace to do 100-150k healing every game on MW and I watch him kite entire teams on brewmaster

Danse - whoever sold the account to whoever's playing Danse right now shouldve paid him to take it

Talarac - he's super and he knows it. really does well on boomie and dpriest (he got me good with dominate mind a few times)

Huntassin - yeah he's already been mentioned but yeah, wow. great hunter. very fast reflexes

Seíra - good priest

And lastly, that one dwarf ret pally who I fought at Goldmine one time - I dont remember your name but I remember you. You gave me a run for my money

now for a few of the Misha peeps that I play with a lot

Alkaizer - plays a lot of classes well but he's born to be a warlock. fun to watch

Arkchangle - one of the best warriors ive played with. gets returns, uses charge stun well

Katte - great rogue, gets returns. never on the same side of the field but always surprised how he can go in solo or maybe 1 other person and come out with the flag

Dagathorn - you can say he's well-rounded. except all his Misha characters are dwarves. but hes a master prot pally

Kynley - awesome druid. never dies in AB and tops healing by a lot. just a smart player and FC and very good at grabbing dropped flags

also [MENTION=6328]Snowjobs[/MENTION] great job. I sometimes look in the mirror and think, wow, I'm just like Thor's less famous younger brother. but I think cutest couple has to go to Bison and Phron mainly cause they got the big/little thing going with the Tauren and Goblin combo
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Duckyboy - prot war fc. amazing what he can do as a goblin with speed pots. always finds his heals

Man, I forgot about Ducky. Think he's FCd with me maybe 3 times. I remember him doing things that caught me off guard, but he always got the job done. Smart use of positioning and Rocket Belt in the FR.

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