I remember that! After the ability to create stam lenses reappeared, I crafted several hundred
green lens (check out the link for the summary of that experience), and never saw a single stam lens.
Related to that, when Blizzard decided in BfA to change all existing green lenses to modern variants (combinations of vers, haste, and crit), that meant the conversion would give my 39's green lens (with a grandfathered head enchant from TBC) a less-than-7% chance of getting ideal stats, forever. I wanted maximum vers, minimal haste, and no crit. I had to get lucky enough to get an aurora lens instead of a fireflash or quickblade lens (1 in 3 chance), and if I managed to somehow gain that, then I wanted the extreme end of five possible stat totals. Lo and behold, I logged in and there it was...the single best possible green lens a 39 resto shammy could hope for, with a grandfathered enchant to boot. The neighbors heard that yell. I remember telling myself I had no room to ever complain about RNG again.
More fun (and dramatic) than that, I was finishing up preparations on the very last day of Wrath, and realized I never got the soon-to-be-grandfathered Tidal Charm for that same 39. The 15-minute server shutdown countdown was on, and I immediately grabbed a griffon in Ironforge to begin the long flight out to the Arathi Highlands. I landed with seven minutes to go, and a frustratingly slow ride all the way to the shore behind Stromgarde Keep left me with 3 minutes on the clock. I dove into the water, and to my utter shock, Prince Nazgrim was actually waiting! Nobody had killed him in the last day and triggered his 17-hour cooldown. 2 minutes on the clock and our duel started...watching his lifebar meander downward as the server finally hit the 60-second mark. He died with 40 seconds to go, I looted immediately, and miracle of miracles, the 1-in-3 chance to get the Tidal Charm came through. I hit the exit button with 30 seconds left, and the 20-second logout timer began. I wanted to make sure the loot saved to my bags and didn't get lost in the server reset.
Two days later, after the servers came back up, I logged in and found my 39 still treading water, with possibly the last-ever retail-looted Tidal Charm in her bags.
She was my first-ever twink, and after all these years, she remains my luckiest.