What have you got for Christmas?

I got a lot of money. Usually I don't get a lot of money for xmas, my bday is the 15th so I usually get shitloads of money before xmas. Got no games but ima buy uncharted 2 for sure. Maybe MW2 when it get's cheaper. Uncharted 2, AC2 and MW2 are fucking 120$ here. When I was in the states I bought mercenaries 2 for 20$-.-

EDIT: Btw hurp, I think it's like 7 hours before any americans open their presents. They open them the 25th you know
Mine was awesome.

One of my brothers got a laptop. The other 3 got iPod Touches, and I got a calculator. And an AP Chemistry review book. I was fucking psyched.
Orcgasm said:
Mine was awesome.

One of my brothers got a laptop. The other 3 got iPod Touches, and I got a calculator. And an AP Chemistry review book. I was fucking psyched.

i just cried for you
ps the calculator doesnt work
got a ton of $. might reup on my xbox live sub since my gf is buying me MW2...but then id need to also buy a router for my dorm room. we'll see, i mean you can only play single player like once w/e getting bored, i'll have to get live one day. as for hurps post, nah i opened my presents at like 7am (3hrs later). oh and in my family we usually get together as a family & open presents on xmas eve, so the only ones i opened today were from my parents or random ones that i didnt get last night...seven year old brother ftw. should have seen him when he opened a Wii, h christ, it coulda been on youtube.
I got shit ton of movies, a toaster oven/rotisserie, and some money, didn't really ask for much. My sisters got a laptop each, and 1 got a new tv and the other a new camera, then just the normal stuff...

Merry Christmas everyone!
I'm 16, but my family isn't as supportive as the average... I bought myself a nice black jacket from American Apparel.
It actually wasnt as bad as I made it out to be, I did get a few books that I was really wanting. =]

And the calculator is going to help me cheat my way through the rest of high school.
Orcgasm said:
It actually wasnt as bad as I made it out to be, I did get a few books that I was really wanting. =]

And the calculator is going to help me cheat my way through the rest of high school.

Hehe, get one with super mario bros. on it.
Got some nice Tuexido Shirts and a new Tie, also got a really cool looking jacket, from some sick ass designer who I forgot the name on.

The coolest gift, was that I got a Ferrari from my dad (if I saved up 100 000 NOK, which is about 16-18 000 Us dollars, myself he said he'd buy me it). Oh also season tickets to my fav Football team.

But our internet got broken, so it's a tad annoying, cause I've been working 9 hours a day for the last month, including sundays, so I could save up the money. and when I get 3 days off work, I loose my internett, just perfect.
Bragh said:
Got some nice Tuexido Shirts and a new Tie, also got a really cool looking jacket, from some sick ass designer who I forgot the name on.

The coolest gift, was that I got a Ferrari from my dad (if I saved up 100 000 NOK, which is about 16-18 000 Us dollars, myself he said he'd buy me it). Oh also season tickets to my fav Football team.

But our internet got broken, so it's a tad annoying, cause I've been working 9 hours a day for the last month, including sundays, so I could save up the money. and when I get 3 days off work, I loose my internett, just perfect.

I just came.

In other news, I had a pretty sweet 25th. I got a new Yamaha Guitar, has a built in tuner, also can play as an electric guitar :DDD It's so nice and sexy to play. Also got borderlands, some really nice cologne I wanted, Car Mats (I swear, my honda civic is plagued with not being able to fit any car mats), and orcgasm's virignity.
Ego said:
I got a new Yamaha Guitar, has a built in tuner

assuming it's an A-Electric? if not, what model?

i got about $100 collectively and from what i've made working with a shitton of mexicans building retainer walls, i bought an xbox, O-Chem review book, an amazing graphing calculator, and a pretty snazzy Gianni suit.
Bragh said:
The coolest gift, was that I got a Ferrari from my dad (if I saved up 100 000 NOK, which is about 16-18 000 Us dollars, myself he said he'd buy me it). Oh also season tickets to my fav Football team.

Bro, your story is cool.

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