When I used to play, I used to play a lot, 472 currently and most of them are from when I stopped playing Rhaellia. Damn it, I should know these people, I probably did at the time but my brain is dumb. I have forgotten a lot of really awesome people, I don't like that. Right now I'm thinking of someone who was a really awesome player. I can't think of the name though, it's a horrible feeling to me. I don't want to forget any of them.
You're thinking this is pretty silly, aren't you? Well, to me, you can't talk to people daily, for hours and not get somewhat attached to them. I admit I go full barnacle, attaching myself to people fairly quickly, guilty as charged (boy is this post getting long winded, sheesh heh). It's just so easy for me! What do you expect from someone whose enjoyment of a game is usually centered around the enjoyment of the other people playing it. When I'm healing my friends in a BG, I'm invested in their feelings, I don't want any of them to ragequit. I want them to have fun, I'm invested in winning I find usually for them. Which is very different if I solo queue. If I'm premading it's "alright, Earl's dying, we gotta get over there and save his butt so he doesn't quit :O". Or we're being GY farmed and everyone is about to leave "Bad games happen" or if I'm feeling extra perky "Lets do this, we can win, lets go!".
Maybe that's what I missed most. I love looking out for my buddies. Catching them when they're about to fall, and chuckling when I'm the one that has to clean their brains up off the gulch when I'm a little late to the party. I might not remember the fine details, or all the faces but I hope I remember that feeling of being part of a team, a group and looking out for each other. I've never been part of a team like I had with Earl and Kincaide. I felt important, I felt valued, I felt like I belonged!