It seems that if the gear token is ilvl 44, u cannot even create it.At 20, some of the gear tokens from the table work and some don't. I mean, you can create them, but not use them.
I’m fairly certain the tokens u mentioned all work. The ones that don’t work are the ones u have to create to see if u get a +3/6 or 9 token for armor or weapons.This big bug to me is the mission reward follower upgrade (armor/weapon) tokens. these used to all be useable. I upgraded all my followers to 630+ Before the change took effect and the tokens became not useable. Last I checked (and it’s been a minute now since I’ve checked out of wow)
- Green (615) tokens - not useable
- Blue tokens (630) - not useable
- Epic tokens (645) - usable
- Green (615) tokens - not useable
It's fucking irritating that Games (Expansions) are coming out so bugged in the past 5-10 years. And clearly Blizz has given very little priority to ANY bugs that aren't to do with SL content, or hell, even SL content that isn't for Level 60's.
Interestingly, I picked up 2 x ilvl 44 tokens from Garrison missions, 1 of them I couldn't use, the other actually worked to produce an ilvl 44 shoulder, though I couldn't wear it. Strange.....It seems that if the gear token is ilvl 44, u cannot even create it.
Ilvl 43 and lower u can create, but most u won’t be able to use as u mentioned. Only the first few missions where u get a ring and gloves is useable. Outside of that, nothing else is useable.
You have 4 different tokens coming from garrison missions:Interestingly, I picked up 2 x ilvl 44 tokens from Garrison missions, 1 of them I couldn't use, the other actually worked to produce an ilvl 44 shoulder, though I couldn't wear it. Strange.....
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You better all report the bug in game + leave a comment & like on those forum threads to boost the visibility of that bug!
38 people saw this thread on xpoff, I wanna see the 38 bumps on the forums!
If you as an EU player are being sent to the US forums, that's a site bug that you might want to communicate through their site. I don't know if your account can post to the US support pages or if you'll need to make a new account for them, but that's a legitimate issue to tackle first.