Weekly Wargames Schedule (US 20s)

We should stop talking about this before the community devolves into Doxxing and @ threads. as threatened by people GT doesn't want to work with. those who know know so please stop talking to me about this zulu vs gt drama.
Hey Em, sorry not exactly sure what you're talking about here in regards to doxxing, if that is a threat from you it's not appreciated and won't be taken lightly.
In my mind there is no "zulu v gt", I like GT and think it has a crucial place in this bracket, as I have stated in every single conversation I have had, including privately away from GT's prying screenshots. If you are twisting that, it is lies.

I did threaten to write a thread about my experiences with GT, but then stopped as it felt very childish and as I have stated, regardless of what you try to paint me as, I don't play those games. I still stand by my statement: I am here to make gameplay more accessible for F2P and Vets. That is it.

I would also appreciate a conversation with both you and Life at some point.
I have a lot of respect for Life, I think she is a great leader and quite a lovely person, I regret not being able to be on her friends list. TBH my experience in communicating with you Emelia left me feeling quite disrespected and annoyed, and I wrongfully blamed GT leadership - and in doing so put that on Life in our private conversation.
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If you’re getting onto people about spamming ads then get on to GT and not just this guy. Nobody spams more than them especially in the undesignated areas when there is clear recruitment channels. No shade just saying it goes both ways. Everyone knows they are the biggest guild for retail 20s.
I haven't once advertised my communities or any guild, I honestly haven't needed to.
People know who I am from my integrity and character, which I have been present in-game with for a very long time, and naturally choose to share my in-game community as it is the most active and neutral place for lv20s. The people know that, and hence no need to advertise as reputation is king.
I haven't once advertised my communities or any guild, I honestly haven't needed to.
People know who I am from my integrity and character, which I have been present in-game with for a very long time, and naturally choose to share my in-game community as it is the most active and neutral place for lv20s. The people know that, and hence no need to advertise as reputation is king.
Understand, I’m just bringing up the fact there shouldn’t be any calling out about excess ads when the main people doing it are the party being defended
Hey Em, sorry not exactly sure what you're talking about here in regards to doxxing, if that is a threat from you it's not appreciated and won't be taken lightly.
In my mind there is no "zulu v gt", I like GT and think it has a crucial place in this bracket, as I have stated in every single conversation I have had, including privately away from GT's prying screenshots. If you are twisting that, it is lies.

I did threaten to write a thread about my experiences with GT, but then stopped as it felt very childish and as I have stated, regardless of what you try to paint me as, I don't play those games. I still stand by my statement: I am here to make gameplay more accessible for F2P and Vets. That is it.

I would also appreciate a conversation with both you and Life at some point.
I have a lot of respect for Life, I think she is a great leader and quite a lovely person, I regret not being able to be on her friends list. TBH my experience in communicating with you Emelia left me feeling quite disrespected and annoyed, and I expressed that in my chat with Life after you no doubt put poison in her ears.
"As threatened by people GT doesn't want to work with" = People we dont want to work with are the ones threatening us. You even admit to wanting to do a @thread about GT. Not very reaching to assume you would go even further considering I have people in bnet whisper telling me to be careful cause the "old guard" doxx people.

Idk whats happening in your echo chamber but its reaching my in-game dm days later. Stop trying to twist my words to sound tough. Your international master spy parents should have educated you how to manipulate better. BTW why the hell would you tell me you are a manipulator in that way? International Master Spys for parents, bro wtf?! I'm trying to sell you extended 20s Wargame Warranties. You're confusing and randomly rude. No thanks bub we dont want to talk to you.

You failed in the meet and graet stage of community bridge building. Please discontinue the drama by seizing facilitation of an environment where I receive random dm about you being a threat to my safety. A talk with you would only give your rude way of doing things an edge in attacking us. A threat is a threat is a threat and you were a threat the moment you said you wanted to @thread us. I tried to work with you despite my best friends (life's) hesitation. I can see she was right in not wanting to partner with you. All you do is try to manipulate the situation to get your way. I'm sorry GT is by far the monopoly in NA 20s content and you're not openly allowed in. You can call us gate keepers but all we did was make a non toxic community that was safe for all people and genders. If that's too hard cause your memberbase is phobic well im sorry bub but that's the only way to get a healthy community. Now do as you did the other day and sneak in with the same discord profile notes so i can see it's you again. Remember when you did that? when you tried to find dirt on us for your @thread..
@CigNus can we delete this thread, it is obviously a toxic environment and people are getting emotional. The community doesn’t need this, just need fairness overall and to be friendly. Have a goodnight, everyone just play the game and have fun it’s not that serious the community is already dying don’t make it worse.
"As threatened by people GT doesn't want to work with" = People we dont want to work with are the ones threatening us. You even admit to wanting to do a @thread about GT. Not very reaching to assume you would go even further considering I have people in bnet whisper telling me to be careful cause the "old guard" doxx people.

Idk whats happening in your echo chamber but its reaching my in-game dm days later. Stop trying to twist my words to sound tough. Your international master spy parents should have educated you how to manipulate better. BTW why the hell would you tell me you are a manipulator in that way? International Master Spys for parents, bro wtf?! I'm trying to sell you extended 20s Wargame Warranties. You're confusing and randomly rude. No thanks bub we dont want to talk to you.

You failed in the meet and graet stage of community bridge building. Please discontinue the drama by seizing facilitation of an environment where I receive random dm about you being a threat to my safety. A talk with you would only give your rude way of doing things an edge in attacking us. A threat is a threat is a threat and you were a threat the moment you said you wanted to @thread us. I tried to work with you despite my best friends (life's) hesitation. I can see she was right in not wanting to partner with you. All you do is try to manipulate the situation to get your way. I'm sorry GT is by far the monopoly in NA 20s content and you're not openly allowed in. You can call us gate keepers but all we did was make a non toxic community that was safe for all people and genders. If that's too hard cause your memberbase is phobic well im sorry bub but that's the only way to get a healthy community. Now do as you did the other day and sneak in with the same discord profile notes so i can see it's you again. Remember when you did that? when you tried to find dirt on us for your @thread..
Lol, I started to mention manipulating communities as that's what I've been doing with 20s most toxic players for quite some time now, manipulating them into being good people and playing lv20s respectfully, ask literally anyone that knows me xD - but you again were incapable of getting to the end of any point before losing your mind.

Not exactly sure what you mean about people doxxing others or the "old guard", I have never been involved and have heard frightening rumors also.

And yes I did join into your discord again on another account, and no it wasn't to get dirt it was to continue listening in on the VC coz it was actually quite a nice environment, and I was curious why I'd heard such bad rep on GT in-game.
I was in the VC in the first place on my main account for the same reason, to listen into VC and sign up to wargames before getting kicked.

And my echo chamber is my public discord chat in the wargames discord, I don't spin lies behind closed doors - I have nothing to hide - https://discord.gg/GK7wcKEyuG

I will add, I have been contacted both in general chat and privately with some quite concerning screenshots from multiple people on anonymous accounts all stating they are scared about you finding out they are sharing it. I intend to contact Life privately to protect their identities from you.
This will be done on an anonymous account at sometime over the next month in GT discord.

For now I am focusing on running wargames still - and this is my only objective as mentioned.
My only regret is joining a discord channel that you control, and let your crazy bait out words that can be taken out of context with screenshots.
Yeah juicy drama like this is what brings back the golden era's of twinking
It's always been like this. I'm not surprised a lot of people gave up on 20s PvP even before the DF patch.

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