
lindenkron said:
Latest update.

wow, not fair's like you get to buy 10 lottery tickets per day while i only get to buy 1...

i am tempted to just level a bunch of level 5's and whoever gets the fishing hat will be my next project (39)
Vincent said:
Dude you're such a sad person really, and the fact that you havent been IP banned yet for your trolling is beyond me

Seriously...u think its fun for me to hear that kind of things? im maybe not the best in englische but that cos we don't learn that speak in french. Whats wrong with my post this time? please tell me...i even did some serious work in that post ( google translat just to make it good ). sometimes i maybe can post something stupid but thats when someone post stupid about me first.

Lawlpurge said:
MODS?!?! wasn't this jackass banned before?! Seriously, you lock threads and ban people for FAR less than this miserable little troll. DO SOMETHING (Kore?)

^ inb4 Lindenkron gives some weak excuse like "He's French/Swedish/German", I don't believe it.


Please refrain from double posting.

Best regards, lindenkron.

I'm french and lindenkron is right. U have to accept people ( non englisch people ) that also wants too be in forums.

thank for u time, hope u will understand me after this post.
1/7 so far
glancealot said:
wow, not fair's like you get to buy 10 lottery tickets per day while i only get to buy 1...

i am tempted to just level a bunch of level 5's and whoever gets the fishing hat will be my next project (39)

That's actually not a bad idea at all.

but if it really is as easy as everyone is seeing it won't be long before we all have hats.
1 out of 4 on my undead 29 priest!!!

looted the fishing at at 9:01am, nov 27th.

Antísocial said:
I'm french

i'm guessing swedish cuz u live in our capital :)
Quelfep said:
you spelled unbreakable wrong

has it occurred to you that the correct version was probably, i don't know, taken?
Antísocial said:
Seriously...u think its fun for me to hear that kind of things? im maybe not the best in englische but that cos we don't learn that speak in french. Whats wrong with my post this time? please tell me...i even did some serious work in that post ( google translat just to make it good ). sometimes i maybe can post something stupid but thats when someone post stupid about me first.

I'm french and lindenkron is right. U have to accept people ( non englisch people ) that also wants too be in forums.

thank for u time, hope u will understand me after this post.

you beste lets feste!
Quelfep said:
r u mad @ me?

lol, i don't know, should i be? i don't even know who you are, but obviously you have a hard-on for me.

it's ok, i get that a lot.

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