We Missed A Great Opportunity...

I'm unsure if you know of it or were into twinking at the time but imo one of the best times for twinking was cata F2P/starter. It had the most helpful content, most helpful people and some of the most unique playing experiences. I started as a lv 20 F2P but became a veteran(subbed once but stopped paying and remained lv 20). For me it wasn't to slaughter lvers it was to have those thrilling last minute wins/losses of a 20 min close wsg. I HATE xp on being merged with xp off queues but that is because my bracket always had the fastest queues anyways. I can understand 19s or 39s or others wanting xp on/off merged to increase the 30+ minute queue times.

Hy lil o/ f2ps used to be the shit back then, we had such a good community. If they went 29s on stream the surge would be crazy if they knew it was free lol. Now thats content)
why’s everyone coming out of the woodwork trying to get asmon and mcconnell to their bracket to spark activity, you know you could’ve put in your own effort and work to get activity by hosting events/wargames
why’s everyone coming out of the woodwork trying to get asmon and mcconnell to their bracket to spark activity, you know you could’ve put in your own effort and work to get activity by hosting events/wargames

WHAT!? People want results but don't want to be the one that puts in the work, what a shocking discovery!
I mean twinks are toxic, kinda something you have to expect when going into the bracket, been that way for years and has grown into what it is now.

Even at end game it's the same way, look at crusader, he gets tons and tons of subscribers and donations for being the most toxic individual on the internet, it's just how society is unfortunately.

People get bored with their own lives so to create some sort of drama they either follow someone who's toxic and spreads some shit rumors or they become the toxic ones to get attention, positive or negative. Most people on the internet are like that, even if you don't think you are, you are.

It's honestly like a corruption, the more and more you include yourself with and around people that you probably don't even realize are toxic, it just rubs off on you and before you know it, you're wasting your time in asmonbalds stream saying some nasty comments about him being bad, or whatever.
29 will probably be my next one, curious as to what's faceroll there.
asmon as enchanted to the max dark iron fury warrior with 3 pocket healing disc priests will leave a mile long trail of bones.
add speed pots, gliders, drums, legion pvp potions, mop shadow pan tables and some mm hunter + boomy following u around to the mix to maximize the effect.

Surely will be detrimental to the receiving end but entertaining stream content for few days since yall on twink tour.
Overall from what i have seen asmon needs to be more cunning when it comes to positioning and situational awareness.
He got the move like Jagger!
asmon as enchanted to the max dark iron fury warrior with 3 pocket healing disc priests will leave a mile long trail of bones.
kek, not unless it's av. that will be funny.
Everyone can faceroll anyone with three pocket healers though.

Heck put three resto shamans togethers at 49 and watch them faceroll through everything.
Aye, but I was more referring the 20-29 av matches. A specially since horde usually wins them; if they pop up thanks to them for putting av in a different epic battle ground button. Sigh, I miss those times.
ASMONGOLD himself is the biggest troll. There is no respect to give, I don’t give 2 flying fucks how many idiotic viewers he has, they’re all spawns of the stupid troll himself.

Have you ever heard of "stream personality"? Both Mcconnell and Asmongold are amazing people unfortunately people like you can't seem to have brains enough to look past their stream personalities, saying he and all his viewers are idiotic trolls is just being rude.
I watch Asmongolds stream almost every single time he is live BECAUSE of his stream personality, if you dont like it just dont watch its that simple. And saying he destroying the twinking community is just being a hypocrite. Asmongold is bringing more people to the community and isnt that a good thing? sure there are some trolls but they wont stick around for long, a few weeks tops? and when those are gone the people who decide to stick around will become part of the community.

Stop being so salty.
Have you ever heard of "stream personality"? Both Mcconnell and Asmongold are amazing people unfortunately people like you can't seem to have brains enough to look past their stream personalities, saying he and all his viewers are idiotic trolls is just being rude.
I watch Asmongolds stream almost every single time he is live BECAUSE of his stream personality, if you dont like it just dont watch its that simple. And saying he destroying the twinking community is just being a hypocrite. Asmongold is bringing more people to the community and isnt that a good thing? sure there are some trolls but they wont stick around for long, a few weeks tops? and when those are gone the people who decide to stick around will become part of the community.

Stop being so salty.

Imagine having so little going on in your life that you create a tinkinfo account just to white knight for asmongoloid.

How those balls feel slappin against your chin?
Imagine having so little going on in your life that you create a tinkinfo account just to white knight for asmongoloid.

How those balls feel slappin against your chin?

its sad i know but i was going to do it anyways since i enjoy twinking exde
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@Sponsor They take every fucking chance to grow this community into something larger than we've ever known and throw it away, it's the xpoff community now and it is dissapointing indeed.

I don't see why the people just took this chance to grow guilds, get 100+ players online each day for possibly every bracket and take this chance to grow our community in this aswell.
It would be an understatement if I did not say how disappointed I was/am in entire community.

Instead of taking the influx of over 20,000 viewers as an advantage to show how great the twinking community is and how helpful this website can be, our rotten apples stood out like true shining e-knights.

I watched 5 minutes of Asmongold's stream just scrolling through a certain thread which was created to roast him, or must you say "muster the troops". You know how embarrassing it was for me (most likely the rest of the staff) to see all the disrespectful comments shown in front of 22,000 viewers? And for what? A stroke on your ego? How could you guys be so selfish and juvenile. "Lets hunt this goon down and show him who rules this bracket". What? Are you guys like e-alpha males or something? Are you unable to handle not being as popular as him? Why would you NOT want to give a good impression in front of thousands of people and show how fun twinking can be. Instead, you instantly segregated him away from our entire community (IN FRONT OF F*#%$& 20,000 VIEWERS).

@Sun I applaud your thread. Somehow, they also found your farming strategy for epic gear, so thank you. You are probably the only one on here that has shown some support towards this new twink. Reinforcing our decision to select you as a humble bracket coordinator.

To the rest of you, I have said it multiple times and I will say it again, you are a disgrace to the twinking community and most likely the reason why the twink camaraderie is non-existant.

Grow up and change your mentality of this petty "me vs them". We truly missed a great opportunity for this forum and the development of twinking. And every single person that commented on that thread in a negative way has played a role in that.

Good job.

P.S. @Razqt is probably the only qualified person on this whole forum to talk shit towards him since he most likely is the only one with a higher pvp rating than him.

I am very passionate about this issue. I take the fact that people said mean things to Asmongold very seriously. Shame on all the people who said such things.

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