We are alive - Alliance 60 Raiding and PvP Guild - <Oldschool>

Alright, last night our BWL bugged out on us so we couldn't get past Razorgore. Gah that's lame. On the bright side I posted our guild screenshots from our first BWL on our website, go check them out!. :)
Wooohooo, tomorrow we're doing our first guild 2v2 arena tournament (via Arena Wargames) this should be fun! We'll let y'all know how it turns out.
Msragepaint said:
Alright, last night our BWL bugged out on us so we couldn't get past Razorgore. Gah that's lame. On the bright side I posted our guild screenshots from our first BWL on our website, go check them out!. :)

I'm assuming you mean it bugged and did not reset?

It's bugged for my guild countless times, but once you have everyone out, it should reset either instantly or on a 5 min despawn. (never took longer then 5 min)
Thats whats been happening all this time, On my 85 a friend and I figured out how to get around it, I go in first and control the orb and he lets the mobs knock my almost off the orb and I kill 2 eggs, Then he picks the orb up and we keep on doing the same thing to kill all the eggs, Works like a charm each time.
Arihant said:
There's another bug where the orb stop working and you can't control him and afterwards he'll do some kind of arcane/poison nova and one shot everyone, at least that's what I've experienced.

Ahh... that has happened to me once, but I just assumed someone screwed up... we just wiped it up and redid it without a hitch.

Seems like a few people have experienced this... hope it doesn't get much worse.
Truukk said:
Thats whats been happening all this time, On my 85 a friend and I figured out how to get around it, I go in first and control the orb and he lets the mobs knock my almost off the orb and I kill 2 eggs, Then he picks the orb up and we keep on doing the same thing to kill all the eggs, Works like a charm each time.

Ah yea, we tried to do something similar to this, but it seemed to bug out as soon as the first person lost/dropped the MC effect. Guess we've just had bad luck.
Msragepaint said:
Would be nice if blizzard just fixed the bugs. :/

Yes please god
Mileylol said:
I also heard in 4.1 MC is being removed as a 60 dungeon. Which means the end of 60 twinking.


Secondly, that won't be the end of 60 twinking, by far.

Most BiS (or near BiS) 60s rock a combination of AQ40 & Hellfire Ramps gemmable gear.

Fewer use drops from BWL.

The *lucky* ones have t3.

The only useful twink gear that comes from MC are the legendary weps, and a few drops from Rag.

Aside from that, the only loss would be the inability to complete t2 sets.

(If they do not do like they did with the helms, when onyxia was removed as a 60 raid)
Buynlarge said:

Secondly, that won't be the end of 60 twinking, by far.

Most BiS (or near BiS) 60s rock a combination of AQ40 & Hellfire Ramps gemmable gear.

Fewer use drops from BWL.

The *lucky* ones have t3.

The only useful twink gear that comes from MC are the legendary weps, and a few drops from Rag.

Aside from that, the only loss would be the inability to complete t2 sets.

(like they did with the helms, when onyxia was removed as a 60 raid)

The same day Ony was changed the loot table for Nefarian had the helms added so your last statement is false. The day that patch went through I raided BWL and the shammy helm dropped off NEF and I was like hmm thats cool. Also if you noticed the amount of drops he gives per kill was increased to reflect the helms being added.
Another successful BWL run tonight. Fun. We could really use more people, gotta get those full 40 man raids going!
Buynlarge said:
Aside from that, the only loss would be the inability to complete t2 sets.

(If they do not do like they did with the helms, when onyxia was removed as a 60 raid)

Deadpool said:
The same day Ony was changed the loot table for Nefarian had the helms added so your last statement is false.

What I said and what I meant were two different things- basically just an extended typo.

I'm well aware the helms drop from Nef, as I've been trying to complete a few 60 twinks with t2 for a few months now.
Deadpool said:
Miley is trolling about MC. They already said the raid will not be removed mainly due to thunderfury being mandatory for the guild achievement The Ultimate Collection. Also there is literally no point to removing it.

Randomly saying somebody is trolling = retarded, imo.

I misunderstood the post.

As blizzard said they aren't removing MC and BWL at this point ( which means it is still possible), they said that they might change the locations like Silithus so it will be hard to keep intact with legendaries quest.

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