Well, for raids we usually have 18-27 people online, depends on the raid. (Not a lot of people love doing MC :S) Nightly we ususally have over 10 online, we can even get up to 20 sometimes. It really differs per day.
Fairly successful run tonight, cleared everything but Twins because the gates bugged out on us so we couldn't go at em again after the 2nd wipe :/
Anyways, if we got just a few more players i'm sure we'd be able to down them easily. We're geting em about half way with 24 players, remember, it's a 40 man, we need you to join if you're interested! Just go to our website and check it out!!
Oldschool is currently under new leadership and is still going strong.
of Kel' Thuzad Alliance is a level 60 Pre-BC raiding guild. We're recruiting level 60 twinks, geared or not. We raid 3 nights a week and have MC and BWL on farm and our progression is on Twin Emperors in AQ40. We also do World PvP and Battlegrounds. We do not accept Death Knights, but we do accept Shamans. To apply Please go to oldschool-kt.guildomatic.com or contact Rüpee or Felslayer in game.