US Waw Tawent vs Giddy up Painaid 2/21/2010

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Ertai said:
Why do you bother lying about shit like this?


Painaid is right there at 4:23. I have no reason to lie. Do your research next time. We have no reason to lie about anything.
Falaris said:
No, you couldnt be more wrong. There should always be 12-13 people that are part of an 'A team' at all times. Theres never one set 'best' team configuration for any bracket, including 19s. The _truly_ great guilds are adaptable, flexible.

What you do is the mark of a guild that is so concerned about how others view them in a video game they refuse to do something unless they feel everything is 100% perfect for them.

this is partly true. Some positions can be replaced, although being on Dominate's A team we couldn't replace Freezaholic with any other mage till Ctrlaltsheep joined.

We never had a back up for Anarcan (Paladin FC) and had a set 4-5 hunters who could all fill the spot.

Gabie and Cirran were the best WSG rogues hands down and 1 can be replaced but not the other and that was only if the other rogue was me, maimster or Anarcan on his rogue.

So, I agree a lil with Falaris.

On one hand there are some classes you really don't want to play a "rated" game with other than your starter. On the other, there are some, ie. a hunter, that can be replaced and do just as well (except if your the GM like Pizza).
Painaid said:
I miss the 2+ hr showdowns with DEM last summer before the WSG changes.

Indeed, everyone should have quit with me when premades stopped being fun.

Then again <D E M> is prob the only guild that could last in a game Vs. Prodigy for more than 25 min without getting 3capped so there wouldn't be much point playing any of these new guilds anyway.

Sorry to see you guys lost to a bad guild that crutches on 2players, but that's what you get for using some1 like Trigs.
Desh, are you free tonight for 5s? And who are you referring to as the two players PH crutch on? Cuz.. I can think of 3-4 that are pretty damn good. Also, Antility, no matter how much I dislike him, is a pretty good shaman sooo...

Also, outside of you.. who else quit from Prodigy's A team?
Pizza said:

Painaid is right there at 4:23. I have no reason to lie. Do your research next time. We have no reason to lie about anything.

Just stop. The flag is on the ground before Painaid has landed.
Just pointing out as I have told many guilds before, esp if you play with new members its a bad idea for you to just say drop when it clearly means two very diff things.. for example both NM AND MH used drop to mean drop the flag and we said go to second, get off roof when we meant drop down. I think I pointed this out in vent once for you guys.. too At least you should fix that now if nothing else.

PS: How many people scroll click in that game?
Pizza said:

Painaid is right there at 4:23. I have no reason to lie. Do your research next time. We have no reason to lie about anything.

that's pretty disappointing seeing 1 of GuP's hunters' pet staying on an FC getting heals, especially when it's one that has a knockdown. I could understand maybe a Hyena, but a bat would have been useful if it was picking at the heals of the druid healing Devinlol.

also...Why the HELL would a Hunter (knowing full well that priests can fear) go and run to a priest and try and WC? maybe WC a druid FC, but a priest was carrying : /

Put a Con shot on him and start wailing on his heals IMO.

ahh well.. can't be perfect all the time
Pizza said:
Painaid was there for the click, but got out clicked.

Maybe Giddy up should start scroll clicking too.

As I said on the front page, congrats to Maineack. He's the only player on that team I respect in anyway. He's a really good lock and from what I have encountered, he's not a douche.

This might be just me, but winning is great. Winning is fun. Winning doesn't get my respect though. If Waw Talent was a respectful guild that played for the right reasons (in my eyes), I would have respect for their win. The sad part is that they are not respectful though, they emote spam, GY Camp, AFK out of games to preserve some record that doesn't mean shit... ya know, general douchebaggery. In private in game, on vent, etc.... most that I talk with agree that they could beat the dream team all star team of all twink time and would still not deserve an ounce of credit.

Look, I quit caring what others think of me since my rep is tarnished for good with all my complaining and quitting and so on... but really Pizza, you might be a good player, but you are fucking douchebag that deserves zero respect. Anyone proud of GY camping loses my respect instantly. Yes, i know my respect for another means nothing to most, but hey... I have the right to share my opinion.
get a g90x mouse or w/e there fucking called and scroll your mouse once. It'll automatically click the flag for you at insane speeds (that is if you have mouseover interact bound to scroll up/down of course)
Admin said:
Maybe Giddy up should start scroll clicking too.

As I said on the front page, congrats to Maineack. He's the only player on that team I respect in anyway. He's a really good lock and from what I have encountered, he's not a douche.

This might be just me, but winning is great. Winning is fun. Winning doesn't get my respect though. If Waw Talent was a respectful guild that played for the right reasons (in my eyes), I would have respect for their win. The sad part is that they are not respectful though, they emote spam, GY Camp, AFK out of games to preserve some record that doesn't mean shit... ya know, general douchebaggery. In private in game, on vent, etc.... most that I talk with agree that they could beat the dream team all star team of all twink time and would still not deserve an ounce of credit.

Look, I quit caring what others think of me since my rep is tarnished for good with all my complaining and quitting and so on... but really Pizza, you might be a good player, but you are fucking douchebag that deserves zero respect. Anyone proud of GY camping loses my respect instantly. Yes, i know my respect for another means nothing to most, but hey... I have the right to share my opinion.

You can ask anyone in my guild and anyone that knows me on a personal level that I do not scroll click. No one in our guild scroll clicks. Making assumptions will only get you in trouble. Go ask Maineack if we scroll click, he will gladly tell you that we don't.

Also saying we don't play for the right reason. We play to win. That's what every guild should play for.
Pizza said:
You can ask anyone in my guild and anyone that knows me on a personal level that I do not scroll click. No one in our guild scroll clicks. Making assumptions will only get you in trouble. Go ask Maineack if we scroll click, he will gladly tell you that we don't.

Also saying we don't play for the right reason. We play to win. That's what every guild should play for.

Quoted for future reference.
Pizza said:
You can ask anyone in my guild and anyone that knows me on a personal level that I do not scroll click. No one in our guild scroll clicks. Making assumptions will only get you in trouble. Go ask Maineack if we scroll click, he will gladly tell you that we don't.

Also saying we don't play for the right reason. We play to win. That's what every guild should play for.

so you saying you "right click" faster than someone who has a $90 mouse that DOES mouseover scroll?

edit: because I've talked to Morroz who told me personally, you are the only one he can't "outclick" on the flag and that's because he is using some gaming mouse (can't remember the name) where the mouseover scroll is like 100x faster than a normal mouse.
Or they could play for something I like to call fun.
Admin said:
Quoted for future reference.

Good dude, what vent can Maineack talk to you on? Anyone else you want from my guild to confirm that we don't scroll click? My guild didn't even know what it was until we got here and everyone started saying we us it. People have to hate though and try and come up with excuses for why they lose. I understand.
Mazurati said:
so you saying you "right click" faster than someone who has a $90 mouse that DOES mouseover scroll?

edit: because I've talked to Morroz who told me personally, you are the only one he can't "outclick" on the flag and that's because he is using some gaming mouse (can't remember the name) where the mouseover scroll is like 100x faster than a normal mouse.


^Pizza's Mouse

I out click Morroz on a $50 wireless mouse that I have to change the batteries every week.
Pizza said:
Good dude, what vent can Maineack talk to you on? Anyone else you want from my guild to confirm that we don't scroll click? My guild didn't even know what it was until we got here and everyone started saying we us it. People have to hate though and try and come up with excuses for why they lose. I understand.

we're going to need a live web cam of u playing WoW for proof pls ;)

actually 3. 1 on you, 1 on your video screen and 1 on your mouse.
Pizza said:
Good dude, what vent can Maineack talk to you on? Anyone else you want from my guild to confirm that we don't scroll click? My guild didn't even know what it was until we got here and everyone started saying we us it. People have to hate though and try and come up with excuses for why they lose. I understand.

I don't need to talk to Maineack (unless he wants to bs with me on lock items or 80 shit). I could care less if you scroll click. Many twinks are doing that now.

Your actions, along with many of your guildies have told me all I need to know. I figured you grew up from your Cyclone antics, but I heard you guys are still GY camping pugs... I've also pugged into some games with you guys, so I have seen some of what forms my opinion of your guild 1st hand.
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